The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.

  • @[email protected]
    5 minutes ago

    Since when do we care what she does with Russia’s money?

    Seriously though… the propagandists are swinging for the fences here today! Sheesh! The comments are something else!

  • @[email protected]
    42 hours ago

    The US Green Party, and all other minor parties, have no incentive to act professionally or nominate serious candidates because voters can’t really punish it electorally for nominating shit candidates or other screw-ups by the party.

    Green Party electoral results:

    Libertarian Party electoral results:

    Working Families Party electoral results:

    Constitution Party electoral results:

  • @[email protected]
    33 hours ago

    What moves this beyond Third party pays consulting firm for political campaign work that had previously done work for one of the duopoly parties… Like who else is there to hire for this kind of thing?

    • @[email protected]
      113 hours ago

      led by a suspected January 6 rioter

      There are plenty of people on both sides that didn’t attempt to overthrow the government.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Nothing about this story or Jill is important except for one thing. She is aligned with Putin in denying Ukraine weapons to defend itself. She may not be purposefully supporting Putin but she is supporting his position and making his position stronger ignoring Putin’s past patterns of behavior.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      That is a tough call for sure. I’d have to see their down ballot votes before I decide. If they took time out of their day to be a full clown, yeah, at least the person sitting it out didn’t waste any paper while doing nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 hours ago

    Do you ant Jill shills understand how corrupt the Democratic party is? Biden straight up supported segregation and Kamala jailed poor children’s parents because they skipped school.

    And there’s countless times Democrats have collaborated with Republicans.

    • @brrk
      73 hours ago

      Yeah, you’re right, lets just hand over the keys to dictator donnie. Good thinking

    • @[email protected]
      135 hours ago

      Anti Jill Shills?

      Wait… You mean some of you are actually getting paid to publicly point out this flawed candidates’s clear record of failure/inaction, especially dirty funding sources, “interesting” vodka scented dinner parties and clear intentions as a spoiler candidate working purely on behalf of conservatives?

    • @[email protected]
      106 hours ago

      Do you Shill Stein supporters know what whataboutism is? It’s 2024. Someone HAD to have explained it to you by now.

    • @LikeTearsInTheRain
      25 hours ago

      Is collaborating with another party a bad thing here? Is there a specific type of collaboration you’re referring to? That’s a strange thing to lump in to an argument. This is the kind of partisan bullshit that got us here. A completely dysfunctional system where any cooperation between the two parties is viewed as corruption if not fully aligned with a single party’s interest.

      If the collaboration was to harm the general public, then that’s a different story. But a general statement just adds to the vitriol.

        • @[email protected]
          208 hours ago

          Yes, it is if you don’t do anything about it.

          ‘hurdur I am voting for a party that never wins. I am sure love helping!’ People have died for less and here you are bitching and crying like a little first world brat because your ego wont let you do what little you can to actually help. Hate the electorial college? The democrats are the only chance you have at switching to the popular vote. But you don’t actually care.

          • @[email protected]
            68 hours ago

            No it’s not. Sorry it’s not the responsibility of the most vulnerable to take on power just so you can be comfortable in the middle class. Enjoy Trump all because you were too cowardly to take a stance on genocide.

            • @[email protected]
              85 hours ago

              I am not voting for Trump. You are the ones who wont do anything to stop him. If you gave a shit about the vulnerable you would do something to make sure the ‘they are eating the pets’ guy does not get into power. And that is not throwing your vote away to a hopeless party.

            • @[email protected]
              24 hours ago

              Sorry it’s not the responsibility of the most vulnerable to take on power just so you can be comfortable in the middle class.

              In Soc 110, we were taught that’s exactly why there is a middle class: to serve as a buffer between the wealthy and the poor. The middle class is shrinking.

              • @[email protected]
                23 hours ago

                There’s a middle class because of settler colonialism and WWII. You get to have a house because a whole continent of land was stolen via genocide. So it’s no surprise Western libs won’t stand against the Gaza genocide since your own wealth is predicted on genocide as well.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 hours ago

                  Yes. Maybe that’s why even though I voted for Clinton, I still was sympathetic to Antifa and Black Bloc. Cognitive dissonance was loud. And I fervently hope I don’t backslide.

            • @[email protected]
              76 hours ago

              Sorry it’s not the responsibility of the most vulnerable to take on power

              It is ABSOLUTELY the responsibility of the most vulnerable to take on power.

              • @[email protected]
                13 hours ago

                No, haha they’re the least able and risk the most. Middle class white Americans are the wealthiest people on the planet, why don’t they.

  • @[email protected]
    2419 hours ago

    In Nevada, the Democratic Party initiated a lawsuit to exclude the Green Party from the ballot, claiming the party used the wrong form to collect signatures from voters. The Green Party appealed the case and was represented by Jay Sekulow, an attorney who defended Trump throughout his impeachment trials (last week, the Nevada Supreme Court rejected Stein’s bid to be put back on the ballot).

    In Wisconsin, Democratic National Committee employee David Strange sought to remove Stein from the ballot by arguing the Green Party can’t nominate presidential electors without legislative candidates eligible to do so. The Wisconsin Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Stein was again legally represented by a Trump-affiliated lawyer, Michael D. Dean, who was involved in lawsuits that attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 election, the Journal reported.

    From another article:

    The affidavit originally submitted with the Green Party’s petition in July 2023 was the correct one. However, because the petition that the Green Party submitted contained a separate mistake, an employee in the secretary of state’s office sent the party a sample petition that included the wrong affidavit – for use with petitions to put initiatives and referenda on the ballot. As a result, the affidavits that the Green Party later submitted with its petitions did not contain the attestation required for access to the ballot.

    The secretary of state eventually announced that the Green Party had submitted enough signatures to qualify for the 2024 general election ballot.

    The Nevada Democratic Party went to state court in June of this year, arguing that the signatures were invalid because the Green Party had used the wrong affidavit.

    On Aug. 12, the state trial court ruled in favor of the Green Party, but on Sept. 6 a divided Nevada Supreme Court reversed. It concluded that the attestation that the Green Party had failed to include “serves an essential purpose.” Therefore, the majority reasoned, allowing the Green Party to have its candidates on the ballot when it had not fulfilled all of the prerequisites to do so would nullify “the requirements that were put in place for the public’s benefit.”

    SCOTUS ruled with the Nevada Supreme Court and chose to keep the Green Party off the ballot. Their only real mistake here was really just some legal red tape filled out incorrectly. It doesn’t really matter if Jill Stein is a terrible candidate or not, the two party system will clearly go to the ends of the earth to kill 3rd parties from every becoming a thing lol. I guess it matters more for democrats since green party would be taking out more of their votes than republicans.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Wow, Dems actually exercised power in a legal manner to improve their chances. That is wild. Hope they don’t break their backs slapping themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        252 minutes ago

        They will always do it so long as it weakens the left. The DNC exists to badger any left of center movement toward their center right position, and even put DNC funds to extremist right winger campaigns boosting Christian nationalist platforms… learning nothing from clintons pied piper failures only pushing us all closer to a fascist hellscape just to say guess we vote blue since we have nowhere else to go. Fuck Jill Stein and all but this is the exact shit that leaves me voting for literally any socialist instead.

        • @[email protected]
          110 minutes ago

          And the left exists to siphon votes towards the right. See? Unsubstantiated claims work both ways.

    • @[email protected]
      810 hours ago

      The affidavit originally submitted with the Green Party’s petition in July 2023 was the correct one. However, because the petition that the Green Party submitted contained a separate mistake, an employee in the secretary of state’s office sent the party a sample petition that included the wrong affidavit – for use with petitions to put initiatives and referenda on the ballot. As a result, the affidavits that the Green Party later submitted with its petitions did not contain the attestation required for access to the ballot.


    • @[email protected]
      1011 hours ago

      The DNC seems overly happy to use bureaucracy as a cludgel to reduce options “legally” to themselves.

      While I get the fear beating down your competition in an underhanded manner doesn’t inspire a whole lot of good will and also seems extremely unlikely to get the people you have just disenfranchised to vote on your side.

      They resist any movement or adoption of new policy in favor of it staying as stagnant as possible. It’s a deeply confusing and long term failing idea. Just look at how Kamala is now polling worse with each passing week. She felt like change and initial momentum of “joy” was able to carry her a little but it’s not a permanent state and the initial dopamine is running out.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      1614 hours ago

      See also: the Dems suing to kick Claudia De La Crúz off the ballot in Georgia and PA. “Democrats” in name-only.

    • @[email protected]
      231 day ago

      …I would argue that even insurrectionist is being far, far too lenient. They should be called terrorists. But, yeah, calling them “rioters”…barf.

      • @[email protected]
        513 hours ago

        They should be called terrorists.

        Stein’s campaign also paid $100,000 to a consulting firm, Accelevate, that has worked with Republican campaigns for signature-gathering services.

        This is now the bar for “terrorism”?

        • @[email protected]
          1312 hours ago

          Um, what? I’m commenting on the corporate media’s insistence on calling the insurrectionists “rioters”. I think even the term insurrectionist is a bit of a euphemism.

          • @[email protected]
            12 hours ago

            I’m commenting on the corporate media’s insistence on calling the insurrectionists “rioters”.

            Oh, that. I mean, that was a riot in a very classic sense. To call it an insurrection feels romantic, relative to what amounted to a massive adult baby temper tantrum that left a handful of people dead. Insurrections tend to have stronger leadership and more strategy.

            • @[email protected]
              11 hours ago

              That is a shockingly harsh sick burn. Holy shit.

              Edit: still love it. Can’t stop thinking about how well this casually and truthfully states it.

      • @[email protected]
        21 day ago

        you: le government is bad, crooked and corrupt. We must seize the means of production!

        also you: omg, those inshurexionists… they made the government poopy their pants and punched some cops (we love cops now) TERRORISTS!

        Is this even real?

        • @[email protected]
          12 hours ago

          they made the government poopy their pants

          If this had been a private property owned by one of your favorite mega-corps rather than the legislature’s main office, I suspect you libertarians would be singing a different tune.

          What is it about the Non-Aggression Principle that just melts away for the Reich-Wing Party when its a mob of anti-immigrant psychos busting a cop’s head open with a flag pole?

        • @[email protected]
          20 hours ago

          I mean if you believe in democratic ownership of the economy then trying to undermine the democracy is basically treason.

          Reality though is we’re voting for one faction of elites and another, less competent but more brutal set of elites via an election that has the trappings of democracy. Stealing that is depriving the public of the tiny crumb of choice we have, which honestly should bring out the bloodlust against the Jan 6th people. Why take away our final bit of control?

          You’re basically making the argument “Its just a crumb of democracy, why bother?” but for most people in the US it is the last remaining crumb of control over our government and expecting people to surrender it entirely to elites is some insane shit.

          Elites here are generally the economic elites: Musk, Gates, Bezos, other corporate CEOs who would love nothing more than to take away the public’s final bit of influence over government.

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          Ahh yes, seizing the means of production by nullifying a democratic election. Look at what the longshoremen are doing on the East Coast, that is seizing the means comrade.

        • @[email protected]
          1624 hours ago

          Nuance would be your friend, if you understood it. There’s a difference between a fascist uprising, a populist uprising, and a revolution. At this point the leftists understand that one can be far more effective online than in person, and they are killing you into a false sense of security. Marx is your friend, especially Groucho and Karl. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, and Adolf Eichmann are not.

          • @[email protected]
            424 hours ago

            Looking realistically at the situation, it was an ineffective riot by some clods. Knowing that and watching the politicos cower for once should bring joy to the heart of anyone who has had to deal with the system. I mean… unless you actually are a statist at heart. Then it was a great insult to the power structure.

            Whoever swallows the rrats and takes great offense literally outs themselves. I’m sure they’ll downvote away but fake internet points don’t take away the stench of being a phony.

            • @[email protected]
              24 hours ago

              Ahh, thanks for clearly stating where you align. I’m no statist, but just from your description, you’re clearly a statist apologist.

              Disregarding the fact that that particular insurrection was incited by a sitting president, those insurrectionists were and are unrepentant bigots that chose violence over the social contract. That you defend them in any aspect merely shows your own reliance on the status quo.

              Come back to me when you are actually willing to throw your own comfort aside, when the cops are around. I do so every single time I see a fucking pig.

              • @[email protected]
                26 hours ago

                Come back to me when you are actually willing to throw your own comfort aside, when the cops are around. I do so every single time I see a fucking pig.


  • @[email protected]
    1491 day ago

    I’m sure the usual suspects will be along shortly to explain how this isn’t what it absolutely, positively is.

  • @[email protected]
    831 day ago

    With all this stuff about Jill coming out, it’s no wonder all the and Hexbears are so supportive of her. She’s a Russian asset!

    What is the Russian word for Wumao?

    • @[email protected]
      191 day ago

      It could just be she made a career out of unsucessfully running for president and doesn’t care where the money came from.

      That’s supposedly how the whole Trump mess started.

      • @[email protected]
        141 day ago

        You mean him just wanting to make money by running for president never actually expecting to run and regretting every minute of it while trying to be so vile he could never get elected again only to realize that’s what his base wants?

    • @[email protected]
      121 day ago

      Are you confusing the Green candidate, Jill Stein with Claudia De la Cruz, the PSL candidate?

      She does deserve praise for taking the correct stance regarding Gaza, but the general consensus of the Greens as a whole is that they’re useless because unlike PSL, they don’t organize between elections.

    • John Richard
      141 day ago

      I’m not saying she’s not a Russian asset, anyone could be including the people spreading this rumor with no supporting evidence. It’s become a joke online that Democrats will now call anyone they disagree with a Russian asset.

      For some reason, on one hand Democrats will claim that peace negotiations between Israel & Palestine are a good thing, but how dare she say that peace negotiations between Ukraine & Russia are important too.

      Jill Stein has called Putin a war criminal while Kamala campaigns with a war criminal (Dick Cheney).

      • @[email protected]
        421 day ago

        When did “Dick” Cheney campaign for Harris? He said he was voting for her rather than the felon. That’s it. Liz Cheney is the one who spoke at a Harris campaign, not her father.

        • @[email protected]
          1 day ago

          He didn’t. And Stein refused to say Putin is a war criminal. John Richard is in here lying through his teeth.

          • John Richard
            91 day ago

            Yeah, you’re wrong and spreading misinformation like the average cultist.


            There are multiple articles showcasing where she has, but what you won’t find is a single article of Genocide Joe or Kamala calling Netanyahu a war criminal. They’re saying… You did such a good job killing all those women and children Netanyahu, here is a $8.7 billion dollar thank you check.

            • @[email protected]
              241 day ago

              Genocide Joe

              Where have I seen this playground terminology before? Not that I want to support Biden’s policy on Israel in any way, it’s despicable, but a Stein apologist using Trump’s own puerile rhetoric raises an eyebrow.

              • John Richard
                71 day ago

                Not that I want to support Biden’s policy on Israel in any way, it’s despicable

                So then don’t do it. Don’t lie for Joe & Kamala by attacking anyone who says something negative, even when true.

                Kamala has some good qualities in addition to her bad statements on the Palestine & the Middle East situation. The only way Democrats will change their bad qualities is if people stop sugarcoating the truth for them.

                Calling people Russian agents that call out the cultist & attack dogs for Democrats does nothing to help them or the party. It only makes you and them seem as fanatical & unhinged as Republicans calling every Democrat a commie.

              • @[email protected]
                71 day ago

                Are you suggesting Trump would ever attack Biden for facilitating a genocide in Gaza? They agree on that policy!

      • @[email protected]
        331 day ago

        Lol your defense of her is “anyone could be a Russian asset!” is like a textbook denial list. What’s the next stage?

        • John Richard
          71 day ago

          The next stage is for you to call me a Russian agent for saying something you don’t like. Textbook denialism would be you presenting facts showing she is loyal to Russia, or working intentionally on their behalf, and then me denying it. Thus far your “evidence” is a Salon article with a headline that doesn’t even represent the story and makes baseless accusations.

          • @[email protected]
            281 day ago

            Nah you’re just a lier, that’s all.
            I didn’t realize I presented evidence of anything, but ok.

            • John Richard
              71 day ago

              You haven’t. That’s my point is that the blue MAGA cultists here are claiming Jill Stein works for Russia but they don’t have any facts to support it. They’re mad that facts don’t support their feelings.

              • @[email protected]
                1 day ago

                claiming Jill Stein works for Russia but they don’t have any facts to support it.

                Everyone in this photo works for Putin and were there at the behest of Putin. Two Americans are in this photo. One was put in jail for a while because they lied about working for foreign actors, least of which is Russia. I’ll leave it to you to see who the other one is.

                All this evidence of Stein actively using GOP (and thus Russia) aligned assets/money and refusing to denounce Russia in any capacity until forced, only further drives nails in the coffin.

                Take a hike.

                • John Richard
                  51 day ago

                  LOL… you got your 4chan QANON proof right there. A photo with little arrows without any facts or evidence that Jill Stein works for Putin. Jill Stein called Putin a war criminal. It’s really rich that you demand politicians call out war criminals, but you’re not demanding that Biden or Harris call Netanyahu a war criminal. You know who else Russia helped? Bernie Sanders. According to your logic, if Russia helped Bernie Sander’s campaign then he must be a Russian agent.

                  You know there is this thing called talks with world leaders on a global stage as a politician, and this picture is nothing more than you desperately trying to paint a narrative without any supporting facts. You don’t even attempt to provide facts, but instead hope that most users will be a desperate as you are to ignore them thinking it will somehow make Trump lose.

                  Just like the lap dogs that were here after the debate between Biden & Trump saying Biden did amazing and sounded sharp as a tack. Need I remind you, Biden was losing to Trump at that time in the polls by over 4 points and was on pace to cause Democrats to lose the House & Senate. Your way of helping almost cost Democrats chances of winning in 2024.

                  Oh, here’s a picture for you BTW that using your logic shows that Biden works for Putin.


      • @[email protected]
        723 hours ago

        Is it any different than a socialist that accuses anyone that disagrees with them of being a genocide supporter?

        • @[email protected]
          17 hours ago

          I mean if you keep funding genocide to the tune of billions when kids can’t eat at school and veterans are homeless, it’s not not supporting genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            7 hours ago

            Tell us you have no idea how any of this works after it’s been already been explained to you a thousand times without telling us you have no idea how any of this works after it’s been already been explained to you a thousand times.

            The “funding of genocide” as you call it is actually an agreement that the US has had with Israel for decades. And unless you know exactly what that agreement details, and have a firm understanding of how nuanced diplomacy works outside of video games, I’d suggest that instead of being a smart-ass on the internet about things you don’t understand- you read up on how it all works.

            Because it Is in NO WAY supporting genocide to continue a pact agreed upon. And if you think the US can just cancel that- you REALLY need to brush up on how this shit actually works in the real world.

            It’s VERY complicated.

            NPR had leading experts on this exact thing a few mornings ago. Even they said when asked why the US continues to uphold this agreement- that it isn’t easy to get out of these things without escalating the situation.

            So unless you know more about this than they do- maybe stop arguing with everyone when they tell you you’re wrong.

        • John Richard
          61 day ago

          I don’t really know how to respond to that since you put “dick” in lowercase. If you want to conflate campaign with, with tour with, then by all means go read a dictionary. But if you want to see videos of Harris praising Dick Cheney, thanking him for his support & his service to this country, claiming, that he represents a “healthy” two-party system, then I can send you videos of the campaign events where she’s touring around with his daughter while she makes those statements.

            • John Richard
              524 hours ago

              No, if you can’t read a dictionary there is nothing I can say to convince you that water is wet.

            • John Richard
              524 hours ago

              Cheney endorses Kamala… starts speaking out against Trump, and Kamala starts praising Dick Cheney saying he’s one of the good ones and then goes on tour with Liz Cheney his daughter who has never renounced her father’s war crimes. Yeah, okay… totally, that is normal to have a war criminal endorse you and then boast about it and praise them afterwards.

              • @[email protected]
                824 hours ago

                Uh huh, anyways. Let’s see those campaign photos or videos of Dick Chaney with Harris.
                We’ll wait.

                • John Richard
                  24 hours ago

                  Again, pick up a dictionary. Campaigning together doesn’t mean that they have to be seen together. It can be Dick Cheney doing public interviews saying how he’s voting for Harris, while Harris is praising him saying:


                  And that she’s honored to have their endorsement:


                  My favorite is the lady standing behind her while she calls Dick Cheney a leader who is well respected with wide eyes like “Kamala, why are you so stupid to say that and do it in front of me?!?”

              • @[email protected]
                24 hours ago

                I don’t. But you sure do lol.

                Kamala campaigns with a war criminal (Dick Cheney).

                When pressed you people turn Dick into his daughter. It’s pretty entertaining watching you flail around so much. Please , go on.

                • @[email protected]
                  524 hours ago

                  So you never actually read any responses and just went with whatever narrative fit your world view? Seems sad. Anyway Google Harris dick Cheney and pick your favorite propaganda outlet, even Fox says it’s real and a step towards biaprtisanship that hurts trump somehow