What is a sub/community that you wish existed (actively) on Lemmy?
Maybe there are others like you and we can actually get it running, or maybe to already exists but you just don’t know!
Communities for identifying random stuff! Rocks, plants, bugs, fossils, that weird thingy in your grandma’s kitchen… I love lurking on them because I learn to notice more in my day-to-day life. The downside is that they need more active moderation to weed out wrong or unhelpful comments.
And on a related note, communities for admiring natural stuff, à la mineralporn.
Psychonaut, DPH, heavymind, weirddalle, mspaint. All were once hidden gems of Reddit
Between you and the person who wants jam band content, yes, slowly but surely my people are coming.
DPH? Like ppl abusing benadryl?
Yeah, absolutely crazy sub
Its fucked up
Jambands/Grateful Dead type stuff.
Yes I know there are groups out there, but no one is extremely active. I’ll give it time: Weir Everywhere
It’s not dedicated to it, but I’m certain many of your favourite tracks would be welcome over at [email protected]
I am begging you.
I know only psych-rock and I want so much more
Books suggestions or suggest me a book were cool. Anything regarding reading (I found horror lit here) or books :)
A nudist/naturist sub would be really nice, been missing out on events lately so at least chatting about it would help shake the feeling of isolation.
Also, a space for plural systems would be super appreciated. We wouldn’t really know what to say in it but it’s really cool meeting other systems and learning about them.
-Finn (fae/she)
What are plural systems?
https://morethanone.info/ is a great resource for learning about systems, in short it’s where multiple entities (or alters) with their own unique personalities share the body and mind (a headspace.)
-Cass (xe/xem)
I would’ve thought GURPS would be more represented in the Lemmy demographics.
How about Books That Feel Like This ? I always found good book recs there.
chess, linguistics, my country, my profession. Last two aren’t even worth clarifying
I’d love if the Dead by Daylight community was more active here
VultureCulture and BoneCollecting, because I love bones
More women-oriented communities would be great. Skincare, makeup, women’s fitness, female health, nail polish, aging. I’d love that.
If I started a women one that covered all of that, would you help me promote it?
Great it’s [email protected] just in the process of building it
Awesome, thanks! :)
Np post away! If nothing else I’ll chat with you haha
Agree! I’d love to see more discussion around female health, not necessarily constructive but just bants about the ‘gross’ stuff, memes and complaints and stuff. The issue is that I’m a comment contributor more than a poster, as much as I try. So as much as I’d like to Be The Change, it really has to come from a lot of us posting and interacting.
Today CheeseToastie created a new community for women’s interests. I’ve agreed to share it around so if you’re interested, come join us at [email protected]
Yes! Or fiber/needle arts! Im struggling to quit reddit because theres like 6 crochet posts over here T_T
Hi mate! We’d love to see your crochet stuff at [email protected] we’re for all things women related
Oh nice! Headed there now, much appreciated <3
Oh my gosh thank you <3 now i need to do my part and help with engagement haha
Yes! The number of great patterns I’ve gotten off of r/knitting has been invaluable to my learning.
A nail one would be great. Maybe we can make one.
Today CheeseToastie created a new community for women’s interests. I’ve agreed to share it around so if you’re interested, come join us at [email protected]
And I’ve just posted in there a very important nail polish question! ;)
Oh exciting!
when lemmy started they said they couldn’t come here because they feared associating with MLs would compromise their unbiased ideal. I wonder how that’s working out for them
That really was the best of reddit.
It exists but 100% not in the same form
Link it!
But not run by the people from the og reddit, so its quality I dont know
It’s quality on Reddit was from heavy moderation. It’s not that at all.
but the pool of commenters that are historians might decrease over time because of karma requirements
deleted by creator
We don’t have enough Linux discussion
Did you forget the /s?
Actually active formuladank community
I really should visit [email protected] more actively, most of the time the posts in there dont even show up on my feeds I think
It’s also been in a bit of an expected lull during the off-season. I think it will pick up come next weekend when the season actually kicks off.
That’s a fair point, I did join lemmy during the off season