This is literally just the r/nyt subreddit about The New York Times.

Given he apparently takes inspiration from Elon Musk, it’s only a matter of time until u/spez starts adding post view limits unless you pay extra.

  • @[email protected]
    4191 year ago

    This is why the weekend DDoS attacks and frontpage vandalism don’t really concern me. With spez and Musk burning their services to the ground, we’re (along with other competitors, we’re not the only one) going to get a steady influx pressure for the coming months or even years. Shutting us partly down for a few hours every weekend does nothing in the face of this much stronger phenomenon. Whoever is doing it is basically pissing into the wind.

    • sadreality
      2161 year ago

      Kinda good since devs getting their systems stress tests while service is still young and alpha testers don’t bitch about minor inconvience unlike Normie’s stream…

      This FrEe SerVIcE MusT JUst WurK, Rheee

      • @[email protected]
        881 year ago

        Agreed. This is very uncomfortable for us, but we’re going to come out much stronger for it.

        Imagine the alternative–the devs just skipping through imaginary meadows, adding pleasant little features and taking their time, while the userbase grew and grew, and then we experienced a very major breach of trust and security.

        That could’ve theoretically killed us. Now it won’t happen. Everyone is staring at their code and thinking “yep, security is important, that’s true…”

        • @[email protected]
          541 year ago

          Future incidents probably will still happen, but when you develop in the open it’s much easier for people to trust you when you talk about incident response and mitigation, because they can see what’s happening out in the open. In contrast, nobody trusts Reddit to do what they say.

          • tool
            101 year ago

            Future incidents probably will still happen

            It’s not a question of if, but when. The only secure computer is one that’s a mile underground, encased in concrete, and with no network connection.

            And even then, it’s still not a 100% safe bet.

          • BombOmOm
            221 year ago

            This right here is a big deal. Even if an instance goes down or gets attacked, the easy choice is to just browse from another instance till it is back up.

          • @[email protected]
            151 year ago

            I literally only noticed because people made posts on other instances about it lmao

            I generally just browse by Top Day for All instances, unlike on reddit where i only looked at my subscriptions.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      spez and Musk burning their services to the ground

      Realistically, reddit will be fine. The percentage of users that solely used the 3rd party apps to view and comment was relatively small. Some power users might leave. Some mods might leave. But reddit doesn’t really care about those, since they can just spawn their own army of repost bots and farm clicks from people who have only ever used the website via the official app and who have grown accustomed to being inundated with unblockable advertisements. Twitter seems to be doing a lot worse, though. But I don’t have statistics to prove how well or poorly any particular website is doing.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        The percentage of users that solely used the 3rd party apps to view and comment was relatively small.

        Reddit doesnt produce any content itself, so viewing and commenting in general isn’t particularly important. What matters more are valuable contributions. I would posit that 3rd party app users provided disproportionately more valuable content than the official app users.

        There is already an army of repost bots which aren’t going away. The bots don’t care about the health of the platform, so we can assume they are at maximum repost saturation.

        And reposts still require new content generation to make reposts. You can’t repost the same stale content perpetually.

        I don’t think reddit is going to just die. But it’s popularity and userbase can dwindle over time. Tumblr still exists, but it’s a shell of its former self.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          Reddit doesnt produce any content itself, so viewing and commenting in general isn’t particularly important. What matters more are valuable contributions.

          What even constitutes value in this case, though? And if viewing isn’t important, then why have “valuable contributions” at all? The purpose of reddit is to sell advertising space. They leverage the website’s audience for this purpose. Reddit’s users are the product being sold. The content is how they draw in users.

          There is already an army of repost bots which aren’t going away. The bots don’t care about the health of the platform, so we can assume they are at maximum repost saturation.

          We really can’t assume that, though. Also, “maximum repost saturation” would, by definition, be literally all content submitted via repost bots. They’re not there yet. Not by a long shot. But the share of posts submitted via automated means is definitely climbing.

          And reposts still require new content generation to make reposts. You can’t repost the same stale content perpetually.

          A huge portion of reddit’s content links externally. It’s literally a link aggregator. It’s not difficult to have a system that aggregates links and website headings, dumps that into a database, and then a bot parses out new entries and builds submissions from those based on some arbitrary set of metrics. The content is still generated, but it’s generated externally and then consumed by the system.

          But it’s popularity and userbase can dwindle over time. Tumblr still exists, but it’s a shell of its former self.

          The Tumblr situation is complicated. Yahoo, the company that owned Tumblr at the time, outright banned all pornography on Tumblr because the site had a pretty bad CP problem, which they couldn’t think of a better way to handle. This was at a time where porn was integral to Tumblr’s ecosystem, far more so than it is, or arguably has been, for reddit’s. Reddit has also done the much more intelligent and careful thing of slowly squeezing out adult content from the website in order to appeal to advertisers. It’s been happening for literally years, coinciding with a not incidental decrease in average user age. Reddit ownership seems a lot more aware of the website’s value proposition and is careful not to make overwhelmingly drastic changes to how it operates. Yes, quality is decreasing, but it’s like boiling a frog. Quality has always been decreasing, and if that’s the case, it’s hard to notice because it’s always been happening.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        It took me a minute to acclimate to Lemmy and I tried browsing via the official app while I did so. Let me tell you, it was awful. I got over reddit about 2 days after RIF was gone.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        It’s not the past actions that will slowly strangle reddit, but the future ones. It will certainly be there, these things tend to stick around far, far longer after they’ve turned into shambling zombies of formerly-good content. But it’ll become a revolving door running on reputation more than any kind of quality product.

        Obviously in our free world, people are free to enjoy the garbage and some will. But it creates an opportunity for others in the market, like us, to make a quality spot again, and pull users with that.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          It’s not the past actions that will slowly strangle reddit, but the future ones. It will certainly be there, these things tend to stick around far, far longer after they’ve turned into shambling zombies of formerly-good content. But it’ll become a revolving door running on reputation more than any kind of quality product.

          Man, we don’t live in the age of quality products anymore, if we ever actually did. Cable television was one of the most successful industries for decades. Almost everything produced for it is cultural ephemera, meant to be consumed in the moment but discarded from memory immediately after. Look at how many fucking seasons of Survivor there are. Perhaps it’s in human nature to crave things that entertain in the moment but leave no lasting impression. I can’t say. But I can say that reddit’s been like that for a long time now. Maybe at one point it wasn’t, but they seem to believe that it’s more successful the shallower the level of engagement. And they’re probably right. Reddit will continue to make itself more palatable to corporate advertisers as the internet is slowly reinvented as “Television 2.0” and it continues its trend of being purely a glorified water cooler to post whatever inane reaction you have to whatever the current social media controversy or celebrity scandal occurred that week. What worries me is that people think companies can’t behave like this and profit, when history indicates the opposite, or that websites like Lemmy are immune from the possibility of just becoming equally banal, worthless places, just ran on donations instead of advertising dollars.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            History is no longer a very good tool when it comes to analyzing the tech space. It simply moves too quickly, everything that happens is unprecedented in its combination of specific mechanism and social circumstances.

            But we’ll see I suppose.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              It used to move quickly. We’re not in the wild west of social media anymore. That was the period from around 2006 to 20016. There’s a handful of huge corporations in the social media tech space that “won the war,” so to speak. What’s the most recent shakeup? Tumblr died because Yahoo decided porn was too dangerous to keep around. Call that one a nail in the coffin of the once mighty Silicon Valley giant and original search engine. But as for new social media sites, the most recent one is TikTok, and that one has been around for years at this point. Lemmy, Mastodon, Threads, etc. are just reinventions of existing architectures. There’s nothing new, really. Just people trying to recapture the appeal of already existing websites. The internet is slowing down, hardening into forms that will potentially last the rest of the century, like what happened with television and radio.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                New does not need to be exclusively technical, if that was necessary, very little would really be worth calling new tbf. The situation the technology finds itself in, at that moment, is imo a far bigger factor than any details of the tech itself. The social, economic, political and business environments, each matter more than actual technical nature of any tech, which is irrelevant to most people. What makes our situation particularly unique is the large influx of free users we get.

    • Bucky
      21 year ago

      I completely agree. I hope Lemmy will steadily add features.

  • kn0wmad1c
    1801 year ago

    If you install the duckduckgo browser and turn on app tracking protection, you’ll see just how much data is harvested from mobile apps, which is genuinely scary.

    This is why these sites are pushing the mobile app. It’s much harder to prevent trackers through an app than it is through a web browser.

    • @[email protected]
      531 year ago

      I just installed this and am trying the app tracking protection (it’s in beta, for those reading who haven’t used it). Shockingly, Candy Crush Soda doesn’t come up with a list of junk being tracked. whew or something

      Here’s a screenshot from Discord:

      • Vahtos
        1 year ago

        Some of that seems unnecessary (device boot time). But it’s not all scary spooky tracking. Some permissions/information is required for certain features.

        For example, you can’t rotate your app UI if you’re not allowed to know screen orientation. Or maybe they do a low power mode if device battery is low, or a warning that the app might not function well if the OS or device is old.

        Not saying you’re wrong or that Discord is right. Just pointing out that a long list of permissions isn’t on its own a bad thing, if those permissions are required for specific features, and not just for the sake of data harvesting.

        • Funwayguy
          201 year ago

          This is why though I appreciate what DDG is doing, it’s not informing users about the context of what these permissions are used for, leading to a lot of fear over the wrong things. The data may not even be leaving the device but the implication DDG makes is that it is.

          As a side note, I prefer to use DNS66 to filter data and ads by domain, then manually set my Android app permissions as needed.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            This is one hundred percent sensationalism. Just because the app pulls it doesn’t mean that it’s being used to track you down. It’s probably just for crash reporting etc.

            • Funwayguy
              91 year ago

              Lets also not forget the massive amount of OS versions, hardware variants, resolutions, and localisations apps like Discord need to auto-adjust themselves to work with. If it fails it will absolutely need that info in the report so devs can fix it.

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          A lot of these are just standard things that things like crash reporters pull. In other words, Discord probably included a crash reporter in their app, and it pulls things like memory usage, device state, os version, what orientation the device is in, etc so that when a crash happen, it can tag those to the developers. Those are all useful variables to the developers to understand what is causing the crash.

          Tons of apps use crash reporters to keep their app stable. I’m sure most apps will pull the vast majority of this information. That doesn’t mean that they’re using it to track you.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Certainly not all scary. I don’t work with these that collect the data but wonder if it isn’t just some deviceData.collect() function or something.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Device boot time could be used for a user that clears their cookies to track and match sessions. Using that, and matching it with other information could give very reliable ways to fingerprint users.

    • PenguinJuice
      281 year ago

      Do you happen to have a screenshot of the data that is harvested? I am genuinely curious.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I don’t have specific info on what’s harvested, but I have had mine active for a while and I’m at 300k tracking attempts blocked in the last 7 days. It’s absolutely wild.

        Edited to add - they don’t specify what is being attempted, just what each company is known to track generally.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Yeah, don’t be shocked. Without the blocker every app makes one successful attempt and just tracks, with the blocker they attempt again and again like a hamster running against a wall.

          Some apps won’t work with the blocker. I tried to block Chrome and after a while none of the apps I have installed would work, until I unblocked it.

        • PenguinJuice
          1 year ago

          Thank you! I can’t believe that. So it basically wants to know literally everything about you. That’s so disgusting and creepy. We need privacy laws that protect against stuff like this, yesterday.

          I can see them requesting city, but beyond that, this is wayyyy too much.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Yea its pure insanity and greed. This is just one of many examples of why I have dual piholes on top of ad blocking extensions.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      How is DuckDuckGo Browser able to see what data other apps are trying to collect? I would have expected Android’s app sandboxing to block that sort of thing. Does the device need to be rooted or something?

      • kn0wmad1c
        201 year ago

        When you turn on app tracking protection, it activates an always-on VPN that funnels the trackers to a deadzone so that they can’t actually phone home.

    • UhBell
      11 year ago

      Just wish duck duck go had PWA support. It would be my default browser if so.

    • sadreality
      441 year ago

      Centralized control and ad based model ensures this always happens… Cable teevee, now web2.0…

      About time the pleb base start thinking bigger picture and voting with their feet and wallets.

        • MeowdyPardner
          101 year ago

          I always hated that crypto shit stole the name web3/web3.0. I think for a short period it seemed decentralized apps were calling themselves web3.0 but now it’s just the fediverse I think. I like calling it the true web because the fediverse is very much like the old days where we had niche sites with their own communities, it’s just that the content isn’t locked into each site and we don’t need a million different forum accounts to participate everywhere. Like the old days but supercharged with new tech.

          • @[email protected]
            161 year ago


            Web 2.0 (also known as participative (or participatory)[1] web and social web)[2] refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatibility with other products, systems, and devices) for end users.

            • Jaysyn
              -11 year ago

              Someone misspelled “predatory” at the start of that paragraph.

          • PenguinJuice
            131 year ago

            The emergence of every website being gated, requiring an account and sla subscription. Also the rise of rediculous personalized advertisements and user tracking.

        • AnonymousLlama
          21 year ago

          We can go back to old HTML4 and CSS1 websites without any JS. What a sight to behold

  • @[email protected]
    1151 year ago

    Someone should answer the phone because we all fucking called it.

    What’s next in the Reddit bingo?

    The removal of old reddit?

    Limiting the number of posts we can see per day as a normal user?

    Buy upvotes?

    The slippery slope logical fallacy doesn’t count when there is actual factual evidence.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    1011 year ago

    He’s just trying to protect people from inappropriate content. We all know how harmful inappropriate content can be for children unless it’s paired with targeted advertisements, which mitigate the danger.

  • @[email protected]
    871 year ago

    No wonder King Steven was so incensed when the Landed Gentry cut off access to the site from commoners; it’s a privilege he reserves as a Royal Prerogative…

  • @[email protected]
    831 year ago

    I’m now only on lemmy and YouTube. Never got into tictok or Facebook, left and deleted reddit and Twitter. I’m in a happy place.

    • @[email protected]
      261 year ago

      Still go to reddit sometimes. It’s night and day compared to here. Everything on reddit is rage bait in one form or another.

          • deweydecibel
            1 year ago

            I’m gunning hard for Lenny, but let’s be honest with ourselves, ok?

            It absolutely isn’t. Not yet. In both quality and quantity, we’re still lagging way behind, especially for niche or non-straight content.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Lemmy very unfortunately doesn’t have either the breadth or depth or Reddit porn yet. If it does get there it won’t be for years yet.

        • Freeman
          41 year ago

          That’s wild to me. I’ve been on Reddit for 17 years. And porn is not something I thought was such a huge point. Mothers same goes for this place. The platform just doesn’t seem to lend to that type of consumption. But never less, porns a huge part.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I called this happening right when Spez said he wanted to emulate elon. The other shoe has dropped

    I assume eventually all subreddits will be locked to non registered users on mobile…and PC

    • at_an_angle
      171 year ago

      I’d guess it does the news website thing. Scroll down and get meet with a create account blocking barrier.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Yeah. Users who can stomach it should be sneaking back and pointing more refugees to Lemmy. Honestly it should be bots being like “If you like r/pics stay here BUT if you like r/pics and hate Reddit’s policies? Try c/[email protected]” and just have the bot script for communities the fediverse has equivalents for. We’re growing still but it’s not like I’m seeing much Lemmy mentions in the discussion threads yet. That ship is sinking though.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        ”…I’m not seeing much Lemmy mentions….”

        This is working as intended as Reddit is actively suppressing and shadowbanning any comment or post that mentions Lemmy or hyperlinks

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Ah, trying to stop the Exodus by any means necessary. Lol. Time to find a good thread to get my old account banned on then!

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          F /u/spez is only following Twitter who’ve already banned user profiles & comments from containing links to Mastadon, Post, Instagram & others.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          I’m not saying that isn’t happening but it must be happening selectively because the small niche subreddit I moderate still has the post up where I announced and linked to the Lemmy community I made. I just went to the subreddit in my browser while logged out to verify that it’s not in the shadows, but I could see it.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Yeah, it should be obvious that you won’t have much success using Reddit as a platform to direct users away from Reddit. They’ve made it pretty clear by now that they aren’t free or open. Makes me wonder what other topics they’ve done this more subtlety for, or will do in the future.

          If you want to direct people to Reddit alternatives, you’ll probably have the most luck on platforms that aren’t Reddit.

          Though I do wonder if Twitter and the meta platforms will also block it, since they are competing with the fediverse as well (though meta in a EEE kinda sense, so they’d need to walk a finer line since they are supposed to be embracing right now).

          YouTube might be a place to do it.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    581 year ago

    Remember, corporations are never your friend. I remember when redditors thought spez was “one of them”.

  • AnonymousLlama
    581 year ago

    They’re doing great work on their destroy any positive community sentiment Speedrun, it’s been shocking decision after terrible change

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      Isn’t the stated reason to prevent AI scraping? As much as I dislike them both, given how these LLMs like ChatGPT work it actually seems reasonable.

      • (des)mosthenes
        181 year ago

        eh I feel that excuse is bullshit - a scrape is the same as a web view. ai doesn’t need to scan the same content more than once. reeks of b/s to me

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          The content continues to change. When I have a specific programming question they don’t help me figure things out based on the documentation alone. Seeing discussion about such topics definitely helps it as knowledge continues to evolve.

  • @[email protected]
    471 year ago

    Looks like more efforts to sanitize the place in prep for an ipo.

    The execs are almost certainly ready to cash out and retire from that annoying gig 🤣

    But just wait until a wallst level CEO gets hold of the reigns.

  • @[email protected]
    451 year ago

    Having tried /r/politics, /r/eve, and /r/valheim, I was going to point out how I didn’t get the screen you got. However, /r/nyt gets this message. As an aside, /r/politics, /r/eve, and /r/valheim are verified while /r/nyt is not is interesting to me. Upon further testing, /r/nytimes works. Seeing how /r/nyt has 411 subscribers, while /r/nytimes has 8,431 subscribers, I think smaller, less well known subreddits will run into issues while larger subreddits or subreddits that are more well known will have no accessibility issues.

    It’s also interesting that this block doesn’t exist if you navigate to instead of just You think they would have just repurposed the page that asked if you if you were over 18 before going to a nsfw subreddit for this task, but seems completely overlooked as of now. on the Firefox Android app looks bad, but I wonder if someone could make an extension to automatically redirect users to when navigating to, as well as an extension that changes the layout of the page to something more mobile friendly, similar to RES but for your phone’s browser. That might make reddit usable on mobile without the official app until goes away or they try to implement some sort of user agent string check.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      You think they would have just repurposed the page that asked if you if you were over 18 before going to a nsfw subreddit for this task, but seems completely overlooked as of now.

      Doubt it was overlooked. I moderated a larger subreddit and I can tell you that the stats for old.reddit are tiny compared to the rest so it’s not worth the cost of implementing. Further if you use old.reddit you probably already have a dislike for the app and will rather abandon the content then install the app. Finally old.reddit is used more by old-school redditors which tend to be the vocal minority that will complain about the change the loudest. So overall, ignoring old.reddit is propably the smarter decision from reddits perspective… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        I always thought old.reddit going away was what would get me to leave the site…

        Strangely impressed it managed to outlast me.

    • Redjard
      31 year ago

      I have the extension “Old Reddit Redirect” in my firefox mobile. You need a version with custom addon collections enabled (beta or a fork like fennec on fdroid), then you can install every addon by adding it to your collection, and most of them work.
      If RES or an equivalent addon could produce a good mobile layout you could use them in the same way, but I don’t know about that.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      They’re simply trying to prevent any nut job spinning up /r/watchpeopledie15 and generating a press wildfire again