“I didn’t actually come here to free slaves.” Well then Qui-Gon, you’re a dick.
“The Jedi are against giving a fuck about anything unless it serves our interests.”
Can’t imagine why Anakin rebelled.
The Jedi are against starting a war without the consent of the people that will actually suffer the consequences of that war.
At least when it’s not one of them on the line, anyway.
The thing is, if any of then gave a shit, they’d have her free shortly after leaving, without attacking anybody.
They can’t save everybody everywhere, but as you say, they could have used stealth to save people where they can without starting a war.
Even acting stealthy would probably be known if they do it often enough. This would stain their reputation as neutral peacekeepers and hamper their ability to prevent conflict between worlds, even if it means not maintaining societal peace within a planet. There could be interesting arguments for saying that this kind of compromise is or isn’t moral. If you want to write an essay about it as a response, be my entertainer :p
This kind of thing is why I’d expect there to be more “chaotic good” force users out there that act independently of the Order, instead of every rogue Jedi being super duper evil. Maybe Anakin wouldn’t have gone full evil if he’d had a less strict group to go to. It also would have made it harder for Palpatine to wipe them all out.
To be fair he tried to liberate his mother too. He just noticed that it was impossible without risking everything (the engine and Anakin).
If he had survived I think he would have actually come back for the boy’s mother. Specially once he saw Anakin having a hard time about losing her.
There was also a weird chemistry there between Shmi and Quigon. I think he’d definitely come back for one reason or another.
We’ll see, this all happened long long ago. As we’ll all know slavery has been the norm through all of history. It wasn’t until America (fuck yeah) came along and we told everyone it wasn’t cool.
Land of the free!
I always hate plot holes where problems could be solved with money, especially when a character is super rich. Obi-wan and Anakin had years to raise the money to buy Shmi’s freedom from Watto. Qui-gon had plenty of Imperial credits, but Watto wouldn’t accept them.
So, Ani wins the podtace and then as soon as you’re off planet, hyperspace it to the nearest Republic outpost and trade the credits for some money. Go back, buy Shmi, or just cut Watto the slaver in half with a lightsaber. Obi-Wan cuts a dude’s arm off for much less.
Or, like, Jedi mind tricks don’t work on Watto, but I bet theres a Durosian jeweler across the street that isn’t immune to Jedi mind tricks. Trade his Republican credits for all the cash in his till and the nicest Aurodium necklaces in the shop.
And why couldn’t Harry take his best mate Ron shopping with him to pick out some decent dress robes or a new wand? Kid’s got a vault full of gold, and he basically lives at his friend’s house half the time.
I feel like most adventure-style movie plots need to be run as a D&D campaign before final edit.
So, you’re saying more big bad guy lairs need fire suppression systems? Or was only ever my players who restored to fire as a first, last, and often only, option?
You’re the guy casting fireball in a small room, aintcha.
If the party didn’t want to get immolated, they shouldn’t have stood so close to the flammable, whatever that was that I just fireballed. Also, I cast fireball at it, again.
That’s a euphemism for something else, isn’t it?
It beats shattering glass and John McClaneing everyone as soon as you find out they’re barefoot.
So like Divinity Original Sin 2: The Floor is Fire
why couldn’t Harry take his best mate Ron shopping with him to pick out some decent dress robes or a new wand?
That would have put a strain on his relationship with the Weasleys:
He would willingly have split all the money in his Gringotts vault with the Weasleys, but he knew they would never take it.
- Goblet of Fire, chapter 10
The few times Harry does buy stuff for Ron, Ron gets quite uncomfortable. Also, the first thing Harry does after giving startup money to the twins is to tell them to buy Ron some new dress robes.
Yeah I’ve been seeing this Ron and Harry meme all over the place. I’m not a potter fan, I don’t think the books are anything super special, but still
It’s very clearly shown that Harry would be willing to help them out financially but they don’t want Harry’s money in the slightest
There are a lot of plot holes from the movies that are explained in the books. That doesn’t mean they aren’t plot holes for the movies, because those parts (holes) of the story weren’t included in the story (plot). Like the entirety of the titular mystery of The Half Blood Prince.
Maybe there’s a novelization of the Phantom Menace that shows Qui-Gon going to all the merchants and failing to exchange his credits for local currency or goods. If it wasn’t in the movie, it’s a hole in the plot.
The closest we ever get with money issues between Harry and Ron is when Ron tries to buy candy from the trolley, realizes he only has enough for a pack of gum, and declined Harry’s offer to pay.
Maybe this is /why/ Obi Wan is a little hilt happy in ANH.
Hilt happy?
If you are genuinely asking, they are playing on “trigger happy” using “hilt” to refer to the hilt of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. In the scene they are referencing Obi-Wan cuts off some ugly alien dudes arm in a bar in what could be perceived as a huge escalation in violence.
Ah thanks, that makes sense.
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I don’t think I’ve seen this meme format where Anakin and Padmé are reversed. Love it.
Sadly, Anakin’s mum had already been claimed by Watto, and Padme didn’t know about unclaimsies.
(for anyone confused, this is a reference to Skeleton Crew).
I enjoy the meme content.
I enjoy the appropriate inversion of the meme format more.
Technically Padmé did try to free Shmi. She sent Sabé (played by Keira Knightley in the movie) to free as many slaves as she could find about four years after Episode 1, and Sabé did manage to free 25 other slaves, including Anakin’s childhood friends, but was unable to find Shmi since she had already been freed by that point and had left Mos Espa. The only sign Sabé could find was the symbol of the White Suns on the door, who were a slave liberation group (and of which Beru Lars was a member), and unfortunately they wouldn’t tell Sabé anything because they didn’t trust her, since she’d decided to try to get information out of local gangsters and criminals rather than going to the White Suns directly. Padmé wanted to send Sabé back to finish the mission, but by that point she was appointed senator and Sabé had other duties to protect her.
Where is this story told? Books?
Queen’s Shadow (2019) and Queen’s Hope (2022). It’s actually a trilogy of books. Queen’s Shadow, Queen’s Peril and Queen’s Hope.
Officially though none of that is canon right?
Canon doesn’t mean shit and hasn’t since Disney bought the license
It wasn’t in their minds at all when the film was shot, your own personal call if it counts 20 years later or not
No, it’s canon. Disney bought Star Wars in 2012, so everything after that point is canon (with the exception of things like the Lego games and Visions)
Wait, everything is canon after 2012, so like I can just say the Ewoks were behind everything and it’s now canon because I said so after 2012?
You know full well what I mean.
Why not? It’s fiction. The idea that some wealthy corporate board has more authority to dictate canon than people is absurd.
Not just that, everything after 2012 is canon. Harambe fucking died in the star wars universe
… So very wizard of you???
It’s a thing in Star Wars, lol
I’m just going to go ahead and assume it’s a KKK reference.
Maybe they were trying to write wholesome or something
They did write a book about her trying to do this - Queen’s Shadow.
“Trying”? She should have listened to Yoda.
Words I live by “… Do not, there is no try.” ~Yoda
That’s worse.
They know that having her half ass the attempt and then give up with an entire planet behind her is worse, right?
She wasn’t a queen in the traditional sense, it’s an elected position on Naboo. Hell, even on Earth it’s not necessarily an omnipotent position. Just because they hold a high position doesn’t mean they can wield that power for whatever whims they want. They have a whole planet to take care of, first.
Revolutions tend to overthrow monarchies that ignore the needs of their populace.
I mean… C’mon though dude, we’re literally talking about ONE slave here. If you don’t have the political capital and/or diplomatic savvy to secure the freedom of a single, solitary piece of human chattel from an old, racist stereotype alien then are you even really a politician at all?
Besides, if memory serves (which, granted, it’s been awhile), wasn’t Watto pretty taken with the sweet, chromed out hot rod they waltz in on to begin with? Cuz I’m no businessman or anything, but I’m reasonably sure there’s some sort of deal to be made there…
Provided he would even be willing to trade that. His entire business seemed to depend entirely on Anakin (who was taken from him), so holding on to the one slave he had left, even if just out of spite, was probably more important to him than a little bit of bling that would be fleeting.
He was doing business ling before Anakin was ever born. He was paid well for Anakin. His business didn’t depend on Anakin tinkering with broken robots.
She didn’t need to conquer an entire planet. Qui-gon bought a slave with the earnings from one pod race. She could have pawned one of her dresses for more money than Watto had ever seen. He was literally living in a dump.
And I’m sure he wasn’t a bitter resentful fuck who’d keep the slave just to spite the person who took his livelihood from him…
He was a businessman. No one took his livelihood. He’d be getting more money than he’d ever get selling her to Lars.
Plus, you just kill his slaving ass if he says no.
Should do it regardless but whatever it’s Lucas logic.
Well they did find Shmi, but by then she’d been freed and married to Cleig Lars. She did free a shitload of other slaves from Tatooine, but at that point there’s no reason to steal Shmi away from a reasonable life.
Just like she tried to survive childbirth.
Maybe she would have survived child birth just fine if she wasn’t forced choked to within an inch of her life just before giving birth.
The Jedi order didn’t want Jedis to have any attachments. They probably would have try to block Anakin reuniting with his mother, or expell him from the order if that happened.
Qui Gon, as he was close to almost rebelling against the order, was probably the only one who understood that the kid needed his mother and that there wasn’t nothing bab about that.
Maybe that’s why the Emperor send Maul to kill Qui Gon, he needed Anakin oppressed by the order so he can turn to the dark side.
Qui Gon, as he was close to almost rebelling against the order, was probably the only one who understood that the kid needed his mother
Qui Gon wasn’t in rebellion against the Jedi. Just the opposite, he was all the way into the Kool aid, chasing fantastic prophecies about Jedi Messiah.
His final wish wasn’t to see Anakin grow up with his mom, but to see Balance Return to The Force (a problem that’s never properly illustrated in the movies, just mentioned as a philosophical hang up).
Maybe that’s why the Emperor send Maul to kill Qui Gon, he needed Anakin oppressed by the order so he can turn to the dark side.
Maul wasn’t sent to kill Qui Gon specifically, just to eliminate the Jedi interfering with the plot to spark civil war.
Anakin was one more useful idiot for Palatine to exploit. Only useful until he couldn’t kill that last lingering Jedi.
The Jedi do seem to have a huge attachment to no attachments. There’s got to be a middle way, right?
Hence the grey Jedi in legends.
“Okay you can join the Jedi order, but you can only have one sketchy garage full of your stuff locked in there. One! And no moving in a bed and bringing family members to live in there, kapeesh? Skywalker I’m looking at you!”
“Ani… I would have… but Tatooine is so very… far far away, and I was so busy constantly restyling my hair!”
And the industrial strengh hair dryer was just too heavy.
“I did, Ani! But she, uh, said she liked it there, and that she, uh, always hated you!”
She was getting around to it!