• @[email protected]
    2142 months ago

    The US is wild.

    You call yourselves the land of the free, but have to beg your boss to let you have time off that’s owed.

    • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
      372 months ago

      Freedom is when nazis can freely beat you on the street and cops do nothing. FREEDOM, BABY! 🦅🇺🇸

      (Fun fact, I got arrested when I defended myself against a bully in school, ACAB)

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      To be fair, having the government mandate how much time you get off for working 40 hours a week is kind of just codifying the indentured servitude you’re under.

      • @[email protected]OP
        642 months ago

        Wow. I’ve seen some shit takes around here, but that one is just outta pocket, you’re gonna have to explain that one

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          To be fair, I’m not defending having to beg your boss for time off.

          In our world we have a simple choice: work for whoever will hire you, or starve and die on the streets. Barring random and uncontrollable acts of charity or the extremely fortunate situation in which you work for yourself.

          Now we could go back and forth on where on the spectrum of “you would be working all day miserably farming if it weren’t for your job” and “you should feel blessed to die of black lung in the coal mines cause at least you got to work” we both lie. But, in a society where the majority of work involves “work or die”, our promises to our bosses are very short periods of indentured servitude in a very hyperbolic sense.

          Sure, you can quit at any time only to find another job or be taken to jail (we could go into the criminalization of homelessness), but for most people, you’re working for life.

          So to say that the government (or employment contract) mandating that you’re owed days of vacation is an expression of freedom is a far cry from my definition of freedom and to me seems only to entrench our status quo by throwing breadcrumbs to us to stop us from getting too agitated.

          I was certainly being glib and hyperbolic tho

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          On the same take, we used to get 15min breaks every 2 or 3 hours. Then the government wrote laws that said we had to get at least 10min breaks every 4 hours. So now we get less because you will only ever get the minimum.

          We get less breaks and they have to be shorter than what the average was before.

          I’m not against labor laws, but I’ve been working nearly four decades now and I’m still getting bent over every opportunity.

      • @[email protected]
        242 months ago

        What are you talking about? If the government didn’t require paid leave, you might get … none of it! So the mandate actually makes you … checks notes … less controlled.

      • macniel
        2 months ago

        That’s only the minimum of paid time off though, and how many hours of a week you work is determined between you and your employer in the form of a contract. If you think that this is indentured servitude, to the state which provides you with taxes and services, then I really don’t know on which planet and or reality you live in.

  • @[email protected]
    1532 months ago

    I still remember putting in vacation at my first job, three months in advance and they still said “well it’s your job to make sure your shifts are covered”. Fuck you, Karen, you make the damn schedule one month at a time, just don’t put me on it that week.

    • @[email protected]
      672 months ago

      The shirking of responsibility gets me every time cause like if the manager doesent do that then what DO they do?

      • @[email protected]
        342 months ago

        Seriously. You aren’t really managing your employees if they have to organize resource shortages for you. At my job, I tell my colleagues to just take time off and, like me, list a few close co-workers as people to contact in case of emergencies in their OOO reply. Nothing is life-or-death, so people can deal with waiting. It’s not like anyone is taking off months straight.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          It’s rediculous how retail jobs put you through the ringer if you dare to try to stay home while too sick to work (and basically punish you for doing the right thing and calling to notify them you won’t be in and why) but then you get into a professional job and you can sometimes simply not show up and tell nobody and be fine

    • Dragon Rider (drag)
      242 months ago

      If it’s the employees job to manage themselves, then they should all be promoted to manager.

      Drag isn’t joking. Drag has worked at a company where things were done like that. It wasn’t perfect but it was better than the American model.

      • Anti-Face Weapon
        242 months ago

        I appreciate the bit where you talk in third person, but I feel like you could do something better

        • Dragon Rider (drag)
          112 months ago

          Drag doesn’t talk in third person. Drag uses drag/dragself person independent pronouns.

            • Dragon Rider (drag)
              52 months ago

              Conjugation depends on the individual pronoun, not on the grammatical structure. English isn’t Latin. A lot of people complained about singular they/them because of the conjugation, but we moved past that misunderstanding a decade ago.

              • @[email protected]
                192 months ago

                If conjugation depends on the individual pronoun, the pronoun you used was third person since that’s the conjugation you used. They/them is also third person and singular and plural are conjugated the same, so the comparison doesn’t apply.

                To be clear, please use any and all pronouns you’re comfortable with. But don’t write a third person sentence and insist it’s first person.

                • Dragon Rider (drag)
                  2 months ago

                  Conjugation doesn’t depend on the grammatical structure. Not directly, and not through the pronoun. Drag will prove it: they/them and you/you use the same conjugation, but are in different persons. You don’t think “they” is a second person pronoun, do you?

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            Question 4 drag

            If drag had access to BoringNormie Pills, would drag take them?

            (Assume they would permanently or temporarily reset identity to a highly common one)

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Have you tried looking into why the

            Cool, someone playing Freud over a single comment.

            harmless way drag refers to dragself

            Fucking lol @ someone either trolling or dumb enough to fall for the trolling.

            makes you immediately daydream about violence?

            Pretty obvious my point was that this is the shit that bullies get erect about. I would never ever willingly talk to someone so offputting, let alone be violent toward them.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Drag doesn’t really fit you. Let’s try something else. How about…Coco?! Yeah you seem like a Coco. Anyone else agree?

      • Itzz Me
        12 months ago

        Sounds kinda like a co-op, is there a difference?

        • Dragon Rider (drag)
          2 months ago

          Yeah, there was a big boss we all answered to. He just trusted us to manage ourselves instead of dedicating any employees to management. We had HR and Payroll, but they didn’t tell us what to do.

          Drag is lead to understand Valve uses a similar structure.

  • ohellidk
    312 months ago

    Been in this position before - fuck your job and live your life. If they were such dicks about it then do you REALLY wanna work there anyways?

    • wander1236
      142 months ago

      Well if you don’t then you don’t have health insurance or money to buy food.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        There are plenty of places where they don’t lie to you about PTO benefits, pay, and have some group insurance plan/program.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Get with the program. We’re here to whine about capitalism and how we have no choices. God forbid anyone fight back, use capitalism against them.

          “They gave me a shit raise!” Or none at all.

          OK. Found another job paying 30% more.

          “They turned down my PTO!”

          OK. Found another job paying double, in salary and benefits.

          FFS, these idiot employers are paying you to gain experience and pack your resume. Fuck them over. I know a dude that job hopped from changing oil to $120K in 8 years. I hopped from $10 to $33, with fat benefits and PTO in the same time. Turns out you have to be competent and work hard.

          Learned helplessness occurs when an individual continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops trying to change their circumstances, even when they have the ability to do so.

          …and when their social media enforces their helplessness.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              I mean, to some degree it actually does. Sure life isn’t fair, you can do right and still fail and such, but overall, if you play your cards right and make sure to learn and present yourself well you can absolutely build a resume and job hop up the career and economic ladder.

              Hell I’ve even had the displeasure of working with someone who literally only had interview and resume skills, was incapable of doing any semblance of the job he was hired to perform and appeared to simply job hop as soon as a given job caught on that he didn’t have any of the skills his resume indicated he had

              Edit for clarity

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Just listen to yourself. You’re in a social stratification that has blinded you. You’re using english about work in a way that is incomprehensible to the average person in the US.

                Even your triumphant story of getting someone fired because they lied on their resume stinks of privilege.

                Trust me, you’re much closer to us laborers than you are to your rich-ass owners, and they’ll flick you off their boots like a fly.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              Of course? And even if you only move laterally, you can still ditch the asshole employers.

              Please, keep telling yourself it’s hopeless. Curl into a ball and cry. Less competition for me.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                Hey you little bitch wannabe capitalist. I’m not in a ball crying, I’m making money like you’ll never see from the labor of my brain and my hands. You know what I do with it? I help my family and community, and get guns and ammo.

                Unless you’re just a nepo failed abortion. Go assume things about someone’s life and flaunt your privilege somewhere else.

      • ohellidk
        22 months ago

        That’s the gamble you take. Hopefully you’d have some money saved up before doing it, of course!

  • Laurel Raven
    302 months ago

    You can’t accept me using the time I’ve earned? Should I get approval for how I spend my paycheck too?

    It wasn’t a request, I was letting you know so you can plan. See you when I get back.

  • @[email protected]
    282 months ago

    Funny story, my wife told her boss she needed time off for our honeymoon as we drove to our wedding. She got it, but they teased her about it for a month.

  • @[email protected]
    242 months ago

    Back when I worked a shitty retail job we would usually hire a few people on fixed term/fixed hours over the Christmas/New Year peak (ie, you get minimum 20 hours a week for 16 weeks starting November 1st), first couple of weeks are mostly training, then peak, then cover into the new year while the full time people take some leave.

    Had one guy who got to the end of his training then informed management that he would need leave approved starting now and right through peak because his family was going to an expensive ski resort but that he’d happily pick up some more hours when he got back. Got really salty when he was told that that wasn’t going to happen, and he was welcome to go anyway but shouldn’t expect a job when he got back.

  • @[email protected]
    82 months ago

    Had a friend who pretty much did that, she came back to no job and went from making $65k+ with 4 weeks off a year to making minimum wage with 2 weeks off a year… She lost the means to travel in the future in order to travel one extra week that year…

    • GladiusB
      242 months ago

      Then it’s a crap job. Or there were other times she did it too many times. If it’s just once and you have it planned and paid, the job should work with you somehow. If it’s every other week that’s a different story.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        Oh yeah, it was a pattern with her but even then, just leaving without warning the boss so they don’t have the chance to find someone to take over? That’s a perfectly fine reason to fire someone even with strong labor laws like we have around here. Hell, even the union didn’t want to touch that case with a 10’ pole.

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          Right but you should have said that first. The point of the post is not specifically to blindside your employer, IMO.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            As I said, it doesn’t need to be a pattern for it to be a valid reason to fire an employee, you’re going AWOL.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              The reason she was fired was not because she took time off, but because she didn’t disclose her time off.

              Big difference.

              • @[email protected]
                22 months ago

                Correct, she up and left on a last minute trip and asked for time to off after the fact, was told it was impossible to make things fit in the quota and she said it was impossible for her to go to work since she was thousands of kilometres away.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              The person you’re responding to is trying really hard to get you to understand that your story makes no sense in the context of this thread. As written, it sounds like she asked for time off and was denied. In fact, as you’ve said, she went awol and asked for forgiveness…which she did not get. That isn’t the point of this thread, which makes the very similar story confusing to seemingly everyone.

                • @[email protected]
                  2 months ago

                  Let’s check with the expert

                  @[email protected] did you mean that you literally fired off a vacation request as you were boarding the plane and it was denied, and you said fuckit. or was this a more general rage against the machine post indicating a general dislike of the concept that managers even have the ability to deny vacation requests. That is, a shitpost not intended to be taken literally.

                  Inquiring minds want to know.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Or maybe some people need to recognize that for regular vacations (i.e. not unpredictable occurrences like a sudden death) their employer needs to make sure there’s a minimum number of employees working so it’s something that needs to be arranged with them.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          It is up to the employer to make sure to hire enough employees to do the job.

          Not on the employees.

          There is always a chance that an employee can’t make it for whatever reason. If your business fails because of that, it shouldn’t exist anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            Does your employer have a backup for all employees to be able to replace them in case they go on vacation without warning them? They have multiple backups for all positions to cover for both people who asked to go on vacation and in case someone decides to just leave without justification?

            Had she been sick it would have been one thing, but just leaving on vacation and warning your employer hours before you’re scheduled to work is opening the door to be fired and it’s 100% deserved.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Guess that first job was still worse to work at.

      What is the point of having 4 weeks off if you can’t take them up on it? Might as well not exist.

      So 2 weeks > 0 weeks

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Why do you assume we couldn’t take them exactly? With our weird schedules I would end up getting 10 weeks off every year working for the same employer.

        She just decided to leave, called after the fact, was told that the quota was full for that week and she said “Well, it’s too late, I’m halfway across the world!”

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Lol thattts a very different story now. “I decided not to show up, I’m on vacation for a week as of today without notice” is a shit move and not just to the employer. “I’m on an airplane cause grandma died”, or “I’m in the hospital” – nothing wrong. “I decided to go to Tijuana see you bitches in a week” – I honestly don’t blame them for firing her.

          This is not the implication of the op

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            The OP is exactly that, the boss saying “I can’t accept your time off” and the person already being on the plane. Then I shared my anecdote of someone doing basically the same thing.

  • @[email protected]
    62 months ago

    I don’t understand this.

    I have Canada and USA coworkers and when they ask for time off approval, they usually get it according to a per team schedule.

    We know what quarters are going to be the busiest before hand so everyone is encouraged to take time off when it is less demanding.

    You can also take time off in busiest times.

    In both cases, you are asked to request anyone from your team to backup you up (obviously available when you are not)

    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      I think many people (me included) feel that it shouldn’t be the employee’s responsibility to find shift coverage.

      • Ohbs
        52 months ago

        Agreed. It would make sense to me if managing schedules was a job for the manager.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      Are you paid to do scheduling? What if coworkers say no? … Those are two serious potential problems.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        No, nothing of the sorts.

        As part of the team we all know, usually, the details of the projects we are working on, details that we cannot expect a manager to follow or know for each project, because there are a lot of details and many projects. A lot of them overlap in discovery, development, execution and deployment and also have different priorities.

        And it is my understanding that managers also need to prioritize given sudden issues, emergency requests, and so on.

        Anyways, with that info, we can decide who is the best fit for it given the experience they have had or not with specific projects.

        Also it is usually not that hard.

        You don’t get a backup 2 days before your time off, indeed, more often than not, it is asked with a lot of anticipation.

        Also, most of the time when you go on time off, you are encouraged to have all of your projects deliverables ready for when you are out.

        That way, your teammates doing the backup are just checking in on the project and available for general questions.

        Personally, I like to leave documentation as well for my backups so they know what to expect. It’s not strange to have changes that imply more work for the backup so the extra context helps a lot.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Right. If everyone is super supportive and there are never emergencies or vacation scheduling conflicts, this all works. And the rest of the time, you end up having to deal with bullshit that the bosses should be handling. And hey, if your workplace is magically different from most others, and nothing ever gets funky, great!

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            No, they’re saying if things go wrong the managers do fix it, but it’s a lot easier to plan coverage yourself. This person clearly isn’t working a taco bell.

            Contrast everything about their post to, for example https://lemm.ee/comment/17126938

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I would default to assuming that this is a professional job, so making sure you’re covered in case something goes wrong is expected and also reasonable to expect from coworkers. If there’s conflicts (I don’t think I can support this while you’re gone because I’m gonna be too busy with x), you go to your manager and ask them to figure it out. But by default, it’s likely you know who is best equipped to support because they are already working with you.