• MxM111
      -79 months ago

      Imagine that you live in a suburb. Imagine it is 3am, you are sleeping with your family, and suddenly a very loud and forceful knocking on the door for 10 seconds. That happened to me, and the only reason I did not bring my gun when I was checking what is going on is because I do not have one. But at that moment I really wished I had.

      • Neshura
        279 months ago

        Imagine that you live in a suburb. Imagine it is 3am, you are drunk and want to go home. You forgot/lost your keys somewhere so you knock on your door to wake up whoever you are living with. Unfortunately for you in your drunk stupor you knocked on the wrong door and are now dead because someone with 0 gun training was allowed to buy and use one, got scared and shot you because they were frightened.

        The way I always see Americans speak about these late night incidents you’d think Europe would have collapsed from lack of guns in people’s homes…

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Not even drunk, the back of your neighbours house catches fire so you run over and bang on the door to wake him - he doesn’t answer so you kick the door open just as he gets halfway down the stairs – even if he’s a responsible gun owner that moment of someone bursting in while he has a gun in his hand, instant tragedy…

        • MxM111
          -89 months ago

          That was not the case though. It were actual hooligans entertaining themselves. And being drunk is not an excuse for this behavior. Can’t hold the liquor do not drink.

          • Neshura
            9 months ago

            Doesn’t matter what the situation actually was. The US has an object problem with gun violence. Just speaking statistics the US had more deaths in mass shootings and number of mass shootings in a single year than the entirety of Europe has in more than a decade, probably multiple decades looking at the numbers. Which gets really sad considering we have twice as many people living here. Guns aren’t the solution to your gun violence problem they are the fucking problem. Doesn’t matter if it’s thugs banging on your door or just some neighbours kid playing a prank all a gun does in any situation is increase the number of dead or seriously injured people afterwards. People in the Balkan countries are more responsible about gun ownership and a lot of those guys still have/had junk from the Yugoslav war lying around in the basement. They recently had a tragic mass shooting in Serbia after which the government announced an amnesty program for unregistered firearms. Guess what happened? People registered that too many guns just lying around is a problem and turned theirs in en masse.

            • MxM111
              -39 months ago

              Why are we talking about guns? The OP topic is about knocking the door. I brought gun (the one that I do not have) into discussion to only indicate that it can be quite scary.

              As for guns, it is too simplistic to blame gun violence to gun legality. It is more cultural thing than anything else, because there are countries with large legal ownership of guns, where gun violence is significantly smaller.

              For example, in US, 45% of households have guns, similarly in Findland about 40%. Findland however does not have anything close to US in gun violence.

              • Neshura
                9 months ago

                I did not bring my gun when I was checking what is going on is because I do not have one. But at that moment I really wished I had.

                OP brings up guns which is why I mentioned them. You are btw correct in your “it’s a culture” argument but that doesn’t change the facts. Finland doesn’t have high gun ownership because people buy them at the supermarket btw, they just take their gun home after serving their conscription term. Same with Switzerland btw.

      • @notmy2ndacc
        59 months ago

        But if there was an intruder they probably wouldn’t want to make you aware of their presence correct? If someone was trying forced entry wouldn’t they just do it?

        • MxM111
          -19 months ago

          Do you think you can think logically at 3 am? And honestly I have no idea how those people think. As a human being I would not forcefully knock to someone in the middle of the night just to scare them. So, all bets are off. Maybe they come for lynching. How would I know?

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        They’re talking about knocking on a door and running away. In context, this means you’re talking about being scared for your life and shooting someone in the back as they run away. You’re an unhinged motherfucker.

        • MxM111
          -39 months ago

          How the fuck you have arrived in this conclusion in “this context” is beyond me.

          In this context I mentioned the gun to indicate how scared you are at 3 am for yourself and for your family, the need for protection. Not how gladly I would go on rampage. Seriously.

  • Bleeping Lobster
    359 months ago

    I grew up next to an RAF base in the UK, it had areas forbidden to civvies but also several large areas where the force staff with families would live. These areas were an absolute knock-door-run goldmine, long rows of houses with doors for knocking.

    We were, undisputably, little shits. Knock-door-run was the least of the problems we caused for the ‘toy police’ (as we called the military police as they had no powers of arrest over civvies). We’d all line up in a row, knock 10 doors at once then leg it. You did NOT want to be the clumsy-footed teen knocking on the door at the back of the row! I had no idea we were breakin’ the lawwwww

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      You call it knock-door-run? What a dumb thing to call it. Brits always have weird names for things. In Canada we call it Nicky-nicky-nine-doors. Like normal people.

      • Bleeping Lobster
        39 months ago

        Haha. Now I think about it, it’s quite an unimaginative name. That’s how we rolled in our village, our favourite hangout spot was an old hole in the ground in the woods, surrounded by trees with a rope swing… affectionately known as ‘The Crater’.

        It’s that sort of lack of imagination & aspiration that made me determined to leave!

      • 🐍🩶🐢
        29 months ago

        Ding-dong-ditch here in the US as we typically rang the doorbell instead of knocking, but same concept.

  • @[email protected]
    309 months ago

    Great Britain is the large island. Northern Ireland is also shaded red, meaning it’s the entire UK.

  • Kalash
    299 months ago

    That explains why they had to come up with Theft and Shrubbery.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Fuckin’ UK. Making everything they can possibly think of illegal since checks notes 12 July 927.

    • @[email protected]
      149 months ago

      Oi mate, you got your complaining licence? Its illegal to complain about UK law without a permit.

    • @[email protected]
      109 months ago

      You jest, but you weren’t there in 1986. Never has fish been handled so suspiciously, before or since. It’s the only country where I’ve ever felt safe from those pesky suspicious fish handlers.

  • @[email protected]
    229 months ago

    Is there a time limit?

    Are the people inside similarly required to answer the door within that time limit?

    • @[email protected]
      379 months ago

      No to both. If you knock on a door in Britain, you must remain there indefinitely until the homeowner arrives. If the house is unoccupied, you have doomed yourself.

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    Guess they really don’t like someone knocking on doors over there.

    Of course a country which puts their children in suits and sends them to boarding schools may have an issue with understanding what it means to have fun as a kid.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Wow that’s a gold mine! Some highlights:

        Every person shall be liable to a penalty […] who […] commit any of the following offences;


        Every person who shall roll or carry any cask, tub, hoop, or wheel, or any ladder, plank, pole, showboard, or placard, upon any footway, except for the purpose of loading or unloading any cart or carriage, or of crossing the footway


        Every person who shall blow any horn or use any other noisy instrument, for the purpose of calling persons together, or of announcing any show or entertainment, or for the purpose of hawking, selling, distributing, or collecting any article whatsoever, or of obtaining money or alms


        Every person who shall wilfully and wantonly disturb any inhabitant by pulling or ringing any door-bell or knocking at any door without lawful excuse, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully extinguish the light of any lamp


        Every person who shall fly any kite or play at any game to the annoyance of the inhabitants or passengers, or who shall make or use any slide upon ice or snow in any street or other thoroughfare, to the common danger of the passengers.

        So don’t even think about *checks notes* flying a kite and playing games in general and also don’t you dare to *checks notes again* slide on ice or carry a wheel on a footpath, punk!

        • @[email protected]
          79 months ago

          There’s a reason the UK has the “Oy mate, have you got a loisence for that loisence?” joke. (“Loisence” meaning “license”, but pronounced funny)

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          Those actually all sound pretty reasonable. Basically don’t interfere with or inconvenience people in public areas.

        • Justas🇱🇹
          39 months ago

          I can remember an old Tom Scott video where he broke a bunch of those. Still have “We flew a kite in a public place/ We flew a kite in a public place” stuck in my head.