Remember to make up some 90% statistic while you’re at it.
Elon IS the parasite class. He lives off the labour of others. The best way for him to remove the parasite class is to place his neck in the guillotine.
Yeah, the irony and lack of self awareness here is astounding.
If you were a purse snatcher, and your victim gave chase as you ran away. And you were shouting “Stop! Stop them!” The people on the street would be at least as confused enough to let you run past, as you’d both be shouting and calling for help. It’s weaponized projection. Double speak. It’s no more unintentional than using a Nazi salute and claiming it to be a gesture of endearment.
this is a brilliant observation honestly. every accusation or criticism levied against the fascists gets reversed in a “I know you are but what am?” sneer. it works for many reasons, and it’s part of the right wing playbook.
- accused of nepotism? flip it around and prosecute Hunter.
- accused of Jan 6 violence? bring up the George Floyd riots or antifa.
- accused of sexual scandal? point out Bill Clinton’s many accusers and Bidens hair sniffing.
- greed? bring up Pelosi’s insider trading.
- coercing abortion? they point to vaccines/mask mandates.
obviously none are equivalent in scale or scope, but they have truthiness to them at first glance. and just as importantly, like in your purse thief example, they redirect attention and create doubt… just long enough to avoid getting caught or face the wrath of the crowd.
it also works, esp in America, partly because the so-called opposition party is actually kind of a piece of shit and has been for generations. Dems profess to hate the extreme consequences of capitalism, but love capitalism itself and benefit from it. so they ultimately can’t condemn it or offer long term solutions to the problems it creates. conservatives at least offer simpler solutions which all boil down to “hate who you’re told” and “obey your God King and you’ll someday be rewarded”.
And therefore the best way for him to handle the parasite class would be quitting ketamine and using fentanyl instead.
The use of the word “parasite” is not a coincidence.
“[The Jew] is and remains the eternal parasite, a parasite that spreads more and more like a harmful bacillus, as well as inviting only a favourable culture medium. The effect of its existence, however, is similar to that of parasites: where it occurs, the host people die after a shorter or longer time.”
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Or you could like read the room in 2025 lol
We are ruled by parasites and bootlickers enable them
A Korean filmmaker made a film about this … hmmm what was the name 🤔
The Train That Couldn’t Slow Down
A Clear example of anti semetism
But let’s make it clear, today it’s got little to do with jews. Now its Muslims and anyone who looks “muslimish”. It’s funny when you look at the stats and you recognise the biggest terrorists in the world have, and always have been the western nations (west Europe + America and Russia)
That loser takes more government money for free than all of us combined
He even looks like a bloated tick
Children are parasites, they only take from the state and provide nothing back in return! Send them back into the mines!
You may jest, but there’s a lot of truth here.
- From a self centered or short term view, children are a cost, an inconvenience, and there are way too many such people on the Right.
- from a larger perspective, for a community, a society, a future, children are that future, are the big reason to make things better, are our biggest investment. These overlap a lot of Left or Progressive goals, even with people who have different motivation
Back to the mines? Just kill them where they stand, useless parasites, who needs em?
Nuh uhhh that’s the post birth abortions democrats love so much!
Says the disgusting parasite.
When is he gonna stop taking free government tax cuts for taxes he doesn’t pay anyway, then?
gosh. using her image like that.
She should sue him for using her image in an advertisement, for the criminal coup org he is illegally running.
Who is the model?
Sydney Sweeney
Yeah. She’s fucking dying from hot chicken wings, but they use her since she fits the Aryan aesthetic.
Sydney Sweeney should sue the bastard
there’s no human being more parasitic than a billionaire. they steal, exploit, horde, and give nothing back to society. their very existence is a crime against humanity and should be outlawed.
We need a lot more Italian plumbers
I’d say there’s one sure fire way for musk to remove at least one member of the parasite class, but saying it would get me banned.
Can we just fast forward to Musk and Trump in a bunker with a gun?
What a very Nazi statement
I am continually blown away by how little self-awareness this clown has.
I heard drinking bleach will do it
So from his point of view, poor people, ie 50% of Americans, are parasites.