
  • @[email protected]
    335 minutes ago

    Linus is just insufferable. Life has been great with his channels blocked for years and not paying a cent of attention to him. Everyone should try it.

  • @[email protected]
    71 hour ago

    Why do people like gamersnexus? All I ever see is them stirring up shit for views.

    Do they even make real content that isn’t just “I called out entity x for reason y and now everyone should be angry”?

    • @[email protected]
      121 hour ago

      Literally none of their “stirring up shit” videos (like the ones for msi, gigabyte, newegg, etc) have been neither unwarranted nor discredited. They’ve also all led to positive outcomes for consumers.

      If you don’t find it entertaining, don’t watch it. I personally think that it’s great to have people like them looking out for consumers.

      • @[email protected]
        352 minutes ago

        Dude makes money calling people out. He’s not here looking out for consumers, he’s here for the paycheck. Don’t be deceived. Ragebait makes money and they know it.

        • @[email protected]
          24 minutes ago

          They make money because people watch their videos and)/or contribute directly to them by buyimg their products. I honestly see absolutely nothing wrong people supporting a channel that they like. Especially when they’re not only producing content but also potentially burning down bridges with brands/sponsors when they need to call them out. If you look at Linus, on the other hand, he deliberately chose not to call out the issues with Honey over fear or repercussions. To this day I still don’t understand why he would think that informing their viewers that they were being scammed would have any negative impact at all. Except, maybe, he wasn’t thinking about his viewers…

          It’s really weird that you’d accuse GN of going after profits when Linus has repeatedly sad, and shown, that that’s precisely all he cares about.

    • DacoTaco
      336 minutes ago

      Yes they do, and its good content too.
      Youll be happy to know theyve split up the 2 content too.
      Gamers nexus will be tech reviews and news while their investigations moves to another channel because they noticed people like yourself dont like the content while others (like me) do. This way we both get what we want.

  • @[email protected]
    1 hour ago

    Well, so much for ditching the R-slur from his vocabulary. It’s like everything Linus says is in bad faith. What a douchebag. And also texting while driving, class A shit-4-brains specimen.

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Before reading: knowing Linus and GamersNexus, I think Mr. Nexus is in the wrong here, but won’t admit it

    …just a bunch more insinuations, some avoidance and irrelevant stuff. I’m not going to bother further

    I know gamersnexus isn’t the more thorough guy, and it appears like that hasn’t changed much

  • @[email protected]
    3811 hours ago

    why is there 0 response on the honey and billet labs thing, which is part of that same wan show? what’s with this half done response, why not show all the receipts? and also, why does he bring up a threat of legal action when there was no actual threat of legal action if you see that wan show?

    this is such a disappointment, I’m apparently meant to watch as these two adults constantly miscommunicate, misunderstand and ignore half of what the other has said online, and stretch the back and forth even longer than it needs to. This will take like 5 wan shows and gn articles to conclude properly

    • DacoTaco
      4 hours ago

      The legal action is, i think, because linus is basically dragging them through some deep mud by saying he is wrong and what he does are lies. Now i know gn kinda started it by mentioning them in the honey lawsuit video, and they shouldnt have, not like how they did ( but they were right that linus should have spoken up in 2017 because they knew what was going on ).

      I also suspect there is no reaction on the honey and biletlabs thing because there is nothing new to add. We know linus knew but kept his mouth shut about it and why, and we know ltt’s internal workings fucked up everything about the biletlabs prototype (the video, the mislabeling of item, the auction, … ).

      This whole thing is a shitfest and both parties need to calm the fuck down, which a threat at legal action might force them to do so.

      My opinion is that linus (again) shouldve kept his mouth shut about how “his head wouldve rolled if he spoke about honey” because that was wrong of him. Gn shouldnt have made the low punch towards ltt after that which caused linus to (again) not shut up and make things worse.

    • borari
      1611 hours ago

      Yeah I’ve come to the conclusion that anyone whose main job is creating “content” is a piece of shit.

      • @[email protected]
        6 hours ago

        But some have Jesusier hair than others, and as such my own allegiance has been destined without say.

        Edit: FR the deciding factor was the 70 dollar screwdriver along with the “trust me bro” warranty. He’s a scumbag. His “media group” primarily produces entertainment clips with no value. I get some informative content from GN in comparison.

  • @[email protected]
    7414 hours ago

    I’m not sure these are the receipts GamersNexus believes them to be. They’re all kinda stretching things into a gray area.

    The plagiarism part is straight up incorrect. LMG did not say that their discussion was original reporting. The WAN show is explicitly a podcast reacting to news articles and events (WAN = Weekly Analysis and News). Plagerism needs a “passing off as your own” piece, while IANAL given react content typically ends up in the fair use category because of additional commentary and thoughts being added, the WAN show doesn’t have to disclose sources. Usually on WAN show they mention where they heard of the story, and not mentioning GN is a dick move, but it’s not plagiarism.

    The history of not following up on issues was definitely better addressed in the original GN video. But at the same time, this just makes it seems like GN is trying to use the argument “Hey we warned you once that some of your methodologies aren’t great and led to skewed results and you didn’t really react, so now we’re gonna release an hour long video on all of your previous fuck ups and not tell you, k thx bi*”

    To Linus’s original point on not getting a heads up, that’s not industry standard behavior and also kind of a dick move.

    The unprofessional communication part I can go either way with. Would I talk to my boss like that? No. Technical mentors and peers that I had a good relationship with? Absolutely and I have done it. By the book it’s unprofessional it’s hardly the damning statements Gamers Nexus is trying to sell them as.

    Also for those of you who have not watched any LMG content since that original GN video, LMG has cleaned up their act quite a bit, so credit where credit is due. Linus also only asked for receipts since he was getting increasingly frustrated with several negative comments coming from GN whereas on the LMG side they’ve continued to praise and recommend GN content

    • @[email protected]
      166 hours ago

      Your understanding of what qualifies as plagiarism feels wrong. Just because an organization advertises itself as a “weekly analysis and news” doesn’t disqualify them from citing sources. They still are required to give credit where credit is due… Even mainstream news channels will let their audience know where they are acquiring their information whenever it isn’t coming from their own investigations.

      At the end of the day, if a primary source privately requests a citation, then a citation is definitely required, so this is where lmg really messed up. GN (as the primary source) felt wronged when lmg used information from their own investigative journalism and did not give them credit (when they apparently gave Jayz2cents credit). At that point in time, lmg was obligated to give GN credit and lmg admitted to this mistake; but then did little to nothing to rectify it.

    • @[email protected]
      3014 hours ago

      Agreed. I think GN missed the point by not publishing the smoking gun receipts, but an avalanche of receipts for things LMG was guilty of and have admitted to. It kinda makes it look like GN wants it to look like they’re “burying LMG with evidence”, but in reality the smoking gun would only need to be a paragraph & some screenshots.

    • @eliv2
      6 hours ago

      deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      While I mostly agree with you, I do think there are problematic things in this article that make Linus come off as disingenuous at best, especially seeing that he played the “I have 0 idea what I did wrong, I want to sue you but i wont” card.

      As for the reciepts for lack of citations, while I think it’s obvious that Steve is asking for citations and he shouldn’t have to ask, it’s always best to make your request explicit. It breeds animosity to have expectations and not state or ask them clearly. I could absolutely see someone being naive in these exchanges and thinking that Steve was reaching out not to get a citation but to fix future mistakes.

      The worst thing about this bullshit though is the lmg clips video title. It’s a serious allegation that Linus allegedly wants to resolve, but they cover it in cringe memery. And I say this as someone who watches LTT and not GN.

      I think if Linus had just called out Steve’s beef and publicly requested some forum to speak privately or publicly and sort out differences, that’d be one thing. But with the lmg clip title and the “want to sue, but I won’t” bs, it all just seems kinda gross. I know that Linus may not be personally responsible for that, but the company uses his name, and he started it.

      • @[email protected]
        1412 hours ago

        I took Linus’s statement to mean that he doesn’t understand why he is continuing to get heat from GN since they have addressed the issues GN pointed out.

        The could sue but won’t part I think it’s coming more from a context with the ongoing Honey lawsuit, since at least on WAN show its been brought up several times that people recommend LMG join the lawsuit and Linus repeatedly refusing because as he puts it, he’s not a litigious person. Given the rest of the his plea in that segment for the viewers to not go after GN, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on it. I also personally give a lot of leeway to people and organizations who have admitted mistakes in the past and corrected them so that definitely feeds into me choosing not to interpret things the way you are, even though I can see why you view it that way.

        And yeah the dedicated clips channel video was moronically named imho. Linus or someone else at LMG should have vetoed it, it’s a serious topic and deserves to be taken as such. If they felt the need to make a joke, do it like the “channel this angry energy into powering RTX 5090s”. A small quip at the end, not leading into things

    • @[email protected]
      2314 hours ago

      You can’t publish an entire NYT news article verbatim and then claim, “I’m just reacting.” The GN article is copyrighted.

      • @[email protected]
        14 hours ago

        Are we talking copyright or plagiarism here? GN is claiming plagiarism, not copyright infringement

        Edit: spelling

        • @[email protected]
          2 hours ago

          Plagiarism is when you don’t make legal claims on someone copying your work or where the work wasn’t copyrighted.

          GN was being nice about it by calling it plagiarism instead of invoking lawyers.

          Edit: don’t just downvote. Explain why plagiarism of copyrighted work isn’t a copyright violation.

  • @[email protected]
    1212 hours ago

    Any shit thrown at LMG is good news to me, they deserve it after how dirty they treated Madison back then. They never properly addressed that either in the eyes of the audience…

      • @[email protected]
        1 hour ago

        I don’t have chance to dig all the details right now but here’s the stuff

        Madison/Suop is a small influencer, who at one point a few years back got hired by LMG. It didn’t last long and she stopped appearing in videos, and then wasn’t ever mentioned again by LMG.

        People eventually suspected she wrote this anonymous Glassdoor review on 2022 and had quit.

        Now when the first GN video on LMG came out, people pressured her to tell more about why she quit, and she came out with full details. . TLDR there was lots of bullying, harassment, sexist environment, unreasonable work pressure, etc.

        Then LMG promised to investigate this whole thing and provide results. Fast forward a few months they posted these findings.

        The keywords here is “unsubstantiated, no evidence, unfounded”, etc. It’s a very vague response and LMG can’t say a clear yes or no because there was no evidence. Many of the abuse was verbal and not recorded anywhere, and because it had happened a few years back it could have been lost or removed…

        So we as the audience are left with almost as much ambiguity as when this all started… If you compare both sides you can see why I still side with Madison’s story:

        • Reasons to believe Madison

          • She has gained nothing from this other than more harassment by rabid fans
          • We have individual vs a business with millions of dollars and an army of parasocial basement dwellers
          • She has kept a very consistent story through many years
          • Her claims have not been disproven
          • There’s a few tweets from other employees, and a leaked recording of harassment at LMG back when Madison quit, the only pieces of hard evidence are in her favor
        • Reasons to believe LMG

          • You think linus is your friend
          • You think the “not substantiated” equals “no”. I could go burn a house, but if I make it happen like an accident arson won’t be substantiated…
  • @[email protected]
    1012 hours ago

    After reading that article I can say that Linus is even bigger POS than he thought he was.

  • @[email protected]
    7917 hours ago

    We also allege that there were derogatory comments made by Linus Sebastian in a conversation with Steve Burke on a private phone call on August 31, 2021 at 7:31 PM Eastern lasting 9m 43s, where Sebastian referred to Burke as being “less autistic than you used to be;” however, with no recording of said call, this can only be alleged and there is no additional evidence to provide.

    Well that’s pretty fucked up

  • @[email protected]
    7017 hours ago

    It’s wild how Linus hasn’t pivoted into acknowledging his videos are like junk food. They’re fun but you shouldn’t take them too seriously.

    Instead he’s doubling down in all the worst ways while continuing to come off as another whiny tech ceo

    • dinckel
      4517 hours ago

      I find it really ironic, given that he’s spent the last 5-ish years trying to double-down on technical accuracy, while being entertaining. Now there’s no accuracy, and the entertainment has turned into repulsive cringe

      • warm
        1617 hours ago

        He fell off after he moved out of the house.

  • @[email protected]
    6117 hours ago

    I get the different likes and dislikes, but seriously, at this point why would anyone watch Linus videos?

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    I checked out from all LMG videos after I found out about the treatment of Madison during the huge controversy. WTF is going on over there? I thought Linus and Steve were friends at one point, did Linus forget that Steve remembers everything?

    • mbfalzar
      1012 hours ago

      I checked out from LMG when they did the video on the Velkase Velka 3, an uber-niche case in a niche segment, used bad parts, didn’t use exhaust fans, used a poor cooler choice, and got a pc running near thermal throttle when my near-identical spec pc was running 15°C cooler and benchmarking better. It made me realize that they have poor methodology and poorer research standards, so I just stopped watching entirely

    • DaGeek247
      3816 hours ago

      From the article:

      Sebastian’s recent calls for friendship were accompanied by serious legal allegations and claims regarding the ethics and motives behind our entire business. We believe this is a play on parasocial relationships, reinforced by Linus Media Group’s decision to re-title the LMG Clip “Can Linus & Gamers Nexus Ever be Friends Again?”, where it paints GamersNexus as a friend who just needs to make up with LTT so things can “get back to normal.” This suppresses dissenting views by pretending to be everyone’s friend, so a legitimate critique seems like a personal attack to onlooking viewers.

      If they were, they emphatically AREN’T anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        1516 hours ago

        I picked up on that one, I remember that they’d get pretty buddy-buddy for a while before it just stopped sometime around 2019. Apparently things have escalated a little.

        I don’t think Linus has the ability to pilot a company, even as a C-Suite with no actual responsibilities. I went from respecting them to seeing them as just another shitty corporation.

        • DacoTaco
          59 hours ago

          And derbau8er, and hardware unboxed, and jay and, …
          Ltt is a league on its own and lives on its own little island at this point (if that is a good or bad thing, i leave to you to decide)

  • @[email protected]
    3016 hours ago

    Man, these people need to sit down and have a proper talk. It’s embarassing that they’ve been fighting in public for so long. A lot of that sounds like simple communication breakdowns, even.

    Every goddamn time there’s a new step in these conflicts, my opinion of everyone involved tumbles.

    • @[email protected]
      3715 hours ago

      Did you not read the entire page? They were in private communication. Linus stole a long GN article, Steve only asked for recognition instead of threatening lawsuits and Linus never responded.

      • @[email protected]
        813 hours ago

        I’ve read it.

        Yes. Very unprofessional that the contacts in private ended up the way they did.

        Also unprofessional that Linus thought Steve was ignoring him when he was just texting the wrong number.

        But those sound a lot more like incompetence than malice to me. A lot of the story is things that could’ve been solved with better communication.

        The “scale of blame” definitively sounds like it’s tilted towards LMG. But I don’t really care about that right now. What I care about is that I really hope they talk for real instead of trying and failing to understand each other by text/email and then involving the audience in their fight by taking it public.

        I want them to talk like adults, and I want to stop feeling like I’m being made to watch a children’s quarrel.

        • @[email protected]
          26 hours ago

          This! It’s kinda turning (parts of) tech YT into the drama filled cesspool that is the rest of YT. Shit that could and should be a private conversation seems like it’s getting blown up for attention and clicks. Frankly if I wanted that type of content, I’d be watching the channels that do it better and at a much larger scale.