I reckon it’s Anne Robinson. Fight me.
Mr Tumble.
You monster
i dont get why the bbc doesn’t come out and say who it is, because by…
- announcing that the accused has been taken off air, and
- not announcing who it is immediately,
…means that the internet detectives can play a big game of guess who, by taking note of who does appear on tv in the next few days, combined with who confirms on twitter that “it’s not them”, and then using deduction to figure out who is remaining. it will surely be worse for optics if the top minds of the internet figure it out first
It’s [removed to comply with the rules].
i guess… for the level of cash paid, it makes sense. the only counter-indication to this, is i have seen a screenshot of a tweet from only a few hours ago from bbc wales, about a program huw is presenting. i can’t find the original tweet because i dont have a twitter account (and refuse to make one for this). it’s possible that the tweet was auto-scheduled?
Possible or the person I spoke to is wrong, although they seemed very well-connected. I’d be confident enough in it to put a few quid on it but not to bet the farm. Assuming a betting company is offering odds on this (I had a quick Google and didn’t find anything).
Doubt a bookies would have a market for something like this. What a shame if it was Huw though, I’ve always respected him and he knows his politics.
I always thought you could bet on anything but this may he deemed too tasteless.
What a shame if it was Huw though, I’ve always respected him and he knows his politics.
Yeah, I am still hoping it isn’t him as I’d feel a bit let down.
Has anyone seen this backed up elsewhere? All I’m finding is accusations against Graham Norton from dodgy looking websites.
It’s unlikely to be properly backed up (or disproven) until the BBC or police make an official statement.
I was looking for another source for the same rumour, ie someone who isn’t you.
…and yet you just keep replying
I’m sure if you look around on social media (likely Twitter) you’ll find someone saying the same thing but that’s because, at this point, just about every prominent BBC presenter has been named. Finding two randoms on the Internet saying the same thing isn’t confirmation. If so, Mr Blobby’s head is in the noose.
I knew it!
The BBC hasn’t come out and said who because everybody involved deserves privacy until the investigations are concluded. Also, innocent until proven guilty and all that …
Noel Edmonds. Can’t wait to see him get Yewtree’d.
Or Jeremy Vine?
Suppose we’ll find out Monday when someone doesn’t show up for work.
He spent way too much time in Crinkley Bottom.
Turns out Blobby was underage, explains a lot of the behaviour really
They said they weren’t currently in anything being broadcast by the BBC.
Noel’s tastes are far too taboo to be simply children.
The Edmonds is leading a cult aimed at cracking the skies open and manifesting the old and terrible gods who will bring about a million years of suffering. He doesn’t really have time to send videos of him in his undercrackers sitting on his sofa.
Mr. Blobby being a Lovecraftian harbinger of the endtimes actually seems to be pretty on brand.
He’s a strange creation, so much horror for a creature principally designed for a bit of knockabout fun. Or is he…?
It’s Sunday night now and I’m late to the party but I’ve done my research and it’s definitely the guy we all think it is.
Mr Blobby was supposed to be one of the good ones :'(
"In a statement read out by a spokesman, the polka-dotted monstrosity denied the allegations saying, ‘That wasn’t my cock in the photo, that’s just what I look like. This is yet another example of discrimination against nightmare-inducing, diseased-penis-looking, boggle-eyed motherfuckers like me and it needs to stop.’ "
I think if it was ever Justin (the one who plays everything!) off CBeebies there would be a few spilt cups of tea
It’s [removed to comply with the rules]. We were talking about it in my local and a Fleet Street journalist (or so he says) came over and told us.
Some random bloke in a boozer sounds like a totally credible source of information.
Edit: well fuck me that random bloke was right!
Unless anyone else has a more credible source than “some guy on the internet says some guy down the pub told them some other guy they know says it’s Huw Edwards”, then I don’t see we have any option other than to accept this as the cast iron fact it obviously is.
That’s the kind of lofty standards the sun will be holding itself to, so if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.
That’s why I also have a quid on it being Alex Jones.
This does nothing but give me reason to believe it’s not Edwards. No credible journalist risks their career gossiping in a pub.
(Though the Beeb’s reaction does lend credence to it being a very high up presenter)
No credible journalist risks their career gossiping in a pub.
I like your optimism - I kind of imagine about 50% of a Fleet Street reporter’s career is spent gossiping in pubs (although that’s less than the seventies and eighties).
Gossiping to hear new information isn’t the same as gossiping to spread information.
I take it back. Your random source was bang on!
You doubted the word of a random stranger on the Internet who spoke to a random stranger in his local who claimed to be a well-connected journalist? What is the world coming to?
Whoever it is, this is causing a big mess as a number of the BBC’s top presenters have had to come forward denying it is them:
- Gray Lineker
- Jeremy Vine
- Nicky Campbell
- Rylan Clark
And the identity of the individual looks to be known in the right circles:
Deadline spoke to several BBC and industry sources on Saturday and the name of one individual has come up repeatedly.
The Sun is going to keep drip-feeding this news and people are going to keep speculating. The BBC needs to get this sorted asap and also look seriously at their complaints procedures as this doesn’t seem to be have been dealt with properly. I love the Beeb but they are just giving the Tory press a stick to beat them with.
What I want to know is why Rylan is pronounced “Rye-lan” but Dylan is pronounced “Dillan”. Surely Rylan shoudl be “Rillan”? I always want to call him “Rillan” anyway…
Finally, someone asking the real questions!
It’s because the English language is confusing and in need of reform.
This is a serious topic you’re onto, https://youtu.be/5HRY4LUl5lc
This quote paints an interesting picture:
Speaking earlier on Channel 5, Vine stressed he was “completely innocent of any of this”, describing social media as “just basically a massive fountain of sewage, and someone needs to put a cap on it”.