Stumbled onto this wonderful site today, and after browsing through the communities, discovered the wild world of AI generated porn. The thing is, it seems so much easier to create than hiring actors/actresses, decorating a set, and shooting a scene. Already, AI generated pictures are difficult to distinguish from photographs.

In 5 years, once the technology advances to be indistinguishable from video, I can definitely see virtual pornstars replacing human pornstars. Obviously there will always be a need and desire for physical connection and touch. But porn? It seems replaceable to me. What do you think?

  • @joeybeans
    152 years ago

    AI VR porn that can be generated in real time and respond to the user seems pretty compelling to me. I could see that being popular even for non porn scenarios to help people feel less lonely.

  • hoshikarakitaridia
    112 years ago

    I think not completely replaced, but it will swallow (sorry not sorry) a lot of traditional porn.

    On one hand I’m really happy that ppl will be able to generate everything and rampant copyright issues and stuff will get dampened, but then there’s also gonna be an isses of identity theft or defamation and similar which could become a problem. We’re living in wild times, but I don’t think it’ll be utopian or dystopian. That said things will change in steps, although they will a lot.

  • gon
    52 years ago

    I think it has already replaced “real” porn for a lot of people. And the number of people this applies to will only increase… IDK if 5, 6, 10 years, but it’ll happen almost certainly.

  • @taladar
    52 years ago

    I don’t think that it will ever fully take over because part of porn is selling a fantasy and that doesn’t really work so well if no real people are involved in the production.

    • AskAboutSealpoop
      92 years ago

      I very much doubt this. I don’t give a shit about porn being real, I want something hot to jerk off to. I know it’s not real, realistic, true, whatever, but still manage to get off.

      I bet “real” porn will stay a seperate genre, like amateur today, but once you can insert the face (and approximate body) of whatever celebrity/crush/what have you there is inside a sex scene that doesn’t give of the uncanny-valley vibe, the sex industry will change a whole lot. Especially if it can be scaled up quickly, then shoting porn will be very hard to get a return on with all the competition that will undeoubtedly be out there.

      • @taladar
        22 years ago

        I very much doubt the concept of celebrities (at least the ones who are celebrities largely based on looks or visual performances in general) will survive the AI development to the point that is the premise of this post.

  • Patriarch 🍆😈
    52 years ago

    I think, if the technic is set up and the ressources are enough, making AI / virtual porn is a lot easier regard time and efford. If you want to make “unconventional” porn, it would be one of the best ways since you dont have any actor to pay or convince. I know, their is a lot of hardcore porn in the internet. But if I just think about how porn has changed and that it is harder and more anti-fem from visit to visit, I think, that’s at least one possible way for future. Of course, not the only one.

    • Mario
      12 years ago

      deleted by creator

  • Mario
    2 years ago

    I won’t especially miss real porn. The ai content is just so good. New still images are going to be mostly ai in the next year or so. It’s just so easy to generate.

    I can see people who are really good at crafting prompts taking over much of the role of content creators and they’ll get followings too the same way.

    Video will follow in the next couple of years I think. Maybe not full movies but certainly scenes long enough to fap to.

    A lot of sex workers have moved from prostitution to can whoring and a lot of their customers have moved with them. I think some of them will have to return to escort work etc again because they don’t have the robotic competition yet but that will happen too.