The main cast aren’t the only great characters in this game, who are your favorites?
I loved Alfira (Rebecca Hanssen) Isobel (Mia Foo), and Zevlor. All 3 were great casting choices but I can’t figure out who played Zevlor. Any idea?
Don’t know if he’s a side or a main character but Raphael reallys stole the show for me. The character, the writing, the voice acting, everything was just perfect about him.
In terms of actual minor characters, I really liked Omeluum as an early proof that a mind flayer can have its own personality and doesn’t have to be part of a hive mind.
I really liked him, too! I saw an interview with him where he talks about his song and how he sent it to friends unprompted haha
I’m torn about the writing for Omeluum but not his character exactly…I just feel like the emperor would have something to say about it since he says he’s the only mindflayer to escape. They should have met in game imo
Maybe they both kill other mindflayers on sight since they would assume the other mindflayer is controlled by the Absolute?
Since the emperor is in your head all the time, you’d think he’d be able to figure out that Omeluum is free when he tries to remove the worm for you.
Not the biggest plot hole or anything, I just expected more from that line.
Also to be fair - I’ve stolen the egg in every game I’ve played not knowing that it prevents me from seeing Omeluum in act 3. So I might be totally wrong with my assessment
Steal the egg but also kill Esther. Then you can get the money for the egg from the Society and Omeluum still lives. Alternatively sell her the owlbear egg. She doesn’t know the difference.
I sold her the owlbear egg, then she got angry at me (can’t remember why) and I knocked her out and took the egg back.
Interesting! Thanks for the tip. I didn’t even make the connection until my friend said he saved Omeluum from the iron throne and I had no idea what he was talking about.
The song*
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I love that he sings his own boss music, it’s so self centered and exactly the kind of bs I’d expect from the >!son of Mephistopheles!<
Your spoiler tags don’t seem to be working.
Hmm. I blame Sync.
That reminds me that I didn’t actually find the Society of Brilliance in Act 3…
I know it’s late enough in the game that it’s a big whatever, but I really wanted to keep Hope. She was just exactly the kind of chaotic positive-but-insane energy I needed in that chapter of the game, and while I buy her personal conlusion, choosing to join you would make a lot of sense too.
I liked her too! House of Hope is a top 3 “dungeon” for me.
House of hope was my No.1 abuse mechanic
You mean it’s abuse to spend all my spell slots summoning and buffing with everything I have and then taking a bath before every encounter??
I planned to abuse it before leaving but I’m sorry to report that the faucet stops working after the last fight.
Also sorry to report that the restoration pod that worked similar at the end of Act 3 isn’t there on Tactician difficulty…
Wait is that bath not one time use like the regen plants in the nautiloid?
Bath is unlimited use up until you beat the final fight!
The pod before the courtyard fight at the end is also unlimited use. And the one before the final fight is single use
Fuck, I ran his whole place on a single long rest…
That just means you’ll get to abuse it when you replay on tactician :)
You don’t need the spell prepared anymore after you summon something so you can get real cheesy with it.
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Alfira is such a big one. I know it’s an easy choice because of her Weeping Dawn scene early on, but this girl has “Get in the Party” written all over her. Tragic backstory! Thirst for Adventure! She’s a Bard; I need a Bard!
I’m only to Moonrise Towers so far; there may be more I’ve yet to encounter. Wulbren was a big letdown, I’ve been looking for him since I accidentally flung his friend off a windmill. I was hoping to find a fun gnome inventor, instead, he’s just kind of a prick who doesn’t even care I helped all his friends in the Underdark!
You can actually recruit her into your party in act 1 if you’re playing as the Dark Urge! Just talk to her in the Druid grove and then long rest before progressing the tiefling quest line
I heard about that, and then you get to do a collaborative art project. This game truly is amazing.
Paint by numbers is such a bard like activity. You just know she approves.
You monster.
You can still save her if you knock her out before you long-rest. Then another random traveling bard takes her place for that scene.:::
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I want to get to know Alfira better, but I’m so damn annoyed that
act 2 spoiler
I’ve played through acts 1/2 three different times and she’s died in a different way each time 😭
Wulbren’s story is interesting and it’s slightly different depending on the windmill scene. I dislike Wulbren was a person but like him as a character and that our stories intersect but he has a completely different objective
Mol is a stand out character in my opinion, charismatic, ambitious, a natural leader. She’s going to be the terror of the sword coast one day
On that topic, I was really disappointed with the way her story just kind of… Went away? After the attack in act 2 and the subsequent conversation with Karlach, I was incredibly invested in Mol’s story, helping her, and helping Karlach save what she sees as a small her from some of the pain she suffered.
But then we got to act 3 and I literally didn’t find any story threads to continue with. The previous problem presented solved itself off-screen, Mol flipped from “I will kill for these kids” to “who?”, Karlach never brought it up again, and there was no noteworthy dialogue with Mol other than “buy some stuff or fuck off”.
Act 3 felt like it had a lot of unresolved story threads, early ends, and bugs resulting in the aforementioned problems, but this one really stands out to me. It’s like I watched someone set up a whole domino sequence, flick the first one, and 70% of the way through a domino missed and the builder just told me that was supposed to happen and left.
So, spoiler, but you can find her contract with Raphael in the house of hope. Then you can go back to her and give her back. This turns her into an ally at the end that gives you a very powerful buff.
I had actually heard that giving her her contract causes her to just get pissed at you and do nothing. I’m not clear on what the strange conditionals there are, as I simply didn’t find the contract (even though I swear I found everything and then some in the House of Hope) and am working entirely on second-hand experiences.
Still feels incredibly lackluster, tbh. Tying it to a companion (side?)quest via Karlach, or at least letting Mol half admit to you what happened and prompting a quest log entry or… something, could have made it feel far more significant and meaningful.
I feel like the dialogues options can have a big and lasting impact with many characters. Maybe it depends on stuff happening in both act 1 and act 2.
I admit it could be more. But on the other hand I see most tiefling settle for their life once they reach Baldur’s Gate. We get a closure with them at least. We could get more, but there’s already so much in act 3 I’m almost glad there isn’t more lol. ^^
She only becomes an ally if you don’t ask her about the contract. If you ask her about it she gets mad and stops talking to you.
No. I told her and I gave her her contract and we were best friends.
Really? I told her and she shut me down so hard i had to save scum. Ill try it again next time I’m in the guild hall.
I don’t know. I had her buff at the end and I feel like she was tense to take it but friendly afterward. I suspect the relationship depends on what happens in act 1 and 2.
Yeah, you can really feel the cut content in act 3. There is an “end” to her story as the other reply says but it does feel a bit too minor. I wish we knew more about her
The fairy trapped in the lantern. “I’m gonna murder you so bad!”
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She’s not so much my favorite side character, but the Hag is one of my favorite villains. She is just so creepy and evil that her network of misdeeds were so well crafted and written. The only issue that I had with her was her appearance in Act 3. I was excited to see who “M” was in Baldur’s Gate but was actually disappointed to see it was Ethel instead. It was kind of obvious she was shoehorned in Act 3 in the last minute.
God I was so tired of the forest when I got to her bright and cheerful beach I was so relieved. >!Only to pass a perception check…!<
Shovel. She’s chaotic evil through and through, and I love her. She just wants to murderize and is bored with anything else (except arson). Hearing her maniacally shout “it’s fisting time!” and “I’m gonna eat your babies!” Is still making me chuckle into act 3.
+1 for Shovel. She’s a rude little shit and I love her. Between her and Astarion I spend a lot of my runs laughing.
In terms of extremely minor one-off characters, He Who Was was very cool. I was sad when he didn’t show up in act three. Just a random Shadar-Kai warlock of the Raven Queen chilling in the Shadow Cursed lands, delivering warped justice to the dead, and collecting their tormented memories and emotions to sustain his queen.
First time I met him, he said to punish the hell out of her. So I naturally had her suffer the same fate she inflicted on others. He was surprisingly upset about that. Dude you said to deliver harsh justice! But apparently somehow I’m the psychopath?
::Spoiler :: I loved the way his posture changed, when He spoke as the soul of the darf
IIRC there was an entire Raven Queen/Shadar-Kai plotline planned out but ended up cut, I assume he is all of it that actually ended up in the game.
I could see that. She’s got some thematic ties to Karsus, shares a home plane with Shar, and has a portfolio revolving around lost knowledge (ie, a potentially attractive avenue for recoving an amnesiac’s memories) giving options for a subplot around her to resonate with a couple different origin characters. (And could potentially serve as a more “benign” (for certain definitions of the word) source of power to Wyll, if he wanted to retain his powers but escape his contract with Mizora.)
He Who Was
I’ve never once seen this NPC and I’ve played through 7 times now. Where is he? Just a general area so I can go wandering.
Yeah, as the other commenter mentioned, wander around north of the Shadowed Battlefield waypoint, make sure to explore all the nooks and crannies at the edges of the map, you’ll find his campsite eventually.
TYVM. Time to restart at act 1.
Iirc it’s east of the last light inn in act 2. Between the mountain pass entry and the underdark entry to the area.
I was very upset the sadistic priest was just a brief appearance, but left me with a perma buff, so that’s nice.
Raphaël song was so awesome! But it’s kind of the main cast I guess?
I love Isobel and Aylin. I love Hope too! I wish there was more with her but I don’t know yet if I missed some stuff or not.
Hope was so well acted! God I both felt so bad for her and was cracking up at her delivery. Great suggestion!
When I said main cast I was more thinking companions so I think he counts!
If you completed House of Hope, that’s it for her unfortunately
I didn’t save her sister. At least next time I’ll do this. ^^
I “saved” her sister once by just knocking her out but nothing happened. Is there an actual way to save her??
I don’t know. I planned on trying Hope special banishment spell.
OH MAN CLEVER I don’t think I’ve seen that suggested as an idea
There are a lot of great minor characters but I especially liked Barcus and Rolan and being able to impact their stories. I would have liked to see where things were going with He Who Was but never ran in to him again. Did I miss it or was there just the one encounter?
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I got a kick out of Crusher and all the dialog options with him and everyone around him. I laughed so hard at everything.
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