What we know:
Well loved
Has been suspended
Is paid £35,000
Surely we can figure it out?
The allegations, first reported by the Sun on Friday, are that the BBC presenter paid £35,000 for explicit photos over a three-year period, starting when the teenager was 17
Sorry, misunderstood this part. Maybe we cannot figure it out
Please don’t speculate on names. Apart from the legal risks to the poster of the name, and possibly the platform/mods, it’s not right to cast aspersions without evidence on something this serious.
Names that are clearly in the clear are all good, of course. As is solid evidence, which will likely come soon enough.
which will likely come soon enough.
Yeah all the top paid presenters are scrambling to say it wasn’t them, I imagine their agents are sticking a rocket up the BBC for having to do this when this could, apparently, been dealt with months ago. So the Been will need to resolve this quickly just to limit the damage.
What can the BBC reasonably do though?
It sounds like (from the BBC press release) that they made contact with the family involved but received no reply. So it would seem that no evidence has been passed to the BBC.
Without any evidence naming the presenter would likely be devistating to their career, rightly so if actually guilty. But if innocent their career will forever be dogged by the false accusations.
It’s kind of why it’s the perfect stick to beat them with - they can’t win. The Sun newsroom must be really quite pleased with itself, which is never a good sign.
We’ll have to wait and see what comes out of this - serious questions need to be asked if the family didn’t give the BBC evidence at the time (of something that could be a child sex offence) but waited months and told The Sun (although they say they haven’t received payment). Something isn’t quite right with the stories emerging but it will take a while for the truth to shake out.
a judge put an injunction on the story weeks ago, so nobody can actually report on the story without risking a) pissing off a judge and b) prejudicing any court case. Two related but different things!
Have you got a source for that?
it was on the Private Eye podcast last week towards the end
Was it related to this? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12253145/amp/High-public-profile-man-wins-High-Court-bid-anonymity-ahead-BBC-broadcast.html
If so, that sounds unrelated - that’s the BBC wanting to name someone and being blocked by the individual via a court injunction. The individual in that case is already subject to ongoing criminal investigation.
the Been
New Lemmy-speak for the Beeb, or genuine typo/autocorrect?
Genuine typo. He meant The Bean, as in Mr, whom it seems has beeb in charge recently.
The latter. It’s in my dictionary but autocorrect does it’s best to change it.
Ducking autocorrect.
Fracking autocarrot!
I’m hearing reports that Mr Blobby hasn’t been seen around Television Centre for a few days now.
This kind of implies he was regularly wandering the corridors, which is disconcerting.
Blobby doesn’t wander, he stalks. Relentless in his search for Blackburn.
Blackburn is a myth!
To be fair to him, he grew up behind the iron curtain, just another product of his upbringing.
Great Uncle Bulgaria didn’t come from Bulgaria, he was named after it, besides, it’s his first name, his surname is Coburg, and he didn’t come from there either, he always lived in the UK, since the 1600s.
Sorry, you can’t just slander wombles.
If the source is The Sun, it could all be bullshit drama
I’m genuinely struggling to think of a BBC presenter that is “well loved”.
That’s a bit harsh, there are plenty. Some proper wrong 'uns have pointed the finger at David Attenborough and I hope there’s a special place in Hell for them.
Gary Lineker has ruled himself out
So has Jeremy Vine.
So has Rylan Clark and Nicky Campbell.
I can exclusively reveal it’s not me either!
I’m not Spartacus!
I’m Brian And So Is My Wife!
Do you own underpants and a sofa?
Reports say they earn 6 figures, which doesn’t narrow it down much.
Vanessa Feltz over 400 grand? I wouldn’t pay her more than 400 quid.
That’s very generous of you considering that you are currently paying her about 40p.
The Sun is reporting they’re on a six figure salary and were due to be presenting on Friday, but were removed.