This became easy to predict about 15 years into the neoliberal project.
It’s the regime’s new economic paradigm.
Trying again today huh?
Those aren’t liberals, those are conservative fascists.
This has nothing to do with liberals. It’s a about “neoliberals” taking it to the next nazi level. You do know what a neoliberal is, right?
Liberal as in economically liberal
Oh yeah, very liberal there with the whole demanding people conform to their ways, controlling women’s bodies, declaring DEI and the very concept of large swaths of the LGBT invalid, deporting everyone not white and Christian they can…
Totally owning those shitlibs am so right?
This is not about owning libs. It’s about owning “neolibs” who are pivoting to fascism. The term “thick” comes to mind. And we wonder why the poor are getting their asses kicked.
You’ve been around here long enough to know that ‘neolib’ gets thrown out for anyone this side of Stalin. Trying to equate the term with these sociopaths isn’t going to work.
Since folks like me don’t know what neoliberal is, from the Wikipedia page on this subject:
Neoliberalism is often associated with a set of economic liberalizationpolicies, including privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending.
My goodness … thank you so much. I was beginning to lose hope of there being anything resembling an intelligent life form on here. 🙏
Yeah, so Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were neoliberals. So, yeah, major parts of Western governments have been headed to this since I was a kid.
Because of course a liberal is just anyone who disagrees with you, right OP? No way you got that wrong, and certainly not on purpose.
What does this post have to do with liberals? It’s about “neoliberals.” Do you know the difference? Because, it’s contingent upon your economic survival that you do know the difference.
Derp derp derp.