He then ends up suggesting the reason they don’t like Harris is because she’s a woman -

“Because part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Obama is full of shit on this, and a person worth ~$150 million assuming black men’s political motivations are so superficial is pretty upsetting to read regardless of his race. The issue isn’t gender, at least not primarily, but rather the Democrats’ growing disconnect with working-class voters of color. Harris (a woman) is actually performing better than Biden (a man) did with Black voters, but that doesn’t change the broader trend: the Democratic Party is steadily losing support among people of color, particularly those without college degrees. Instead of addressing economic and social concerns that matter to these communities, Democrats seem to be pushing them away, allowing Republicans to gain ground. Obama implying black men are sexist if they don’t vote for Harris instead of recognizing this complexity feeds the trend of alienating core democratic constituencies.

    This trend is most evident in the party’s shift toward becoming the choice of wealthy, college-educated white voters. As polarization based on education deepens, Democrats are doing better with white voters who have college degrees, but they’re struggling to maintain their traditional base. Black, Hispanic, and working-class voters without degrees are feeling left behind.

    What we’re seeing is a realignment where the Democrats are slowly becoming the party of affluent, educated white voters, while Republicans are making gains with working-class and nonwhite voters. The erosion of Democratic support among these key constituencies isn’t because voters don’t want to back a woman—it’s because the party has lost touch with the issues that matter to them. If this continues, the demographic foundations that have long been assumed to be Democratic strongholds could shift in the GOP’s favor.

    Recent polling data, including surveys from sources like New York Times/Siena and NBC News/Telemundo, highlights these shifts in voter behavior and the growing educational divide within party support, and it has been covered by Nate Silver and the NYT in terms of racial-political depolarization, so this isn’t just me talking out of my ass.

    Edit: It is deeply ironic to see all these anonymous downvotes for a person of color daring to call attention to the growing white affluence of the Democratic Party. It’s as if pointing this out is too much for some people to handle, which really speaks directly to the issue.

    I imagine this situation would be even more dire if democrats weren’t running against a literal fascist. One can’t simply downvote away the reality that democrats are steadily losing the support of racialized minorities and the working class. Imagine how much that support will erode once the Republicans aren’t running Orange Jesus.

    • @[email protected]
      111 day ago

      the Democrats are slowly becoming the party of affluent, educated white voters

      Except if your name is Elon Musk, or Peter Thiel, or David Sacks, or you’re an affluent educated white supporter of them…

      Some of your points might well be supported by polling (I don’t know enough to say) but I’m sure there are plenty of affluent educated whites who support Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Yes, obviously. The point is that the democratic party has consistently become more and more the party of white, affluent, and college educated people. That has not historically been the case, and democrats seem to get mad when people point out that their base is shifting.

        And the super wealthy are like their own bizarro class. It’s quite easy to list off names of billionaire democratic supporters as well. I am talking more about Tesla owners (before Musk took the mask off) than the owner of Tesla, if that makes sense.

        • @[email protected]
          51 day ago

          Here’s just one source but it shows the Dems’ lead over the GOP declining among white college grads between 2016 and 2020. But the Dems’ lead over the GOP among all college grads, of any race, increased between those elections.

          Sure that’s only one source. Maybe there are polls supporting what you say, I dunno. I could be totally wrong with what I’m saying.

          • @[email protected]
            1 day ago

            Thanks for sharing that source. While it shows a small decline in the Democrats’ lead among white college graduates, this is largely a blip compared to broader and longitudinal trends if you extend this further and bring it current. The rise of affluent, college-educated white voters in the Democratic base is well-documented, including in the sources I originally mentioned as well as Brookings, Politico, and Pew itself. This slight decline reflects specific dynamics in the 2020 election, such as a shift in voter focus toward economic issues and populist appeals. Overall, affluent, educated, and suburban whites continue to strengthen their role in the party, confirming the growing influence of white affluence in the Democratic coalition.

            It’s strange to me that this fact is so upsetting to people. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a well-documented change emerging in the demographic base of democratic support.

            Edit: look at non-college-graduate Hispanic support even in this small snapshot. It’s pretty wild, and it’s something democrats will have to contend with eventually. Ideally once Trump is out of the picture.

              • @[email protected]
                21 day ago

                Hey, all else aside, I really appreciate you for constructively adding to the conversation and being so humble. In a post that took me a while to research and write that seemingly induced a lot of denialist-downvotes, it is refreshing to at least see someone willing to listen and think about it.

                • @[email protected]
                  121 hours ago

                  Well I’m just saying there’s certainly a lot of statistics I haven’t seen.

                  Also in the Pew polling I linked to, it shows the Democrat lead among black college grads increasing between the 2018 mid-terms and 2020. It’s only a 1 point difference but at least it hasn’t gone backwards.

                  Maybe the Dems are doing better with more educated voters, but not necessarily white ones. I dunno. I guess for these matters a person would have to see lots of data points to really understand the trends going on.

      • archomrade [he/him]OP
        31 day ago

        One party is reactionary populism, the other is pinkwashed corporatism

        Neither one is responsive to minority working-class interests, but they both support white and capitalist-class interests.

    • archomrade [he/him]OP
      61 day ago

      Democrats just can’t help themselves when it comes to condescending to their constituents, it seems. Giving big 2016 Hillary vibes

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        I’ve read your posts before, bro. You’re a clown shoe. My post, this article, and Obama’s comments have nothing to do with you.

        • archomrade [he/him]OP
          1 day ago

          Well you are responding to the article I posted, so it does have something to do with me…?

          Not sure what inspired the hostility, I was agreeing with you, but to each his own I guess.

          edit: lmao, you must have a fan, because someone definitely is downvoting you immediately but it aint me

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Truth. To be clear, I’m not trying to dismiss that fact. But it’s important to realize this is a “men” problem, not exclusively or especially a “black men” problem. There’s more going on here in terms of political realignment.

        To be clear, black voters still vote overwhelmingly democratic, but it’s continued to shift over the last eight years, with Trump continually picking up more and more POC votes. He doubled black support, and the Hispanic vote is the closest to even it’s ever been – Harris still leads by 14 points in that demographic, but that’s a big change that is part of a broader trend.

      • archomrade [he/him]OP
        31 day ago

        Newsflash: Democrats shouldn’t be taking minority votes for granted or dismissing their concerns as veiled misogyny

  • @[email protected]
    542 days ago

    Fuck yeah! I’ll say the same thing to white voters. And black voters. And Hispanic voters. And Asian voters. And Never-Trump Republicans. And…

    • @[email protected]
      222 days ago

      So who you gonna vote for? Or you gonna sit on your ass and let the angry betrayed women carry the whole load?

      • archomrade [he/him]OP
        182 days ago

        When people interpet your intent to vote for someone as an endorsement, but the candidate is un-endorseable, the only reasonable response to this question is “none of your fucking business”

        • @[email protected]
          222 days ago

          Okay keep your endorsement to yourself but look around at all the women who Trump and McConnell raped by packing the Court and remember, it was voters who “just couldn’t quite trust Hillary” who made that happen. Nobody will ever be good enough for you, so you would rather we fall to the Nazis.

          • archomrade [he/him]OP
            192 days ago

            Hillary lost because she openly mocked and derided the people she needed to vote for her, marginalized people who had real needs that weren’t being met by her policy proposals and who were urging her to take more progressive stances.

            so you would rather we fall to the Nazis

            Better to fall to the nazis fighting them than welcome them to the table. Fuck the Cheney’s, and fuck the democrats for proudly welcoming them into their coalition and then condescending to voters who rightfully see them as war-mongering demons.

            Democrats will lose if they keep daring people not to vote for them rather than addressing the interests of their constituents. It is the single worst campaign strategy I’ve ever seen, and it amazes me that it isn’t even the first time they’ve decided to fuck themselves in the ass with it.

            • @[email protected]
              82 days ago

              I heard a commentator yesterday state: “Democrats can not fail; they can only “be failed” by their voters.”

              Its always “the voters” who are to blame when Democrats fail. I’m not interested in voting for the party of Cheney; I’m not interested in voting for a pro-genocide party. And maybe I’ll be able to suck it up enough to as so many would have you believe, “do the right thing”, as if voting for a pro-genoicde, pro-buisness, now also neo-conservative party is really that. But what really matters is that there are people far more who are better than I, who simply won’t vote in favor of a genocide. But yeah Obama. Keep telling the voters its their fault.

              • @[email protected]
                52 days ago

                It’s amazing how one country committing genocide on another 6,000 miles away from the US is the fault of the Democrats.

                The moment I hear anyone talk about genocide when referring to the US elections, I write them off as a useful idiot or Russian troll.

                • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
                  121 hours ago

                  The moment I hear anyone talk about genocide when referring to the US elections, I write them off as a useful idiot or Russian troll.

                  Glad to know that Ukrainians getting murdered by Republican polices isn’t enough for you. China killing Uyghurs? Not important for this dude. Moral consistency is for suckers!

                  That’s how you sound right now. Murder is bad, and I am opposed to it whenever its happening. Be it neighbors, countries, systemic, or individual. Sorry that being aginast to my tax dollars going to helping people be free from harm and helping people live better lives is somehow too much of a “single issue”.

              • archomrade [he/him]OP
                62 days ago

                Democrats will tell you that nothing can change in FPTP voting, and in then spend 100% of their time every 2 years directing their efforts towards a FPTP election system.

                I swear to god, electoralism is sisyphus’ fucking boulder, and libs are completely convinced that if they push that damned thing up the mountain just a few more times they’ll finally escape the task

          • @[email protected]
            102 days ago

            Democrats are directly responsible for 3 of the current conservative justices that took away women’s rights. Hillary’s hubris and arrogance caused her to lose.

            • @[email protected]
              92 days ago

              And here I thought it was not having the needed amount of votes that caused her to lose.

              I’m sick of people blaming Hillary‘s campaign for all the horrible shit that ensued afterwards. Candidates campaign because it is in their best interest to do so, but at the end of the day, this is our government. It’s our job as citizens to educate ourselves on the candidates, the voting system, and the stakes of the election. We should be figuring out who best to vote for, whether they are good at campaigning or not.

              So, while Hillary might have won with a better campaign, the blame for Trump getting into power firmly rests with the voting public. We knew what kind of person Trump was before he was elected, and we knew there was a vacant Supreme Court seat.

              Don’t blame it on the fact that people weren’t manipulated well enough by a giant ad campaign.

              • @[email protected]
                32 days ago

                Dems never learn from their mistakes, because they never take accountability for their actions. Always blaming someone else for their failures

      • Tiefling IRL
        2 days ago

        We also voted for Biden-Harris knowing that Harris was backup in case anything happened to Biden

        (Disclaimer, am PoC but not Black)

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      142 days ago

      Incumbent candidates almost never get primaried. Get some ointment and stop being butt hurt about it.

      • @[email protected]
        32 days ago

        Sure I agree people voted Biden/Harris, and ill vote for the best choice but I at least would like the choice. That is the only bad taste in mouth.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        No buddy Biden stepped down. There should have been emergency primaries, Harris would have won but I enjoy the illusion of choice.