• @[email protected]
    11 minute ago

    Meh, who cares just keep running it if you feel like it. A problem for organizations, maybe, but not individuals.

  • @[email protected]
    31 hour ago

    I’m not quite sure why there is so much hate for Windows 11. It’s a slightly improved version of Windows 10.

    • @[email protected]
      136 minutes ago

      From personal experience, 11 can’t do vertical taskbars and the hack that restores 10’s taskbar isn’t entirely bug-free and can be shut down on a whim by MS with an update removing the functionality.

      From what I’ve read, 11 is a privacy nightmare with Recall and the ever-worsening insistence on having a fucking MS account to log in to your PC locally. Sorry I meant your self-serve surveilance and ad-targeting appliance.

      Having to fight the anti-features and dumbing down of a piece of hardware you supposedly own to keep it usable and useful to you, not the mothership, with hacks of varying reliability… What part of that sounds like something you would want to spend any of your money or time on?

    • @[email protected]
      148 minutes ago

      Removed basic fonctions access, forced unwanted functions installs and doesn’t work on my pc.

  • @[email protected]
    153 hours ago

    As a Linux user this and posts like this piss me off. Linux is NOT and WILL NEVER be a replacement for any other operating system (except maybe Minix). By implying Linux is the same or similar enough to Windows you bring in Windows users who except everything to be the same. Fundamentally thats not a good thing for anyone, Windows users get confused and maintainers are encouraged not to deviate from Windows even in ways that make the OS better (for example KDE not going all in on tiling to appease Windows users). In my option Linux shouldn’t be recommended to anyone. Linux software maintainers should focus on the core Linux userbase and people who want their OS to look and function exactly like Windows/MacOS should just use Windows or MacOS.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      To the Kwin maintainer, I can see why tiling isn’t a bigger deal. It’s not exactly about copying Windows; it’s more about not confusing most users. We already see tiling features, I’m sure they will figure out (1) more powerful features or (2) a way for other people to build off what they have. Let them cook.

      I do agree that Linux will never be a Windows clone. There’s no purpose in copying decades worth of bad decisions. Windows isn’t great, it’s just always compatible with hardware.

      • @[email protected]
        239 minutes ago

        How exactly is tiling confusing? If people were willing to accept that Linux functions differently then tiling can became just another thing to learn. Its objectivity more efficient then stacking so why not?

        • @[email protected]
          226 minutes ago

          If the tiling is automatic and the users dont know how to change the size of the window manually (if that window manager allows that).

          • @[email protected]
            116 minutes ago

            What if on the first boot the tiling could be explained by a welcome app (kinda like what KDE has), it would explain all of the shortcuts and then you could bring up all of the shortcuts with a simple shortcut. I personally use Sway and I think i3 based WMs are better, I believe on pretty much all i3 based WMs its as simple as super + r for resizing mode and esc to leave.

    • @[email protected]
      12 hours ago

      Well said. Then there is the entire ecosystem of programs and apps for which there is no real ability to install on Linux (and for which tools like Wine will either be buggy or even nonfunctional), and whose absence will just piss users off.

      As much as I love Linux and BSD, it is really only for people who are either mentally geared to shift off of Windows or whose minimal needs won’t notice the difference; it is not a drop-in replacement for Windows.

      For example, my octogenarian father has exactly such minimal needs except for one program: Quicken. Any bugs or issues running that as an installed desktop program on Linux would have him enraged and throwing the PC out the window. So he is still on Windows, and I am keeping my eyes open on how to properly neuter/excise Copilot once it drops.

  • georgemoody
    33 hours ago

    there are people out there still (willingly) using windows xp, windows 10 is gonna live on for the time being

  • @[email protected]
    12 hours ago

    can’t wait for steam os to come to desktops, hopefully will happen before the end of windows 10 support

  • @[email protected]
    12 hours ago

    So far tools like Win10Privacy have been exemplary in allowing me to rip all manner of spyware, adware, and annoyances out of Windows.

    I’m sure that Copilot will meet the same fate with one external debloating utility of another. Even if I need to replace the Explorer-based shell with a third-party one.

  • @[email protected]
    127 hours ago

    Real talk.

    I have been around long enough to know that this conversation has happened ever since Windows 7.

    And each time and every time an OS EOL I spend time investigating a couple of Linux distros to try that switch.

    This time is no different. From Redhat to Debian to Ubuntu to popOS to Mint. Each one is significantly better than the last.

    But even 2024, I’m having to spend time inside the terminal to make the OS act more like Windows.

    Tailscale has no native app. Gotta install it in the terminal. I want to use my touch screen in the browser to swipe the back button. Nope, I spent 2 hours on forums and ChatGPT and had to install something in the terminal. I was not successful. My Nvidia video card is not working properly. I gave up after.

    Why am I spending hours trying to make my experience like Windows when Windows is right there. Sure sure, privacy and advertising yada yada. Install Adguard and disable services that you don’t agree with.

    • @[email protected]
      228 minutes ago

      Maybe you’ve been sold a bit of a lie.

      Linux is not like Windows. Linux will never be like Windows. It is first and foremost a general operating system, not necessarily a Desktop operating system.

      IMO, that means you will never truly be able to completely avoid using the terminal here or there.

      Telling people that it’s easy to switch from Windows to Linux is just not true. Linux just works differently and going in with the expectation that things will work the same way only serves to disappoint those brave enough to attempt the switch.

      If you try again, go in with the mindset that you’ve never used a computer before, and without needing to depend on Linux for your day to day computer work. See it as a tinkering side project, and maybe it will stoke your curiosity enough that you’ll want to use it day to day.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      Because posts like these are fundamentally misleading, Linux isnt a Windows replacement nor is it meant to be (it also wouldn’t make sense since Linux is older then Windows, at least the NT kernel). Honesty if you’re trying to make Linux as similar to Windows as possible just use Windows.

    • @[email protected]
      86 hours ago

      I deal with this issue every few years grappling with a new linux install. And then gaslighted into thinking it’s a non-issue when asking for help. “No big deal, just copy these long lines into the terminal to install this thing that would take a single click on Windows”. Like being obstinant is a virtue

      • @[email protected]
        35 hours ago

        So you’re saying you don’t spend hours on a new Windows install?

        Or that things that take a moment on Linux may take half an hour on Windows, but God forbid it happens the other way around, unacceptable?

        I mean, things that take a single click on Windows are apparently not all you do to make Windows usable, otherwise installing it and setting it up would take less time, right?

    • @[email protected]
      26 hours ago

      If you still have time & energy to troubleshoot you can create posts for your issues. ChatGPT may give incorrect advice.

      I switched because my OS drive was HDD and Win10 was slow & unstable. The background tasks of Win put heavy load on the PC because I didn’t have an SSD. Linux was also slow but a bit more bearable, plus it was stable. Did an SSD upgrade years later.

  • @[email protected]
    14 hours ago

    Stop intimidating folks who just a computer that does work for them with “learn” linux as if linux is a programming language. Many linux distros are super user friendly and work exactly like windows UI.

    Beside, why do you think iPhones, as dumb and as bloated and as restricted and limited and overpriced they are, still are the most selling phones worldwide year after year? It’s because my 80 yr old mom knows how to use it.

    Most people and professionals in the world just want a machine to do their work and are not intrested in learning progamming or command lines to do it. Nurses, doctors and surgeons, non-computer engineers, artists, business managers, …etc, are too busy and occupied to even change the defaut settings or uninstall anything that comes with windows not because they love it but becuse not intrested and don’t care. Add to those groups most, actually all, girls I’ve ever met in my life. They have different hobbies and learning OSes is not of them. It’s like a girl saying “Soon Sephora will discontinue their HilightBrushExfoilioter and everyone who wants to wash their face needs to learn Mac’s DeepBeauty routines”. while dudes are like we know soaps but wtf is an exfoilating routine. Literally, they don’t know what linux is, and it’s not going to sell to tell them to learn.

    So tl;dr: I’m saying the thing that sells would be Pop OS or Mint, or anything that requires the least or none learning curve.

    • @[email protected]
      213 hours ago

      While this is true, learning some kind of programming - shell scripting or BASIC in olden days - is a very useful endeavor.

      It’s very convenient for everyone to be able to automate their work.

      And it’s not particularly different from cooking something once in a while.

      Not required at all to use Linux, of course.

      Though for operating systems … People here for whatever reason downvote things they fear, but even OpenBSD is simple enough. It does require using shell, but as compared to any other desktop OS I touched that’s just really negligible and is usually a copy-paste from FAQ.

  • Franklin
    3420 hours ago

    For anyone who still needs Windows, I recommend you try the Windows 10 LTSC IoT variant.

    It has support until 2032 and has all the bloatware ripped out. It’s extremely good.

    They even have a Windows 11 version. That’s also really good. But I’m guessing if you’ve avoided upgrading to Windows 11, you’d prefer to stay on 10 anyway.

      • Franklin
        37 hours ago

        They typically don’t sell licenses to individuals and even if you were able to buy one for a reseller, it would be like $500.

        There are other ways of activating it, but they are a gray area, and I’d only be willing to describe them to you through DM

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          But will those methods even survive future updates?

          The greater point is, the pattern is very clear with Microsoft and windows, and it will continue to get worse, and your options will continue to shrink. It would be better to just put any effort towards learning to use Linux and escaping the ecosystem rather than continually trying to find the ever-decreasing bits of freedom you can extract from Windows.

          • Franklin
            11 hour ago

            The activation mechanism I use on my personal PC has been active for six years without issue, so I can only assume so. And yeah, migrating to Linux works for some people, sure. But there’s no harm in letting new people know there’s options.

        • @[email protected]
          26 hours ago

          This isn’t reddit, you don’t need to worry about being brigaded or cancelled for talking about piracy or J-Walking

          • Franklin
            6 hours ago

            More so just trying to give the mods less to clean up if they have to. Plus I think links to it are a faux pas

  • @[email protected]
    3423 hours ago

    I keep seeing these " time to move to Linux" threads. For my work I have to use super proprietary software which I know for a fact is Windows only. Not only that it’s GPU intensive CPU intensive and niche. I’m sure there’s a way to run Windows within Linux but I can only imagine the pain in trying to get proprietary shite to work.

    On top of that I need specific CAD software, Photoshop and Illustrator. I don’t think any of these daily used programs support Linux.

    From the outside, Linux just seems like an absolute ball ache to get working with all of the things I currently do without even thinking about it.

    I’d love to do it. Not sure it’s going to work. Am I wrong?

    • @[email protected]
      210 hours ago

      If your work requires Windows, then use Windows. Switch to Linux when everything you need is available on it. If alternatives don’t exist, then that’s it.

    • @[email protected]
      17 hours ago

      Different OSes for different use cases. You have a job to do. Just use Windows.

      If you want to use Linux, use it on your own machines on your own time.

      That said, there are a few things you can do if you really want to use Linux:

      1. Test if the app works on Wine, Proton, etc. Even GPU accelerated apps can work, depending on the software/driver stack.
      2. Run a Windows VM and pass-through a GPU. That way you’ll get native performance on the app that’s GPU intensive. Use KVM and the CPU overhead will be negligible.
      3. If you’re doing 3D modeling/rendering, SFX, video editing or ML/AI, there are a lot of options on Linux. Some options that exist in Windows also have Linux versions.
      • @RedditRefugee69
        14 hours ago

        For the life of me I cannot figure out how to run KVM locally. Every tutorial I’ve found is targeted at people doing servers.

    • @[email protected]
      2922 hours ago

      No, you are right. In your situation, Linux is just not an option - yet.

      I think these posts are meant for the 95% of people that use a browser, and maaaaybe a mail client on their PC.

      Photoshop/Illustrator will only ever get ported if enough people have already made the move that Adobe can’t afford to ignore Linux any longer.

      That being said, if those requirements are just for work, what’s keeping you on Windows on your private devices?

      • zeekaran
        11 hour ago

        For people just using a browser and mail, they could just use Android. Samsung Dex is pretty great as a laptop replacement.

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          The point is to ditch the dependency on a corporate Overlord, not to find a different daddy

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Photoshop/Illustrator will only ever get ported if enough people have already made the move that Adobe can’t afford to ignore Linux any longer.

        I disagree. They have a strong enough hold on the industry they can resist moving to Linux and it will have the affect of choking Linux’s growth.

        Moreover, there’s no way in hell Adobe ever allows their subscription bullshit on a platform that gives the user as much control as Linux. They won’t touch Linux until they can be guaranteed no one will be able to alter or interfere with how their software operates (oppressively).

        The issue with Linux going forward is software in general is all moving towards a more locked down, gatekeeping model. The iOS philosophy is infecting every space, from Android to Windows. Linux stands in opposition to that type of control over the user’s system, and therefore tech companies won’t develop for it if the trend continues.

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          Maybe. But there are third options as well - maybe if Adobe acts like you describe, and there is sufficient Linux adoption, that opens the door for an actual crossplatform competitor.

          Or maybe they change their mind when not doing so costs them money.

      • @[email protected]
        1021 hours ago

        That’s a fair point, other than I do need to work at home on occasion!

        I’ll have a good think about it.

        • WIZARD POPE💫
          520 hours ago

          You could switch to Linux at home and just have a windows VM in case you need to do something for work urgently.

    • @[email protected]
      20 hours ago

      FWIW, Photoshop and Illustrator generally work very well through Wine, not sure about CAD so I can’t comment on that.

      In general though, yeah, if you have to use some super proprietary Windows-only software, you very well may be out of luck for Linux. In which case, yeah, you have to put up with Windows and jump through whatever hoops Microsoft wants you to jump through.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      522 hours ago

      As a gamer, I’m always going to have at least one Windows PC.

      But I’m planning to upgrade next month, and turn my old PC into a non-gaming Linux rig for all non-gaming purposes.

      • @[email protected]
        1721 hours ago

        I don’t play every game out there, but in the last couple of years, I’ve not had a reason to switch to Windows to play a game.

        Most games these days seem to work fine on Linux, especially with all the work Valve has put in.

        • FlashMobOfOne
          421 hours ago

          When I ran a dual-boot over June and July last summer only about 60% of my library functioned, so for me, it’s just not feasible to go entirely without Windows.

          • @[email protected]
            420 hours ago

            Same here. Its just a much better experience through windows. I made a new system for my daily driver which runs linux and I only turn on my gaming desktop when i want to game. I stream it through steam remote play and it works great

        • FlashMobOfOne
          219 hours ago

          That wasn’t my experience, even with the various compatibility tools.

          A lot do though.

  • @[email protected]
    24 hours ago

    Last month, for the first time, Windows 11 was a more popular OS than Windows 10 in the Steam Hardware Survey. Of course, this is an imprecise science as people have to opt in to having their machines measured but it’s a sign of wider adoption. Windows 8, on the other hand, never made it big enough to do the same in its lifespan. Windows 7 was a very popular OS and adoption even to Windows 10 was fairly slow initially, partially down to that skepticism.

    You can’t cite the jump from 7 to 8 or 7 to 10 without also remarking on the fact users had far more.control over updates back then.

    Yeah, Windows 11 adoption is up, because most people don’t have a choice, or they didn’t care enough to stop it happening automatically, and don’t know how to roll it back. That doesn’t translate to approval.

    At a certain point, adoption rates just don’t matter anymore because increasingly the user doesn’t have a choice anymore.

    • @[email protected]
      224 hours ago

      Of course, this is an imprecise science as people have to opt in to having their machines measured but it’s a sign of wider adoption

      They already account for that.

      • @[email protected]
        923 hours ago

        They don’t, that quote is talking about the steam survey, which allows steam to read what OS the user is using. The point OP is making is that the only reason W11 is more popular than W10 is because Microsoft is forcing the update

        • @[email protected]
          323 hours ago

          Right, and Valve accounts for people choosing to not take the survey. That’s just how polls are typically conducted.

          • @[email protected]
            1022 hours ago

            You know valve isn’t Microsoft right? Those are two different companies with different agendas?

            Steam asking for consent for a survey doesn’t make up for the lack of consent in updates pushed by an entirely different entity

            • @[email protected]
              322 hours ago

              Right, and I’m not talking about Microsoft here. That’s why I only quoted the part about Valve’s stats and pointed out that it’s not necessarily an issue that users can opt-out of that statistics collection.

  • oce 🐆
    1 day ago

    I am quite disappointed. Given the title, I was like, wow, a generalist PC gaming website recommending people to switch to Linux! Read the article, Linux is not mentioned at all, I don’t even know why it is in the title. Getting a few clicks from hippies?