It’s almost like they have cutting edge artificial intelligence that can brief them on meta game theory and how to ensure successful outcomes for their personal interests, regardless of who’s ass they’re kissing.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” - Kurt Vonnegut
if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
I don’t get it, what’s so “Epic” about this CEO?
I came here to make this joke, but I would have gone with something like:
“He’s not that epic of a CEO 🙄”
In other news, business people say whatever they can get away with to make more money.
No shit right.
People need to stop anthropomorphizing corporations. They are not moral and simply respond to incentives.
They earned good will saying black lives matter and now they earn political will by saying trans lives don’t.
When Tim fucking Sweeney calls you out on your bullshit, you know you’re a special kind of piece of shit.
Not really. Tim Sweeney would sell his grandmother to appear cool / anti-establishment / consumer friendly - while trying everything to establish Epic Store as a monopoly. Once he achieves that, he would lick boots just like the others.
Totally, he wants to be in complete control but since he isn’t, he’s taking shots at people kissing the ring. Were he in control, he’d kiss the ring and beg for regulations on his competitors and not himself.
If they’re willing to say and do anything to convince government to advantage large corporations at the expense of workers and consumers I don’t think they’re “pretending” to be republicans.
No shit Sherlock Holmes
He’s an opportunistic jackass, but he’s not wrong.
And he’s 100% right.
They’re all lining up to kiss Trump’s stinky ass because they expect him to provide them with an unprecedented opportunity to thoroughly and completely fuck us all, and there’s nothing they want more in the world.
They are disgusted by Trump but also love what he can do for their wallet. It’s all about money.
News flash!
This, just in: “Leaders of capitalist meat grinders prepared to lie to keep money flowing and try to pull in more”
I’m shocked.
It’s funny because the majority of voters thought voting for meat grinders means they’ll get the meat, not be the meat.
Not who I expected would be saying it loud, but I’ll take it.
Fascist country, fascist babyllionaires, fascist businesses = fuck GAFAM.
If you’re at a table with nine Nazis and you don’t leave, then the table has ten Nazis at it. History won’t care why you were at the table, just that you were there.