How kinky/perverted do you see yourself as?

As for me, I think I’m beyond saving (not that I’d want to, we have cookies)…

  • @[email protected]
    118 months ago

    I’m interested in a lot of kinky things but haven’t had much of a chance to indulge most of them, so I’d say my perversion is more theoretical lol

    • MaybeALittleBitWeird
      78 months ago

      I think you’d find this to be a more common situation than most people would think. I think a lot of people would be open to exploring a lot of generally kinky things, but haven’t found the right person that matches them!

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    I think I’m in the asexual but kinky camp. I’ve tried what I can on my own, but the list of what I would like to explore is… long.

    • MaybeALittleBitWeird
      38 months ago

      I don’t know where you fall on the Ace spectrum, but it could be worth finding an online partner to help you out depending on what your cup 'o tea is

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        I don’t know either. I don’t think online would work for me, but then you run into the catch-22. I decided a few months ago to start interacting online after a decade and still fight a bit anxious every time I post. Hopefully I’ll work up the courage to do something in person at some point, but 1 step at a time.

        • MaybeALittleBitWeird
          8 months ago

          I would say say that you should probably examine where that anxiety is coming from. Are you scared because it’s a new unknown experience or because you’re forcing yourself to do something that don’t want?

          Personally I would say that it’s difficult to say you truly don’t like something until you’ve given it a try(within reason). You never know what you may or may not enjoy and even if you find something that you don’t enjoy, you’ve learned a little something about yourself in going through the process. Just make sure you’re safe and don’t push yourself, but like you said doing nothing is a catch-22.

            • MaybeALittleBitWeird
              48 months ago

              I’m sorry to hear that you feel so lonely. I can empathize with a lot of what you wrote, although to a lesser degree. Anxiety sucks and the pandemic period really made things exponentially worse. I know it did for me at least working remote and moving between three US states.

              Everyone has the same worries and fears. They manifest in different ways and shapes, but they’re there whether it’s meeting someone for the first time or doing something new for the first time. At a certain point you have to be okay with putting yourself out there and maybe getting hurt. Not everything will work out, but what if it does? In most cases you have more to gain than you would ever lose.

              All of this is obviously easier said than done but you’re stronger than you think you are.

                • MaybeALittleBitWeird
                  37 months ago

                  Believe me, I know my advice sounds like platitudes. Anxiety has a tendency to make simple things unnecessarily complex though.

                  Just know an internet stranger is genuinely rooting for your success! I’m rooting for you!

  • Ahornygirl
    58 months ago

    I’m always up for cookies! 😉

  • MaybeALittleBitWeird
    48 months ago

    I would say I’m more…open-minded than perverted.

    Then again I’d also be asking the blonde woman to vocalize her experience right now and telling her when she’s allowed to cum 🤷

    • Ahornygirl
      48 months ago

      telling her when she’s allowed to cum 🤷

      That’s a fun one! 🤭

    • NeekaOPM
      37 months ago

      That sounds like a lot of fun!

      I think I’d be doing the same, or maybe even doing some mind games to mess with how the sensations are processed (making someone so sensitive that each lick feels like a knife’s edge, or going into edging/gooning). Maybe some slight breath/fear play as the arms are tied?

      I’m not at the stage where I’d be fed grapes while twisting my nipples to the sight of the scene, although I’d like to try that some time ;)

      • MaybeALittleBitWeird
        27 months ago

        I’m not at the stage where I’d be fed grapes while twisting my nipples to the sight of the scene

        Tomorrow is a new day and who knows what it may bring

    • NeekaOPM
      37 months ago

      Not long term, but for the duration of a photo you’re usually ok.