• candyman337
    12710 months ago

    I find it hilarious that their “young guns” were already greying, our politics is fucked

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I mean Paul Ryan is only 53 now and was elected to office when he was 29. He is pretty young. McCarthy is only 58. Eric Cantor is the oldest at 62.

      Definitely young and around the age you want leaders to be.

      • @[email protected]
        1410 months ago

        53 to 62 is by no means young. It may not be elderly, but it’s past middle aged.

        The “ideal age” for a political leader is a bag of worms that it’s difficult to get into without immediately falling into several different types of ageism.

        The world lived in by a 60 year old for most of their adult life was radically different from the modern world, and has many differences from the world as experienced by the majority of Americans.
        That doesn’t necessarily make them a worse leader, just like more experience in life doesn’t necessarily make them better, but it definitely raises concerns about disconnection from modern issues.

        • @[email protected]
          -310 months ago

          Well I gave their current ages. They were 20 years younger when elected.

          62 isn’t spring chicken, but it isn’t Feinstein zombie old.

          40ish is definitely a good age to be voted in and prove yourself talented enough to lead for another 20-30 years.

          • @[email protected]
            510 months ago

            You straight up called 58 young, and said they’re young and the age you want. “McCarthy is only 53. (…) He is pretty young”.

            I’d rather judge candidates in their abilities and policies than on their age. Regardless of their age, these politicians are unpalatable.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              You totally rephrased my comment wtf.

              I mean Paul Ryan is only 53 now and was elected to office when he was 29. He is pretty young. McCarthy is only 58. Eric Cantor is the oldest at 62.

              Definitely young and around the age you want leaders to be.

              I was talking about Paul Ryan, who has been out of office for years. 58 isn’t ancient either.

              The entire comment string was about how these three were “greying” in the photo. Nobody mentioned policy or abilities to me. Don’t forget, Paul Ryan quit because he knew how the party was going to turn out. Seems like a good man to me.

              • @[email protected]
                410 months ago

                Getting the name wrong was my mistake, but I’d hardly call it totally rephrasing your comment. Intent was to remove the extraneous portion in the middle.

                No one said it’s ancient, but it’s definitely not “young”. They’re all close to retirement age.

      • @zipzoopaboop
        810 months ago

        ONLY 58. Even at restaurants that’s a seniors discount

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              Besides the fact that’s not true, none of these men were that old when the picture was taken.

              • Flying Squid
                210 months ago

                I’m younger than they are and I’m not young at 46. I own a home and have a teenage daughter. Obviously I’m not young.

      • @[email protected]
        810 months ago

        To add, Paul Ryan would not have been featured in years. This is image is old. I do not know how old.

    • Flying Squid
      2110 months ago

      Gotta love it when one of your “Young Guns” has a head of grey hair.

    • Ann Archy
      1510 months ago

      Young compared to the embalmed geriatrics that run the country.

      Senate comes from Latin “senex”, which literally means “old man”. Go figure, walking corpses have run the world since antiquity.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        It used to make sense. Not a lot of technology shifts between 2,000 BC and 1,000 AD. You wanted the folks who actually remembered what to do in case of an earthquake or tidal wave. It’s different today; I recently looked up an article about Obama written in 2008. He was considered a big innovator because he owned a Blackberry.

      • Ann Archy
        1010 months ago

        “I see you are off the front lines! How would you like to help out the CIA wing of the party, comrade?”

  • Ook the Librarian
    1010 months ago

    For context, this is the cover of a 2010 book. These were going to be the guys. Surely one of this bunch will be president some day.

    Eric Cantor was the House Majority Leader. That’s a pretty big deal. He got primaried by a tea partier in 2014. It seems quaint now, but it was a big fucking deal at the time. Never has there been someone so high ranking that the party’s electorate kicked out. Cantor was in good standing, but their public was becoming a monster.

    The other two were more recently chewed up, but I’ll let someone else tell those stories.

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    They have thoroughly nuked their bench. If we are still a democracy in the future they will have no one to take of the mantle but for clowns and hucksters.

    • Ann Archy
      310 months ago

      Seems to win them elections with some fair regularity, why would they change anything?

      They’re evil clowns pandering to other evil clowns, it’s evil clowns the whole way.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Their bench is wackos. As much as I disagree with their positions, I do wish we had a stable Republican Party full of people who at least wanted to work in good faith and not set the place on fire to get their way.

  • @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    This could’ve been a good politic topic, but instead people are in here acting offended by a word and calling everyone “ageist”. Holy shit, people…look at this fucking thread ans ask yourself why anyone would trust your political choices.

  • @[email protected]
    410 months ago

    Just because you have chaps, a holster, tall boots, a 10 gallon hat, and a revolver, doesn’t make you a cowboy.