Dear Julie (not real name),
You are aware that you’ve been restricted from texting me due to past inappropriate behavior and harassment. Using an email to send messages through my mobile carrier is still an infringement on my boundaries. Please refrain from such actions and only communicate with me via the approved method of family email communications.
Thank you.
lol! I wish it were that easy with this woman. But I got a good laugh from your response. Thank you so much!
Unfortunately some people do not care about boundaries and this is why you’re here in the first place. I hope the message comes across and she understands it as you are being very clear what your boundaries are. We finally got to the point where we fully cut out the in-laws years ago and it was an immense quality of life improvement.
Oh gosh. It’s good to see folks can relate. My ex-inlaw dad has all the money in the world, but his teeth are so messed up. You think, with all that money he can get them fixed to make his grandkid proud of him.
There are tons of people who can relate so you’re far from alone here. I don’t know much about your specific situation but if you have these issues then you probably deal with many more. I highly recommend the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. It’s a relatively short read and was an absolute game changer for me dealing with family who have no boundaries whatsoever.
It’s a shit read if you have only one parent open to interpreting it. Sorry, You got a lot of pussies in the family law system.
They are still so ugly despite how many children he “loves”
Is this from or to you?
From me.
Is it ok to ask what your mother did for you to restrict communication?
Hah. Sorry. I probably should have provided more detail. Mom is my ex-wife. The mother of my children. If I were to explain her communications and behaviour, they would be passive-aggressive, cruel, belligerent, condescending, vindictive, inflexible, strategic (case building), manipulative, conniving, deceitful, threatening, malicious, sneaky, and just plain rude. Would love to get a restraining order but they just don’t give them out that easy to men around these parts.
I apologise for assuming ‘Mom’ was your mother.
My bad, mate. I often write these at very emotional times which is probably a bad idea. When you’ve been harassed for 10 years and it’s still ongoing, it tends to take its toll on you. I wouldn’t wish what I’ve experienced on my worst enemy. If only an open dialogue were to take place, I think this all could have been avoided, but my ex shut me out. It has certainly stifled the best of me and I’m hoping I can move on and recover from this. PTSD certainly lingers with the anger of knowing that 10 years were partially flushed down the loo. What I’m saying is that I assume too much when I’m writing and need to provide a clearer description. I will continue to catalogue her misdeeds and I certainly thank you for your support.