Thank you Humble bundle for inflating the value for my account
That my privacy settings are set correctly, so they didn’t have any information on me besides the number of games I own.
I’ve spent close to 7% of my life playing steam games?
That I apparently do not exist on steam
I found I had to put in the whole URL that’s in my profile, rather than just my Steam name
The only surprising thing is that I guess I have all my games hidden. Oh well
how do you even display them
No idea, I didn’t feel like figuring it out lol
It says right on the page. Edit profile - privacy - set to public. Wait 5 mins
I saw that too, then thought, “nah, I’m good”
Its not that bad if you open steam and click your name in the top right, but for the lazy it ain’t worth it
(full instructions are on the page when it realizes youre account is private)
My favourite game is Blender apparently with over 4000 hours
The most surprising thing are the games we played along the way~
I’m feeling lucky had me play some random ass VN I got as a gag gift multiple times.
That I’ve only played 60% of my 750 games
5% of 400…
I’m so ashamed that the numbers clearly present me as one of those “but, it’s on sale!” buyers who then only play 3 games year after year.
I’ve been doing my best, and I got past 50% of my 847 a while back!
39% wow. Yeah lots of free games and Humble Bundles.
Is it any good in the long run?
Is what any good? Humble Bundle? I don’t know, I quit buying them years ago because I didn’t play enough. Same thing with PC Game Pass.
I should probably join humble bundle, I’ve been paying full price
I just wishlist games on Steam and and wait for sales. In the long run often games will be given away for free before I buy them.
I’m shocked I’ve played as many of my games as I have! I thought it would be a lot lower of a percentage
- Games owned: 903
- Games played: 654 (72%)
- Hours on record: 10,428.8h
$0.26/hour is pretty good!
That my total playtime is still only 10 months. I could have sworn I had spent over a year by now.
It says I have nearly 4k hours playing games, but I have a single game at 1k hours and only a few in the 100 hour range. Idk how it got that high, I feel like it’s counting non-games but idk what.
Wallpaper Engine will do it for ya if like you say counts non-games.
There’s only 4 games that I’ve bought that I’ve paid over $55 for. Over the 10 years I’ve apparently been on Steam, I would have thought there’d be more in that price range, but I guess I’ve been pretty good at taking advantage of sales.
Only 2000 hours in 19 years? Doesn’t feel right, but I guess many of my games aren’t from Steam.
That I’ve only played 400 out of the 1600 games I own (in my defense I got a lot of these games from bundles) and I have 6800 hours total playtime.