Unless anyone else has a more credible source than “some guy on the internet says some guy down the pub told them some other guy they know says it’s Huw Edwards”, then I don’t see we have any option other than to accept this as the cast iron fact it obviously is.
That’s the kind of lofty standards the sun will be holding itself to, so if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.
No credible journalist risks their career gossiping in a pub.
I like your optimism - I kind of imagine about 50% of a Fleet Street reporter’s career is spent gossiping in pubs (although that’s less than the seventies and eighties).
You doubted the word of a random stranger on the Internet who spoke to a random stranger in his local who claimed to be a well-connected journalist? What is the world coming to?
It’s [removed to comply with the rules]. We were talking about it in my local and a Fleet Street journalist (or so he says) came over and told us.
Some random bloke in a boozer sounds like a totally credible source of information.
Edit: well fuck me that random bloke was right!
Unless anyone else has a more credible source than “some guy on the internet says some guy down the pub told them some other guy they know says it’s Huw Edwards”, then I don’t see we have any option other than to accept this as the cast iron fact it obviously is.
That’s the kind of lofty standards the sun will be holding itself to, so if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.
That’s why I also have a quid on it being Alex Jones.
This does nothing but give me reason to believe it’s not Edwards. No credible journalist risks their career gossiping in a pub.
(Though the Beeb’s reaction does lend credence to it being a very high up presenter)
I like your optimism - I kind of imagine about 50% of a Fleet Street reporter’s career is spent gossiping in pubs (although that’s less than the seventies and eighties).
Gossiping to hear new information isn’t the same as gossiping to spread information.
I take it back. Your random source was bang on!
You doubted the word of a random stranger on the Internet who spoke to a random stranger in his local who claimed to be a well-connected journalist? What is the world coming to?