• StrikerOPM
      308 months ago

      Ikr. I got fired from my construction job for being drunk even though I was driving my forklift much faster than I did when I was sober. I guess getting from point a to b quicker isn’t on my businesses priority list. Shame.

  • tygerprints
    48 months ago

    This is a good rule, you’ll have lots of extra time for yourself and to spend applying for worker’s comp after you get your pink slip for being drunk at work. That’s only because the universe is stacked against you and nobody understands you, but with more booze you’ll be too tanked to care.

  • @[email protected]
    -188 months ago

    Fuck this meme. Alcohol is a raging, rampant issue, shit like this only makes it worse.

    It’s not ok to drink for these reasons. That’s a problem. If this is you, you need to consider some changes. If you don’t think those changes are doable for you, you need to talk to someone about it professionally.

    • @[email protected]
      218 months ago

      Hello, I take satirical memes seriously and get unnecessarily butthurt in the comments.

      Lmao get real dude. Coming from a former addict

      • @[email protected]
        -158 months ago

        Yes let me take a former addict as a person to tell me to get real, that adds up 👍 how about let me have my opinion and you keep yours.

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          My opinion is that you’re an insufferable prick with no sense of the real world.

          I have infinitely more knowledge on the crux of addiction than you, pal. Something you’d realize if your head wasn’t so far up your own ass.

          Learn to let people make jokes

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            You’re making a lot of assumptions that make you sound a lot more stupid than you’re professing to be. Maybe get back to that humility step bubba. Being an addict and making personal choices for yourself doesn’t equate to being “an expert in addiction”, fuck outta here with your inflated ego.

            One disagreement and you resort to name calling. Not the calling card of a rational sound mind. Certainly not one I’d be getting my advice from, on how to be.

            • @[email protected]
              108 months ago

              Never called myself an “expert in addiction”. That’s your own delusions acting up. I just said I know more about it than you, which I am absolutely sure I do. Nothing to do with humility, everything to do with my knowledge of it as a former addict that’s taken several courses on the subject.

              The fact that you don’t see the dickishness in your initial reply and why I called you what I did instead of matching your passive aggresivism astounds me lol. I’m not gonna match your pissy tone I’m just gonna say it like it is… dumb bitch.