Cancers just one or those bad ROI things
Like you’ve got enough money surely you’d have solved cancer by now?
Sometimes you need to “I dunno” totally slash the funding to stimulate the industry a bit you know?
Up the experiments, swirl more chemicals in your chemistry set and get us results!
I didn’t mind the bigotry, racism and anti-democratic scheming but this is where i draw the line.
Yeah they draw the line right in front of them. And they only notice someone crossing it when it hits them in the face.
Their line is a circle around themselves.
Some of them include their children.
“But not Fred, he’s too woke. And Jenna is a lesbianist!”
Jenna is a lesbianist
She plays the alto lesbian in the orchestra.
Mmmmmmm alto lesbian
I tried out for that, but I couldn’t get the tonguing right. Took up violin, because fingering is just more natural to me.
You omitted pedophile rapist.
Ooooh, it’s not just about racism… damn
Cancer may affect her.
I didn’t expect…
Good news everyone!
I’ve developed a nearly foolproof method for preventing anyone else from sharing this fuckin sucker’s experience, and will share it here - free of charge - today only!
It’s simple. All you have to do is ask yourself a single question: Does X effect Trump’s Y?
Replace X with the issue or item you’re concerned with.
Then replace Y with one of the following: health | self-image | bank account | stock market
If your answer is ‘No,’ congratulations, you now know that Trump will indeed NOT give a single fuck about your problem. Also, it’s probably some sort of peasant issue anyway.
If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’re likely still fucked somehow! 😁
That is a magnificent and I would wager highly accurate algorithm.
Unfortunately we’re starting to see that Trump is being influenced by Musk. So you’ll also need to factor in whether a particular issue affects Musk’s bank account/pride
I would posit that this bromance is only going to last as long as Elmo’s money does. As soon as he’s in office and Elmo keeps showing up to “share” the spotlight he’ll fire him by tweet on the toilet, in the standard fashion.
“We never expected that the guy who told us to fight Covid by eating horse paste and shoving UV lights up our butts wouldn’t know a damn thing about science.”
Give him some credit… he also suggested ingesting bleach. Technically it would have killed COVID and guaranteed the patient never got COVID or any other sickness ever again.
He literally stole from a cancer charity, and this was well known long before the election.
Not just well known… He’s outright banned from ever having a controlling stake in a charity. Because his theft was so blatant and widespread that regulators decided he can’t be trusted with it again.
If he ever joins a charity as a director, the charity must have a majority of directors outside of his “inner circle”, must use external accounting firms, and must retain a law firm experienced in charity law. Basically, he can’t ever have a controlling stake in a charity.
BUT, he can have full control over the nuclear launch codes, and funnel taxpayer money straight into his hotel business. Great job American voters! Great fucking job.
“I just wanted a fifth columnist who would govern well according to my kaleidoscopic view of reality”
Jesus. That’s exactly how some people operate. Every day. What the fuck is wrong with humanity.
We’re naked monkeys evolved to live in small groups trying to run a system with several billion people. Humanity is a bit underspecced.
Humanity is in early access, bugs and memory leaks are to be expected. Yes, it’s been early access for years, we’re still adding features!
“I didnt know the guy that literally stole money from cancer kids via a fraudulent charity, an act so depraved he is no longer to run any sort of charity, would take money away from cancer kids. GOD DAMN LIBERALS!”
And God damn those woke cancer kids, America was stronger when we didn’t give out participation medicine to cancer kids at all. We just cured cancer with our bootstraps and our heavily leaded air.
I just wanted him to hurt everyone else but not me.
i can excuse racism, but i draw the line at
animal crueltyfunding cuts!This is my mother. In her 80s, racist AF, conservative, voted for Trump, has cancer, on Medicare, etc. Now she expresses her worry that Medicare funding will be cut. But she’s also betting that because Musk is a “genius” he won’t take benefits away from the elderly.
It’s even worse/dumber than this, due to her federal unionized employment pension. Unions are apparently evil, despite her pension and paying for her Medicare B late enrollment penalties. The brain rot is really maddening and sad to see in person.
They already wanted to sacrifice the elderly for the economy during covid.
They only remember what racism Fox News or Newsmax told them the night before.
I don’t know how the Democrats managed to ignore it when all the data they had made it very clear people didn’t care about identity politics anymore. They’re working 80-100 hours a week at three jobs for the privilege of housing their kids in a roach-infested studio apartment and they’ve seen their purchasing power diminish so much that they’re having to choose between food, rent, and their prescription drugs.
Yes, they’re unlikely to care about racism right now.
That’ll happen when your basic, everyday existence is in survival mode, and it doesn’t make them bad people. It makes them sad and desperate.
The sad part is anyone with half a brain knows conservatives won’t fix these issues (the capitalist class are having record profits as they squeeze the working class like this, and they are now in full control).
What we are looking at is a dead democracy - a zombie really, it died years ago when it became an oligarchy (or maybe the death process started years ago)
(or maybe the death process started years ago)
Fox News started October 1996. Or you could point to AM radio being unleashed by Reagan’s repeal of the Fairness Doctrine.
Propaganda works. Everytime. And it only goes in one direction.
The sad part is anyone with half a brain knows conservatives
Both parties rule as conservatives, so there really is no choice unless you’re pulling the lever for the Green Party, and we can look at our history and see that they have no real shot either outside of local elections. Look at how Biden’s presidency went, for example: Abortion became criminalized, massive inflation (and record corporate profits), record numbers of new homeless every year… and his major focuses seem to have been keeping his scumbag son out of prison and funneling as much money as possible to war.
My advice to people is this: Don’t donate your money to political parties. Put it in stocks instead, and at least your investments will have some measure of representation. There are even ETF’s you can invest in that follow the stock trades of notorious insider-trading federal legislators. (Tickers NANC and KRUZ)
Oh fuck off, this is your typical “both sides are bad” argument to keep people from voting - we know it’s the conservatives in SCOTUS that shitted on Biden, the corporations are price gouging us (the corporations are the true masters btw, and we know it) and the Hunter shit was the usual conservative media shit they do every cycle (email servers, laptops, Hunter).
Two things can be true. The Democrats can be an absolute shit show of conservatives masquerading as a party of hope and change. And you absolutely should vote for them instead of republicans, because despite that, they’re still better, and at least they won’t be throwing us all in camps.
But it doesn’t mean they’re good, or that they can fix any of this shit. It means they’re, at best, a minor stop gap for us to get organized around something better. The Dems aren’t going to save us, they’re corporately controlled and have a vested interest in making sure things don’t improve too much, lest they lose the easiest way to gain money: by being the slightly better alternative to literally fucking dying. Do I wish Kamala had won? Absolutely. Do I think we’d have gotten anything out of a Kamala win? Nope. I think we would have sat stagnate for 4 years at the federal level while republicans continued to chip away at any and everything they could at the state level. But it would have given us 4 years without active decline in the Fed and potentially allowed us to rally behind an actual progressive and build a progressive wing in the Democratic party that could have helped us in the long run.
Wait a minute: Biden pardoning his son after saying he wouldn’t was made up by the conservative media?
Both parties rule as conservatives, so there really is no choice unless you’re pulling the lever for the Green Party
That’s some stinky borscht there. Cripes.
So they couldn’t be arsed to vote against trump. The Democrat’s pamphlet wasn’t as glossy. SAD. three jobs just got worse. Bon appétit.
At least she voted.
Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. Where y’all at now? Fucking crickets.
No, actually, people who voted for Trump are worse than people who stayed home.
Until the Democratic Party stops excluding the Bernies of the world, elections like these are what we’re going to get. No one believes Democrats will actually do what they say they’re going to do, not even their own voters.
Until the Democratic Party stops excluding the Bernies of the world
So long as the entire corporate media system is poisoned against even the most mild democratic socialism of a 1980s-style left-liberal, the party isn’t going to do that.
Go back and watch what happened in 2020 when Sanders won Nevada. MSNBC, the “liberal” news outlet had Chris Matthews wailing in fear at the prospect of being lynched in Central Park. FOX News was screeching about how the entire campaign had been infiltrated by Chinese Communists and Hamas Terrorists. I’m amazed Sanders didn’t get the Harvey Milk treatment after he took California.
Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the progressive movement as a whole is entirely at odds with the Amazons and Starbucks and JP Morgan Chases that rule our world. Even in big blue states like New York (in big blue cities like NYC), progressives can’t win the high offices, because the establishment is so nakedly hostile to economic populism. Bernie’s own bright blue home state of Vermont voted in a Republican for governor by a Ba’ath Party 73/21 margin, rather than tolerate another Howard Dean style progressive Dem in that seat.
No one believes Democrats will actually do what they say they’re going to do
Joe Biden to rich donors: “Nothing would fundamentally change” if he’s elected
I believed him. I believed statements like this paved his road to victory in 2020.
I believed him. I believed statements like this paved his road to victory in 2020.
I’ll admit I voted Biden in 2020, thinking that a cultural win against resurgent American fascism would help turn the tide of history. (I didn’t have any delusions that he’d actually rule as a progressive.)
Four years later, with millions more in poverty, it’s only done the opposite.
I voted for Biden in 2020 wanting to give people a chance to remember they’re human, one timescale hoping that his centrist approach had a chance of fixing government. I voted for him again seeing that he made all the attempts anyone could imagine and was starting to attempt a few more progressive things
Trump is not fit to run the bank in a game of Monopoly, and I would vote against it
I’d vote Charlie Sheen over Trump
At least he’d be able to act like he cared…
That would mean the DNC forever losing control of the party and therefore the rich losing control. They won’t let that happen even if it ends this country.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
I think you’re right.
Agreed but I think the ones who stayed home and actively encouraged others to do the same are worse than Trump voters who keep it to themselves. That Trump voters scored 1 vote and the armchair activist made at least one person not vote
Ah I see: A vote for Trump is one vote for Trump, but not voting for Trump is two votes for Trump.
Honest question: how could I have improved the clarity of my comment to avoid it being interpreted as wrong as you did? I’ll rephrase it in bullet points.
A Trump voter who doesn’t preach is 1 vote for Trump
A non-voter who doesn’t preach is 1 vote for Trump
A Trump voter who preaches is at least 1 vote for Trump as they are actively encouraging others to vote for him. Their vote is the 1 plus the people they might influence
A non-voters who preaches is at least 1 vote for Trump as they are actively encouraging others to not vote. Their vote is the 1 plus the people they might influence
So in summary:
People who promoted voting for Trump AND people who promoted not voting are worse than people who quietly voted for Trump. All 3 groups are worse than quiet non-voters.
OC is referring to the non-voting advocates that disappeared from political discussions on Lemmy after the election.
I don’t remember anyone actively encouraging others to not vote. I’m pretty sure people would just openly say “I am not voting” and then be forced to defend themselves, but that’s certainly not the same as trying to convince other people to not vote.
Were you active on Lemmy earlier this year? It was pervasive. I don’t mean posts detailing why you shouldn’t vote, I mean tons of comments saying that if you voted Democrat this election, you supported genocide.
I’m just not sure if it stopped because their contracts ended or because the ruble tanked in value.
tons of comments saying that if you voted Democrat this election, you supported genocide.
Yeah, I believe that too. That isn’t the same as telling people not to vote. If you believe you have to vote for genocide to stop a greater genocide then more power to you, but you aren’t allowed to pretend you didn’t vote for genocide.
I’m just not sure if it stopped because their contracts ended or because the ruble tanked in value.
Maybe you didn’t know this, but the election ended.
By a slight margin.
Eh. They’re the same to me.
Both groups are irreedemable losers, just in different ways.
People who support Nazis are basically the same as people that just kind of let Nazis do their thing without lifting a finger.
You won’t lift a finger now that the election is over.
Killing two people is worse than killing one person. Both are still morally questionable actions.
Killing two people is worse than killing one person.
Which people?
It’s all a moot point when you consider the anti-democratic functions of our EC and winner-take-all district system.
Yelling at the One Trump Voter or the One Jill Stein Voter or the One Hilary Clinton/Joe Biden/Bernie Sanders Primary Voter or what-the-fuck-ever is meaningless in the context of machine politics that ultimately decide who runs for office and who wins. The tiny cartel of partisan State Secretaries purging millions of voter registrations with a bias towards demographic groups that favor opposition parties will have a far more significant impact than your single ballot choice. The billions spent on advertising and marketing to shape public perception and limit the scope of national discourse, the tens of billions spent to orchestrate national media and pander to certain elite, overly represented economic interests, and the decades of Cold War propaganda we’ve been drenched in since Paul Weyrich, Pat Buchanan, and James Dobson gaslite generations of evangelical voters into believing defunding Medicaid would save unborn children, are far more responsible for the current state of electoral politics than your 11th hour hot take on who should be President.
Americans want desperately to believe that their liberal democracy isn’t like the kletocracies and kakocracies of the Big Bad Foreign Countries. But this exceptionalist (deeply white nationalist) mindset is just one more layer of bullshit we’ve all been forced to swallow.
The people who voted for Trump have been hoodwinked into voting against their best interests thanks to an entire consent manufacturing industry. And the people who voted for Biden/Harris, thinking they could win over these scammed voters by softly pandering to the same set of reactionary, xenophobic campaign pledges and bullshit paranoid theories and get-rich-quick scams are also getting hoodwinked.
You’re trapped in a systematic failure of electoral populism. “Don’t blame me, I voted for the other guy!” isn’t a way out. Its just a dogmatic belief that the Other Corporate Candidate was the panacea to the deep corruption that ails us.
Our electoral system has been having a scaling issue since the 1800s when we started adding a bunch of states. We patched over it with things like the Missouri Compromise and broadcast media, but now that we’ve closed the Gutenberg parenthesis we’re too balkanized as a society for the elections to work.
No, you see, the answer was voting harder. Centrists have the answer: extremely minor policy interventions without any structural changes whatsoever. The real enemy are the leftists, because The End of History only faltered because people don’t listen to centrists.
Edit: guys this is sarcasm…
Cool. And that makes a difference how exactly? I’m sure dividing Americans into “terrible” and “slightly less terrible” categories is definitely going to solve all their problems.
Well we need to know who needs to go into reeducation camps.
It’s true. All those people who willingly didn’t vote and are complaining can get fucked.
I don’t think those ones are complaining, at least everyone I know isn’t
Think of it this way.
You’re a wage worker who’s just sat through eight years of the Federal Government, under both parties, doing absolutely nothing to mitigate the struggle of your daily existence. Are you going to choose to miss a badly-needed day’s pay to vote?
No. You’ve already observed that there’s no point.
There are countless examples of Democrats trying to make lives better, and Republicans denying bills and voting against it.
They are not the same at all, and idiots who vote R or don’t vote are the reason Rs are allowed to continue to run the US into the ground.
There are countless examples of Democrats trying to make lives better, and Republicans denying bills and voting against it.
People can’t eat excuses. Maybe next time put some Democracy back into the Democratic Party instead of crowning a candidate who let it all happen. Those of us who don’t hang out in an echo chamber could see this coming from a mile a way, hell, Harris couldn’t even win a primary against Tulsi Gabbard.
Well that fifty bucks cost us any forward progress or even retaining past progress so great job. Non-voters fucked us all by not giving a shit. People died to give everyone the right to vote, throwing it away for “a day’s pay” is insanity especially because the law states you get to vote - with pay. Anyone who doesn’t see the radical difference in the parties is trying very, very hard not to
And to be clear, we have defeated ourselves. Name the cause you want to highlight, but not voting has stopped all progress and rolled back even more.
Non-voters fucked us all by not giving a shit.
No, they didn’t. Partisan voters fucked us all by not caring about politicians’ records. For 40 years straight.
Are you going to choose to miss a badly-needed day’s pay to vote?
Also some states/employers already do this.
Also some states/employers already do this.
Yup, your rights in many parts of the country vary significantly depending on your zip code, and unless you’re a billionaire or okay with achieving notoriety by following in the footsteps of a particular Italian gentleman, there’s nothing you can do to change it. (At least outside of your local community.)
People understand this, they are just saying that there was a choice between having a vote for the same, or voting for trump. And between those two chosing not for the same means voting for trump, even by not voting.
If they end up worse afterwards, don’t complain. That one day of much needed work hopefully pays for the years that come afterwards.
If they end up worse afterwards, don’t complain
Until the Democratic Party and their voters develop empathy for workers, they’re going to continue to lose elections.
Your voting is messed up and needs to change. I’m not going to say Australia is perfect, but we have compulsory voting and they do their best to make it as easy as possible for every single person to vote. The fact people would have to even CONSIDER missing work to vote is an absolute joke.
The fact people would have to even CONSIDER missing work to vote is an absolute joke.
You’re right. Voting is made arbitrarily difficult here in the States because we’re ruled by the wealthy, simple as that.
The fuck? Which party has ever done anything for workers?
ANY legislation that supported workers came from the Democrats. Don’t give a shit and consign us to demented fascism through your careless inaction but saying garbage like that is BULLSHIT. Learn something.
“I’m too fucking dumb to breath. And I’ve shit out a litter of children. This is all your problem now because no one stopped me. Thoughts and prayers.”
Ha Ha, yeah, they are dumb… Wait, what does having children have to do with this? People who didn’t vote for Trump also have kids.
Maga members disproportionately produce children that they have no means to support and then expect welfare payments for themselves but not others.
I volunteer at a food bank, and the number of people with maga hats and bumper stickers getting free food is astounding. They also are far more rude when they do not like what free food they are given, or when we do not have a lot of food for them.
Plus, each of these children is going to get their own vote
ifwhen they grow up.We won’t still be having elections when those kids grow up.
So your problem is they are not consistent when it comes to state support, not that they are having a lot of kids?
Figures that support this would be 👌
Dumb parents raise dumb kids, who grow up to be dumb adults.
Not necessarily. Don’t judge a person by their parents crimes.
You are right of course. Sometimes an apple falls far from the tree. Not usually, but sometimes.
The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid. - Art Spander
And here we are :)
“I wasn’t expecting the guy who campaigned on a message of cutting funding to cut funding.”
–Random Moron #9,765,944
With an ID number that low he must’ve gotten in early
Don’t be fooled. Most of the people who voted this way haven’t figured it out yet.
It’s true. It’s sad seeing how many people are still in the cult.
Some are just fucking stupid. They are so stupid they will accuse you of calling them that when being asked critical thinking questions when they bitch about brown-skinned immigrants “taking over.” I get tired of people saying they are going to “stay and fight” when they are too cowardly to call out close family members who do this.
If they didn’t figure it out the first time around they never will. Only true thing this guy has said is that he could literally shoot someone in the face in the middle of Times Square and he wouldn’t lose supporters.
“I’m shocked that the guy who only cares about himself, is doing things that only personally benefit him”
I knew he was going to hurt poor people, trans people, immigrants, US citizens born of immigrant parents, US citizens of color, women, children, and even people in need of healthcare and research. that was all fine. it was fun, actually, i made fun of them online, and tried to rub it on their face after the election as much as possible.
… but I didn’t think he would also hurt this very specific portion of them which also affects me.
fuck cancer, and fuck this guy. this guy is cancer.