I just was trying to pass on the word that I received a 7 day ban for commenting on one of our games on Reddit. That will possibly cause a hiccup in the next discussion thread, since the moderator who started a scheduled post needs to be a moderator in the community for it to take.
A decision should be made, to move here all together.
I doubt we can get people to move en masse, as long as Reddit still allows the community in some form. I’ve been thinking about your suggestion, which is essentially what sartapao_khan has been doing, and just posting versions of my movement game series here and on Reddit. I’ll post a tame, bare bones version there, then a version with bonuses here, and mention the Lemmy version. Hopefully a combination of frequent mentioning of LemmyNSFW having more complete games and the freedom to discuss things like we used to and our content creators getting sick of having their games and comments taken down by Reddit will make Lemmy look more and more appealing.
Yes, but a little no. We don’t know background rules of Reddit. So we don’t know if, how or by whom the community rules can be changed.
The way you’re suggesting and sartopao_khan is doing is great and we should do that, but we’re also suggesting that; like our multi pic post, post only the first pic and then post a link to lemmy. Just like posting the front cover of a book then link you here. During current community rules that is not allowed. Chaning that would help we both think.
We agree it will be near impossible to move en masse (we’re hoping though), and we also agree that that your and sartopao_khan’s posts will help. We’re hoping to get things moving a bit faster.
Like we said, it would be a project counted in a couple of years.
The moderators can change the community rules. I’ll bring it up in a mod discussion and see what everyone is thinking. Right now Reddit is letting us link directly to LemmyNSFW, which I swear it wasn’t before, so we might as well take advantage of that. With what you two are suggesting it would just be like an interactive post that takes us offsite, but since it’s our Lemmy community here we’d have even more control over it.
Damn, Reddit is gonna be the next Tumblr.
Dont ask what fds used to mean on wallstreetbets thats a 7 day ban lol (there were negative news articles so reddit deleted hella posts/comments and banned anyone for saying it)
5 years and first time in the dog house. The thing is they’ve been hounding adult communities with the new rule about harassment, but that’s not even why they banned me. It was some nonsense about “Rule 7 because you shared content that solicits or facilitates a prohibited or illegal transaction.” I was literally commenting on a fantasy game about picking celebs. I don’t even understand what they’re talking about. It sounds like I was trying to sell meth or unregistered guns. I appealed it to no avail. Not even a proper explanation.
I apparently incited violence weekly, very good at that, my personality test did tell me I should be a cult leader, reddit was holding me back
I’m permabanned from reddit as a whole. Vast majority of which because of normal ass posts in the sub. There’s no appeal process when the choads can’t even be reached or won’t reply lol.
I got hit for a comment that was then deleted. The rest of that games’ comments doing exactly the same thing seem to be perfectly fine by Reddit moderation team standard, though.
I just got hit last night too. First time ban for me.
I think I’m going to promote the usage of Lemmy more when I return and might just post games here from now on. I’ll still comment there if I think it won’t break some rule I don’t understand and it might be better to do polls, given our limitations here, but we’re not wanted there and are fighting an uphill battle that we’re not going to win.