Dear Julie (not real name),
You are aware that you’ve been restricted from texting me due to past inappropriate behavior and harassment. Using an email to send messages through my mobile carrier is still an infringement on my boundaries. Please refrain from such actions and only communicate with me via the approved method of family email communications.
Thank you.
My bad, mate. I often write these at very emotional times which is probably a bad idea. When you’ve been harassed for 10 years and it’s still ongoing, it tends to take its toll on you. I wouldn’t wish what I’ve experienced on my worst enemy. If only an open dialogue were to take place, I think this all could have been avoided, but my ex shut me out. It has certainly stifled the best of me and I’m hoping I can move on and recover from this. PTSD certainly lingers with the anger of knowing that 10 years were partially flushed down the loo. What I’m saying is that I assume too much when I’m writing and need to provide a clearer description. I will continue to catalogue her misdeeds and I certainly thank you for your support.