Whats yours opinion on this topic?
With new gnome apps comming, that are so modern and nice looking, and work great, and simple to use, with enough features to get the job nicely done, i realy like linux more and more, the longer i use it. And truly think its modern and wery good os.
So why more people than dont use it?
My opinion is that if you dont understand the problem on windows, you realy dont have a reason to try to switch to linux. Even if you somehow did heard of it. But when you realise what is the problem on windows, need to switch to linux is born and great one to… So instead of explaining to people how linux is more customisable or some sily thing like that, we should explain to people why windows is so bad and what is the problem on windows. And the problem is definitly spying that happends all the time ewery day, ewery hower… But actualy fact that windows is closed source is what is allowing this problem. So root of the problem is that windows is closed source, but thats meaby a bit to much explaining for begginers. However they need to know about spying problem for sure…
And tnx good im not posting this as comment on youtube, or they definitly wouldnt allow me to post something like this.