Just had NextCloud denying my credentials (not for the first time). I know they weren’t wrong because I’m using a password manager. Logs didn’t say much. Was about to reinstall (again, not the first time nextcloud went bonkers on me) before I tried a docker compose down && docker compose up. Lo and behold after a restart the credentials worked again.

This stuff is just way too flaky for something so important.

Is OwnCloud good again? My main usecase is saving photos but I don’t want them locked away in a database so SeaFile is out.

Edit: I’m going to take the time to reply to you all, bit busy with work and family suddenly. But a little update - I’ve quickly setup Immich and fired up the CLI to import my library. AFAIK the files are still stored on disk somewhere but metadata is in a database. I didn’t realize this before, knowing that I think my mind is made up and Immich is the best solution. Thanks everyone!

  • Morethanevil@lmy.mymte.de
    2 years ago

    Thanks for the input. Copy over files is the “clean” way, without struggle, yes. For backups I use rclone and copy the userdata folder encrypted to external storage. Works fine for me. Maybe your dokcer files will help others, thanks for sharing :)