Fans customized the Wicked movie poster to more closely match the original Broadway poster.

Original Broadway Poster:

Movie poster:

Some fans, disappointed by the poster, altered it to be closer to the original, moving Grande’s hand and lowering the brim of Erivo’s hat to cover her eyes. The edits prompted Erivo to respond. “This is the wildest, most offensive thing I have seen

“None of this is funny. None of it is cute. It degrades me. It degrades us,” Erivo continued. “The original poster is an ILLUSTRATION. I am a real life human being, who chose to look right down the barrel of the camera to you, the viewer… because, without words we communicate with our eyes.”

So, this seems like a completely reasonable reaction to fans making fan content.

  • @[email protected]
    41 hour ago

    Without words we communicate with our eyes

    True, but this actress ain’t doing that. She’s completely dissociated in the pic, her expression so blank and emotionless, screaming that she’s dead inside. While a dissociated character could make a good villain, it’s not hard to see that the character in the poster for the musical isn’t a dissociated villian who is unaware of her cruelty but someone who is fully conscious of and revels in it. It’s only natural that people who are fans of the original work notice just how out of character this is and try to fix it.

    Don’t like it? Stop making stupid remakes of ancient stuff and make something original for once! Maybe try putting some emotion into it!

    But you know, that’d require Hollywood actually put in effort and they’ve probably forgotten how to do that by now. Seriously, is anyone watching the new shit that they fart out over there these days? Most everyone I know either rewatches old shit or watches anime. Hey, maybe we’ll see the rise of Bollywood over the next couple decades, who knows?

  • Lad
    215 hours ago

    What an utterly ridiculous and inconsequential thing to get upset about. Someone should tell her to re-read what she just wrote and think about how stupid it sounds.

  • @[email protected]
    136 hours ago

    I was on the fence about giving any time to viewing Wicked but I think it’s gonna be a hard pass now.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      Same. Was going to see it in the cinema opening week. Now I’ll wait for the reviews and streaming release. I’ve already seen the broadway show (excellent show btw).

  • @[email protected]
    1511 hours ago

    I prefer the original poster. The new poster still looks like Wicked to me, and I would be disappointed if it recreated the original exactly. The fan edit is fun, I like it, but I understand artists from current year who made the modern poster would want to make a statement different than artists from when the original came out.

    Everyone is making art, why do we have to be mad about that?

  • @[email protected]
    4816 hours ago

    because, without words we communicate with our eyes

    IDK, the original and the edit both communicate way more mystique and mischievousness than the one with her eyes visible

  • @[email protected]
    18 hours ago

    In matters of taste, the customer is always right.

    Nobody but the audience gets to decide what the audience wants. Not writers, not actors, not directors, not graphic designers. If you can give the audience something they didn’t know that they wanted until they got it, so much the better for you. But if the audience just plain wants something else, then there’s no amount of cajoling or negotiation that will make them feel otherwise.

    That said, I have no idea what the collective response is to either of these posters, and this does feel a bit like a tempest in a teapot.

    • @[email protected]
      717 hours ago

      You haven’t worked a service gig comrade. When someone asks for they’re bacon sandwich to be raw you’ll understand.

  • Match!!
    413 hours ago

    it’s not like they didn’t know the original poster existed when they made the official poster. they made it a particular way on purpose and the edit doesn’t respect that

    • @[email protected]
      64 hours ago


      What’s the harm of the fan edit? Why get upset that someone edited a movie poster to more closely match the original poster?

      Fans didn’t do it to demean or belittle the actors in the movie. They did it because they’re excited for the movie.

      What a silly thing to get mad over.

    • ScrubblesOP
      3412 hours ago

      But who cares. It’s a fan edit. It’s not like they’re ripping down the poster wherever they see it and replacing it

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Compare movie posters of women whose eyes or even whole heads you can’t see or that are reduced to legs vs. movie posters of male actors to whom this is rarely done and it is clear what is happening.
    Top this with the problems people of color face and that the new poster takes away her facial look, the look of a person of color and replaces everything that reminds of her with a bland face that could be anyone and I understand her anger.

    She could have explained the issue instead of lashing out, because so many of her fans (and people in ths thread) don’t understand the problem and education is necessary and more helpful for everyone.

    • @[email protected]
      2416 hours ago

      That article, which does highlight a valid criticism of society and Hollywood, doesn’t really apply to this scenario. The fan edit isn’t about sexing up the characters. The edit is doing a more effective job of recreating the original poster than the movie studio did.

      I don’t fault the actors or even the studio for wanting to feature their high paid actors on the movie poster but by trying to recreate the original but failing to capture the mood, of course fans are going to want to put their spin on it. There is probably even a middle ground that could have been struck to make her face mysterious but still mostly visible.

      Is it rude and offensive when fans edit the Lord of the Rings films to better reflect the original story as told in the books?

      In the end, I’m pretty sure this whole thing is a PR stunt to stir up word of mouth. Which of course is working because we all like to argue.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        I don’t fault the actors or even the studio for wanting to feature their high paid actors on the movie poster

        But already the original failed to do that. Imagine a movie like that featuring high paid male actors in a way that their faces are minimalized to a point they are unrecognizable (just check their posters and how prominent their faces stare at you). No one would do that. Just because people are used to the old poster does not make it good. The original is a failure that did a disservice to the women on it, just one we know and are nostalgic for. I do not think this fan poster was done in malice but because it is still not recognized wildly as a problem and we need to get the message out: Show the women’s faces as much as you show the men’s faces.

        I don’t think this is a PR stunt, I think it is honest feelings that come up for a reason.

        Imagine finally as a person of color having made it to a point in your career that YOU are the center piece of a movie poster of a highly anticipated movie and just with a finger snip someone erases that because they love an old poster that erased other women’s faces at a time where no one bat an eye about it.

        Again, I understand nostalgia. I am 58 y.o. and I had to let go a myriad of things that were just fine in my youth and learn why they definitely were bad back then and are now. Let that old poster die. It is not good, its mood is erasing women, which is wicked, I give it that.

        • @[email protected]
          69 hours ago

          The original is a failure that did a disservice to the women on it, just one we know and are nostalgic for.

          What? Isn’t the original poster based on the book cover? How does it do a disservice to the fictional characters of the book?

  • @[email protected]
    1418 hours ago

    The original composition with her eyes covered is just better and way more interesting.

    • @[email protected]
      12 hours ago

      I could easily make it worse by simply copying and posting a cup onto the poster.

      Yes, the Internet has broken me…

    • ScrubblesOP
      2217 hours ago

      Yeah maybe not calling out your fans on making things that build excitement for your upcoming project is the best course of action as an actor. It’s like Daisy Ridley calling out Star Wars fans for having the wrong body shape in cosplay or something else equally stupid. They’re fans. They’re having fun. You don’t get to tell your fans how they’re supposed to enjoy your work.

  • @[email protected]
    911 day ago

    The ego and vanity is astounding. And the movie poster sucks because she’s looking straight at the camera.

    • @[email protected]
      46 hours ago

      That’s quite the oversimplification of a real life human being, who chose to look right down the barrel of the camera to you, the viewer… because, without words we communicate with our eyes.

    • @[email protected]
      119 hours ago

      And I’m 90% sure that originally they wanted to make it matches the original styling but she fought to keep her face fully visible. So that’s why she’s so irked that there’s a fan who made that edit and proved the people who suggested that in the first place right.