I read that half of Americans couldn’t cover an unexpected $1,000 expense. This sounds crazy to me. I understand that poverty exists, but the idea that an adult with a job doesn’t even have that amount saved up seems really strange.

What’s your relationship or philosophy with money? What do you credit for your financial success, or alternatively, what do you blame for your failures?

For the extra brave ones: how much savings do you have, and what are you planning to do with them?

  • @[email protected]
    319 hours ago

    I’m doing well, but the job is sucking my will to live, and I think about quitting and going to work in a bakery or farm every day

  • @[email protected]
    218 hours ago

    Went from living paycheck to paycheck to having a full $1k in my account right now after dumping my ex and moving out. I always thought that having two incomes combined would be better than just my own, but never realized how massive a drain my ex was compared to just taking care of myself.

    That being said, I’m able to live cheaply because I use public transit, cook all my own meals, and I don’t eat that much. I think for most adults in the U.S., especially those who need a car for transit, the honest truth is that their wages just barely cover all their necessary living expenses.

  • @[email protected]
    220 hours ago

    Am early in my career. no debts out of college due to lots of scholarships and a bit of hwlp from my grandparents helped a lot. Bought a house, have a wife in grad school so pretty much just living off of one paycheck. Had to cover a 10k roof replacement last year which sucked, but am back up to about 25k saved up should I lose my job or face another major expense.

    I am pretty frugal in general but spend money on a hobby every once in a while. Not into drinking or any legal or illegal drugs so that has peobably saved me thousands of dollars too at this point.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    I’m doing well at the moment. The problem is that no matter how well I do, eventually something destroys my savings and eventually there’s a layoff at my company.

    Even if I’m doing well at the moment, I’m still a couple paychecks from not doing well, and am no where near on track to eventually be able to retire

    I have five digits of savings for the first time since my kids were born, but I also have college expenses for them, and at least that much in deferred house maintenance

    I credit Apple, of all things. I always chose credit cards to minimize interest and fees, so this is the first time I’ve had one with significant cash back. Now I pay essentially everything with Apple credit card, pay off at the end of the month, get a surprising amount of cash back, directly into the high yield savings account. While of course my job is the reason I’m doing well, I credit this for turning things around to actually let me put money aside, to boost my savings

  • @[email protected]
    221 hours ago

    I have a job. It’s technical, requires a fair amount of skills and abilities, yet I cannot cover a $200 emergency after bills and rent. Rent has jumped from $600 a month to $950 in less than four years, and the internet I need for my job has doubled in two years. Of the rent increases? Most of them were in the past year.

  • @[email protected]
    118 hours ago

    Maybe it helps to understand it when you think of it from the perspective that those $1000 expenses do happen, they’re not just hypothetical. But being able to cope with an event like that leaves you less able to handle a second one, and a third one

    Couple that with the fact that I’m the US there is very little financial education so what might be an expected event for one person surprises another. Imagine living with a roommate and not realizing that to move into your own place involves coming up with first and last month rent, deposit, hook up fees, renters insurance, furniture, kitchen supplies, toiletries, etc… None of those should be unexpected, but also why would you expect them if you didn’t happen to run into them before?

    Basically no amount of saving accounts for an expense that takes it all, and it’s then followed up by another one right after. And for some people those events are small and happen so quickly you never catch up and now you have late fees and interest and stress.

  • @[email protected]
    323 hours ago

    I have enough in my emergency fund that if I lost my job I’d be ok for about a year.

    I’m nearly to my goal, after that I’m going to change my focus to expanding my portfolio.

    Still no way I can buy a house though. Need to make about 3x more money for that to happen.

    I credit it to having a property owner that’s kept rent cheap and having low overhead, and being frugal borderline cheap.

  • 🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱
    119 hours ago

    Barely surviving, but not from everyday expenses. Got two kids in college and this year FAFSA decided not to give any help to anyone so all expenses are on me.

  • @[email protected]
    61 day ago

    Im doing well. Started off in my mid twenties reading books on finance and investing. Lived in a drug house where I rented out a room and had a dead end job. Got an education, decent job, and invested aggressively for the next 20 years. Im planning on retiring in my mid 50’s if everything goes to plan. 🤞

  • @[email protected]
    101 day ago

    I am one broken leg away from being homeless and losing everything, and it’s been like that my entire working life. I’ve never been able to make enough to actually save. Currently I have -100 in the bank and some debt I’m trying to pay off on top of that. My rent is literally half my income.

  • @[email protected]
    61 day ago

    I dislike money. I worked hard to have enough that it’s not on my mind. I don’t need to think about the cost of eating out or buying food, or pursuing hobbies. But I also don’t really spend much. I don’t make big purchases very often and when I do I still over-analyze them.

    If I had a lot more money I could retire, but I still have half my life to live. I hope to retire in 16 years. I have a job that pays well, with good job security, and minimal stress. I get 38 hours of leave time per month and I live in California.

    I have cash savings earning enough per month in interest to pay my cell phone and home internet bills entirely. But I don’t really have any other discretionary monthly subscriptions. My savings will probably be used on a new kitchen and bathroom eventually.

  • idunnololz
    61 day ago

    I was born at an unfortunate time. By the time I could afford a house the housing market was already very bad. I’m just glad I’m able to buy a house but it is very expensive (we bought at the end of 2021)

    I live in Canada so we can’t lock in our mortgage for more than 5 years. I just went with the variable rate because in the long term it’s generally better. However the interest rates skyrocketed. I was able to pay my mortgage still but I was pretty much house poor.

    Now the rates are finally dropping so I feel a lot less pressure. With our current budget we should be able to afford one kid comfortably. I’m not sure about a second.

    I’m very fortunate and grateful though. Most people my generation cannot even afford a house. It’s just insane that despite my great job it’s still so hard for us I can’t imagine what others are going through.

    We aren’t broke. I have some retirement saved but I had to stop putting money in due to our mortgage. I also have an emergency funds account with enough money to sustain us ~6 months if I were to lose my job.

    Having a high paying job is unsurprisingly the main reason for my financial success. Otherwise I’d say joining some personal finance clubs helped a bunch. I have my savings diversified and invested so I’m at least not losing money to inflation. But my investments will never make me rich either.

    One critique I have for myself is maybe we overspent on the house but at the same time I love our neighborhood and I love our house and we have no plans on ever moving so I’m not too upset by it.

  • @[email protected]
    322 days ago

    What’s your relationship or philosophy with money?

    A life-changing shift to my approach has been to worry about absolute amounts rather than percentages. Saving $10 on a $20 item feels great but ultimately is the same thing as saving $10 on a $500 item (which feels like nothing).

    I grew up lower middle class: never had to worry about not having a roof over my head, but there were times we were somewhat food insecure, and spending money on leisure/entertainment or anything unnecessary for survival was a foreign concept until I got to high school and some my parents’ career moves paid off and put us in upper middle class. It took them a good 10+ years before they could relax a little bit and feel secure with their money, though, and that was as much driven by the fact that their kids were adults who had moved out.

    So life has been about deciding which of my parents’ frugal attitudes and approaches to money to keep and which to discard.

    Things I decided not to adopt:

    • I slowly learned to stop caring as much about wasted food. Food is just cheaper now compared to when I was growing up (even if the last 5 years has shown an uptick), and as a society we have more issues with obesity than hunger, so cleaning off a plate seems like it doesn’t actually do that much good.
    • My time is worth something to me. I will gladly pay the few dollars here and there for convenience.
    • I’m glad I ignored my parents advice to buy a home as soon as I could and build equity or whatever. I rented and it worked out great for me, giving me the flexibility to make changes at different stages of my life.

    Things I kept:

    • Life is uncertain. Always be prepared with whatever you can accumulate for financial resilience: cash, other property, lines of credit, marketable job skills, literal insurance policies, etc. Don’t underestimate the importance of personal relationships, whether it’s “credit” from friends and family who can help you out of a bind, colleagues who can refer work to you, bosses who will fight for your career, etc.
    • Develop your career. Education and credentials are important early on, and up-to-date skills and a good understanding of the landscape in your field (both in the type of job and the type of industry you work in), plus solid relationships with people, can help you know when switching jobs is right for you.

    Things I had to learn on my own:

    • Life is unfair. Many types of unfairness are systematic. So why not position yourself to where the unfairness works in your favor, if available?
    • Higher income makes it easier to survive mistakes on the spending side. To flip around Ben Franklin’s quote, a penny earned is a penny saved.
    • Know yourself and your own laziness. Set up automatic functions wherever possible: automatic bill pay, automatic savings, automatic investments, etc. Steer away from any strategy that requires active management, and towards strategies that tend towards a set it and forget it philosophy.

    I’ve also made a shitload of mistakes, some of them pretty costly, especially back in my 20’s:

    • Paid probably thousands in credit card interest in my early 20’s chasing lifestyle bullshit.
    • Paid thousands in unnecessary car loan interest in my mid 20’s by getting suckered by a dealer.
    • Paid hundreds, maybe thousands, in late fees and interest from forgetting deadlines to pay shit I actually already had the money on hand for.

    I’m rich now, most of it from luck (especially timing), much of it from personal relationships (good family, good marriage, good friends), some of it from actual effort (good grades from a good law school), and some of it from conscious decisions to steer towards my strengths and away from my weaknesses (lazy but smart, prototypical “gifted” slacker with undiagnosed ADHD).

    It took a while to get here, though, and I was financially insecure well into my 30’s. Sorta figured shit out then, and then married someone who complements me pretty well on these things, and covers my blind spots.

    For the extra brave ones: how much savings do you have, and what are you planning to do with them?

    I have some savings, and it’s an emergency fund. It’s representing 1-2 months of typical spending, that could be stretched to 3-4 months if I needed to stop the frivolous spending. But I have credit beyond that, and less liquid assets I’d be able to tap into if I were facing a longer term issue.

    But I’m not saving for any particular thing other than retirement. If things accumulate and grow, great. I’ll make a judgment call on when to retire based on how I feel and how much I have and what I want to do. I anticipate my wife and I will probably want to retire in our early 60’s, based on our anticipated career trajectories and the ages of our children.

    • @[email protected]OP
      72 days ago

      Really interesting read. Thanks for the response.

      Why do you only have a few months’ worth of savings despite considering yourself rich? Or are you just speaking about cash reserves?

      • @[email protected]
        112 days ago

        Or are you just speaking about cash reserves?

        Yes. Cash reserves are like unused RAM to me: I have it, so I might as well put it to work. If it turns out I need it somewhere else, I can always go rearrange things to make that possible.

        Realistically, I think I’m rich because my wife and I both have strong ability to command high salaries, switch jobs, etc., even in a pretty severe downturn. The main things that might tank the value of that expected future cash flow are disability or death, and we at least insure against those.

        We also only need one of our two incomes to support our lifestyle, so we have a certain resilience that just comes from having that buffer. At our current ages, we also already have substantial retirement savings, so we have some resilience there, too.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      The but about higher income making it easier to have mistakes is a big one.

      I have a friend online who wants to make money, but doesn’t seem to have the ability to do so without going back to school. Going back to school would incur student loan debt, so they do not wish to do so.

      I have a crazy amount of student loan debt, maybe $150k. But people don’t understand that federal student loan debt is absolutely nothing like credit card debt. There are basically no downsides to it besides paying another monthly bill (that you can use an income based repayment plan for).

      People don’t understand how incredibly useful excess income is even if it ends up with a lot of loan debt. I had a similar hesitancy back before I went back to school, but I don’t regret it at all. I think I ended up like tripling my income.

      Even if you end up with a lot of loans, making say $80k/yr is astronomically easier to survive on than $40k/yr for example. You have to think that something like rent or food prices are going to be somewhat similar in your area no matter how much you make. Sure, you could choose to live in a lavish place I suppose, but if you live reasonably then it’s more than worth it.

      As an example, the average rent price for a not shitty one bedroom apartment in my area is maybe around $1.6k, which would equate to $19.2k/yr. That’s almost 50% of the gross income of the person making $40k/yr while only around 25% of the person making $80k/yr. So even if the person making $80k/yr has a $1k/mo student loan bill (you can get it cheaper if you wish), the difference is dramatic.

      The person making $40k/yr will have a little over $20k left over at the end of the year for remaining expenses and savings, but the person making $80k/yr will have more than double that at $48k left over. Obviously there are a lot of nuances in this but still.

      So it’s absolutely worth it to incur federal student loan debt if it means you will make a lot more more money. Private loan debt is a bit different.

      • @[email protected]
        11 day ago

        Yeah, I’m not going to pretend like I’m good with money. I’m not. I have a decade of experience of being a young adult on a tight budget to know that’s not one of my strengths. I wasn’t great at stretching each dollar to its most efficient use. And I still am not.

        I won’t speak on whether student loans are worth it. I think, like everything, it depends. I think a bachelor’s degree is definitely worth the cost (both in tuition and time), but it might still be worth doing it cheaper if there’s a cheaper path available.

  • @[email protected]
    502 days ago

    It comes down to if you rent.

    If you have a fixed mortgage, shit gets easier fast. If you rent, any wage increases is often offset by rent increases.

    Less people are able to save, because they never get out of those “tough first years” of a mortgage

    • Altima NEO
      222 days ago

      Renting is such bullshit these days. The payments they ask for rivals mortgage payments from just 15 years ago.

      • @[email protected]
        82 days ago

        Less than that, especially in areas that used to be cheap.

        It took less than 5 years for my decent sized house on almost an acre in a middle sized city to be less than a 2/2 apartment.

        It’s fucking insane.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      Idk it’s pricy to own a home nowadays unfortunately. I bought only last year and my mortgage payments are a bit higher per month than people seem to pay for rent on a similar type of unit. It’s not that I got a “bad deal” on the residence either. Home prices just don’t make sense nowadays.

      I will say that around 2931, rent prices in my area skyrocketed up a whopping $400-600 in one year, but they have since seemed to stabilize.

      While your fixed rate mortgage costs don’t go up every year, your property taxes, insurance, and HOA fees will. So with the above in mind, it doesn’t really seem as economical anymore to own a home.

    • @[email protected]
      12 days ago

      School and medical debt as well… The more you make, the more they take… Always keeping you at barely scraping by

  • @[email protected]
    452 days ago

    Live below my means, invest the rest.

    I don’t dress or act like people in my pay range. My house is small and in a quiet neighborhood and cost less than my salary. Car is older but paid off and I know all the quirks and have the toolbox in the back to fix it. It is probably one of the top 5 most reliable cars in history. My work dress shoes are 10 years old and my around the house shoes were new in 2019.

    I spend my money where I spend my time. So I have a nice phone, a very nice monitor and mechanical keyboard, and a good computer. And all with the right to repair philosophy. Same for my wife and kids. And also good running shoes, good exercise equipment.

    The plan is to get to a point where I can just not work at all and maintain my lifestyle. Three percent rule and all that. And also help launch my kids.

    Something about a 25 year roof and a Japanese shit box car in my fortress of solitude.

    FWIW I grew up really really really poor like you wouldn’t believe so I’m okay with this.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      I grew up upper-middle class and have largely the same philosophy. Always thought my friends’ parents were idiots for buying these gas guzzling Ford/Chevy monstrosities just to haul around 1-2 kids and a dog on occasion. Regular salaried people spending/financing more than half their annual income every few years on cars they don’t need just to keep up with the Joneses who don’t really care in the first place.

      I don’t skimp on quality when I buy something, but I only buy what I actually need and if something serves its purpose, I hold onto it for as long as it works. My wife and I do very well now, but aside from living in a fairly nice neighborhood with great public schools and amenities, you wouldn’t think it from the cars we drive and the way we dress.

      • @[email protected]
        21 day ago

        I just don’t understand it. I see some people with $1000 car payments and nothing toward retirement. What ever happened to looking for good deals? We had a kind of “rugged ingenuity” thing growing up where you respected people who took care of their older stuff, and I guess that still holds true today. $1000 car payments, I would have paid off my car in under a year.

        Honestly, I’m scared to spend. Which I guess is okay because I’m comfortable with how we live and sometimes you have to spend on life events out of your control.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      So I have a nice phone, a very nice monitor and mechanical keyboard, and a good computer. And all with the right to repair philosophy. Same for my wife and kids.

      Jeez man, I’m happy for you, but most of us are stuck with stock model bullshit that broke in 2016. Go brag about your consumer friendly right-to-repair family in c/BuyItForLife.

      (I kid, of course 😊 Solid approach you have there, smart and sustainable)

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Yeah, thanks. Between ThinkPads and system76 and Fairphone, it’s pretty easy to maintain. Monitor is a Dell U3014. It was over a thousand dollars new but these days it’s under $200 used and I’ve replaced the mainboard in it twice for about $145 each time. Everything was purchased slightly used so that saves a lot.

    • @[email protected]
      32 days ago

      I’m with you on most of this but I think having a reliable car is pretty important in the US due to lack of good public transport. In many cases, after a car gets to be a certain age you end up having to repair too many things on it and it becomes an unreliable money pit. I’m very glad that hasn’t happened to you, but I think for a lot of people it makes sense to get rid of their car once it gets too old. And then try to buy a lightly used car outright.

      • @[email protected]
        21 day ago

        I kind of don’t really drive much. Between biking and living close to a lot of things, I’ve put about 40,000 miles on the car in 7 years. Car is in its third decade and has about 70k miles on it.

    • @[email protected]
      42 days ago

      All of this is great except the shoes, get some new/better shoes it’s worth it, your body will thank you later.

    • @[email protected]
      32 days ago

      This is essentially my situation too. I spend quite a bit of money on these small purchases for hobbies. But I’m easily clearing a couple hundred a month to buy stocks, save, do something really stupid, et cetera.