Just had NextCloud denying my credentials (not for the first time). I know they weren’t wrong because I’m using a password manager. Logs didn’t say much. Was about to reinstall (again, not the first time nextcloud went bonkers on me) before I tried a docker compose down && docker compose up. Lo and behold after a restart the credentials worked again.
This stuff is just way too flaky for something so important.
Is OwnCloud good again? My main usecase is saving photos but I don’t want them locked away in a database so SeaFile is out.
Edit: I’m going to take the time to reply to you all, bit busy with work and family suddenly. But a little update - I’ve quickly setup Immich and fired up the CLI to import my library. AFAIK the files are still stored on disk somewhere but metadata is in a database. I didn’t realize this before, knowing that I think my mind is made up and Immich is the best solution. Thanks everyone!
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My favorite was I tried to submit to Jellyfin a fix for one of their very opaque exceptions, keep the stack trace but rewrite the error message like “x exception occurred, do you have permissions to do that?” Or something and the PR was rejected. I just can’t even with that
Out of interest, which PR was that?
It’s uncommon to rewrite exception messages to be user friendly, they are for developers. The exception shouldn’t be thrown in the first place if it’s a common issue or the error message should be more generic for unhandled problems.
I strongly disagree with this, any error message shown to the user should be helpful to the user
I think you misunderstood, this is about exceptions, which shouldn’t be shown to users unless they ask for it.
Exceptions are not helpful to users most of the time, as shown above. They need instructions on how to report issues instead since they most likely can’t fix an unhandled exception by themselves.
Underrated comment.
To put it into user perspective:
Exception X with error code xxx means Y. Y should be shown via a modal dialog to the user. The state of the application has to be reverted to a valid state as error handling.
The exception/error gets logged, the user doesn’t receive a exception but the interpretation of the error is shown to him via the UI.
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I’m also a develop and my philosophy is that stack traces are for the developers but they should be translated to informative error messages for the user. Otherwise you’re doing security through obscurity.
I almost don’t dare to say this, but I’ve been running the snap for more than a year and have no complaints.
Too daring of you to say snap
Glad someone said it out loud 😁 I’ve been running the snap for almost three years now 24/7. I works really well!
6 years here and went from ubuntu 16 to 22
I’ve been on the snap version for three years with zero problems. It was originally created as a VM on virtualbox, then ported over to proxmox. Every OS and instance upgrade has gone off without a hitch so far.
You installed nextcloud with snap? HOW DARE YOU!
My problem with nextcloud is more the performance of the web interface rather than it’s reliability (and that’s even with
setup and a decently fast minipc). It’s fine if you avoid the web interface, but that’s part of the draw of the thing.The poor performance carries over to the sync clients too because they’re just using webdav http requests. Nextcloud will take like 10+ hours to sync my folders, vs about 10 minutes with Syncthing or something else.
The performance is indeed pretty terrible. Most stuff runs fine on my NUCs except nextcloud. Maybe throwing more hardware at it solves it though.
Nope lol I have a pretty godly server and nextcloud is slow as a mf
MariaDB runs like hot garbage with Nextcloud imo. I’ve gotten to the point where I use legit MySQL or PostgreSQL and performance is night and day. I have no idea why Maria acts out with Nextcloud for me, but I’ve gotten tired of troubleshooting it.
Interesting. MariaDB was the path of least resistance for me but I normally prefer PostgreSQL. I’ll put it on the list.
I’ve never really needed the web interface once everything was setup. Mobile app syncs my images and then I browse files through synced desktop clients. Never had any issues this way. I guess I’m not using the extra features some may be after in the webui.
There are more twerks to it than "just’ using mariadb and redis. Maybe look into Apache/nginx cacheing,tune your mariadb settings and stuff like that. Had performance-problems with my owncloud-instance, now it runs like a champ
Honestly the official docker images are hot garbage. I used them when I first tried NextCloud and they load incredibly slow. Shelved it for a while, realized there was a bunch of shit they already have that I was looking for, and gave it a go with my own Dockerfile starting from the PHP alpine image. That one runs waaaayyy better.
I have no experience with the docker container, but optimization for the database and nginx/apache cacheing must be made individually depending on number of cpu cores, ram-size, etc etc etc. When overtuning for example your database it can happen that you run out of RAM, which means your system will crash or freeze. Happened to me. I run it “Baremetal” and configured it “the classic way”. Tbh, after those optimizations it runs really, really fast and response times are really quick.
I second that. I can’t say mine runs fast because my hardware is very modest, but it runs very decently considering it’s sharing resources with many other services.
In general, it wouldn’t come to my mind to expect good performance by default out of anything pulled from docker. As soon as one starts hosting multiple services and apps simultaneously, containers get in the way or even make impossible proper resource allocation and tuning.
Fair, although I feel like performance should be better OOTB, particularly when I’m just using it as a single user. It is an old and complex application that does a lot, so it is understandable.
What name do you assign the DB for PostgreSQL in Docker and does it by chance happen to match the name of any other containers, possibly in other docker compose files?
I’m only mentioning it because I experienced weird inconsistent issues with a service I was running where it was sometimes having trouble connecting to its DB companion and I eventually realized that it was sometimes connecting to the other container. I was also finding that turning it off and on again was often ‘fixing’ the issue, at least for a while. Might be worth checking out. I’d also consider viewing the logs for Nextcloud (
docker logs -f
) when you’re unable to login and see if there are any errors. Frankly I’ve never had these specific issues with Nextcloud, and given that it’s based on PHP (it only ‘executes’ on an HTTP request), it seems like restarting shouldn’t help unless it’s something else.I run a separate instance of postgres since I also use it for a lot of other stuff.
it seems like restarting shouldn’t help unless it’s something else.
I’m honestly also baffled
And none the container names or link aliases conflict? Like you don’t have multiple
containers? Perhaps try renaming the Nextcloud db to something likenextcloud_db
if you aren’t already.
I haven’t got this kind of issue with nextcloud, I’m pretty sure you can reset your password using occ via cli
I’m using the LSIO docker image and I could not locate the occ file to fire off the reset - but even then - I didn’t need to reset my password anyway…
That’s your problem, just there: you deployed a one size fits all blackbox of a container that, by definition, on top of pulling all the inefficiencies and redundancies of docker, isn’t tuned for your specific hardware and operational needs. I get the appeal of containers, but if you want to self-host responsibly, you’ve got to be in control of what’s running and how.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.
I honestly don’t see how my issues are related to docker. Sure the occ app was missing (or I just couldn’t find it, but the conclusion was that I didn’t even need it)
I’m running Linux so there’s not really any inefficiencies in regards to resources AFAIK - it’s just namespaces and cgroups.
I could give you plenty of reasons why you would be worse-off deploying from docker without deep understanding of what’s going on, but to only list a few out of the obvious pile:
your container ships a bunch of things that you do not need and that take-up significant server resources. Not just nextcloud apps that you will never need but get loaded nonetheless, but also things like redis and a full-fledged collabora server that only make sense in a large-scale instances.
your container isn’t tuned for your server because whoever made the container had no way to know that in advance. For instance, It might be that your php-fpm forks beyond your multithreading or IO capabilities, that your application cache isn’t adequate wrt. your system’s RAM memory, etc
your containers duplicate functionalities from each other and from the operating system. You don’t need more than one http server, database, application process manager, interpreter, … but they add-up nonetheless and reduce the pool of available resources from the rest of the system and containers.
Most likely you got blocked for some time by the brute force prevention. Have a look at your logfiles.
For photos, I’d highly recommend checking out Photoprism.
the “PhotoSync” app available for both android and apple can sync from your phone to photoprism.
But, nextcloud itself, works pretty nice for me. But, I use OIDC-based logon, with Authentik.
Would highly reccomend https://immich.app/ too. It’s the solution I’ve finally landed on after trying out most of the options out there.
I’ll give credit- that actually has a really nice interface. Going to have to star that one, and keep an eye on it.
Documentation is very nice too.
Does it support syncing photos from your phone? That’s the only thing I need to get off Google Photos, I love how seamless it is.
Syncing support is a core feature of immich. The app is top notch from my experience with it.
I’ve just recently setup an immich server and it’s working great. The mobile syncing works and updates are coming very frequently. Makes a great drop in replacement for Google photos. It even has a memories feature now.
Main issue is that it doesn’t support chunked uploads and that means it doesn’t work with cloudflare
Go with immich if you want to ever have multiple users.
Photoprism locks user accounts behind a paid subscription.
Pretty much everything is more full-featured on immich except for incomplete RAW format support because photoprism is mainly focused on photography and now businesses IIRC.
I have been digging through the features and documentation- and I plan on giving it a try.
Photoprism locks user accounts behind a paid subscription.
We have been asking for a password for “private” photos, for a few years now… and yea, still don’t have that feature. I did notice photoprism jumped on the subscription train a while back, but, have not paid too much mind to it.
But, seeing the beautiful interface of this, I will be trying it.
So the only reason I have been using nextcloud was for the photo sync and that it can be configured to backup right away.
Does Photosync allow for backups right away?
It’s configurable.
I have mine configured to backup when I am charging and on wifi.
But, you can set it to run instantly.
Thanks for the response. I will give it a look over this weekend!
I am using nextcloud for years now with postgres, redis and configured PHP setttings, but I installed it on the host. Never had any problems, Performance is awesome… Almost everytime I read about problems is with the docker images. The new AIO image shall be bad too, but I can not say anything to this, since I don’t use it.
I really like docker, but sometimes it is better to install on the host directly or use an LXC if you need isolation. MinIO is the same… Would not want it in a Container
Maybe seafile could be an option for you 🤔
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Docker has it usecases but I don’t need everything in there. Like I said MinIO for example is just a short oneliner to start.
The most important thing is backup ☺️
Bare metal club! :D
That’s how I ran my nextcloud for about a decade and never had problems. On my new server I’m running it in docker and so far it seems to work ok.
Good to hear that it is running ☺️
Did you follow a specific guide or did you migrate yourself? Which image are you using? Maybe this could help others
TBH I’m migrating manually by synching files. Still wonder if it’s worth the hassle to somehow export/import contacts & calendar instead of reproducing them by hand. I thought about feeding the mariadb the psql dump I used to create for backups but that’s probably more work than doing things by hand.
One reason for me to try docker is “easier” backup. I just throw the whole data-directory of the db container into restic. Restoring the backup would just be starting a container with that saved directory. I hope that way I don’t have to argue with the database about reading a huge sql dump.
Unfortunately the documentation is a bit weird, I think. There’s the official all-in-one container that starts a container that starts more containers but that was a bit too much “magic” for my taste. I used the images and documentation maintained by the community here and ended up with this compose file I can manage in portainer. Runs nextcloud (with apache), mariadb and redis. Also had to add that final bit for the cron job. This way I can point my reverse proxy at the local ip of the nextcloud_apache container and be done with it.
Thanks for the input. Copy over files is the “clean” way, without struggle, yes. For backups I use rclone and copy the userdata folder encrypted to external storage. Works fine for me. Maybe your dokcer files will help others, thanks for sharing :)
Just wanted to +1 your comment. Installing on bare metal host is higher risk, but higher reward as well in terms of stability and performance. In my case I’m using mariaDB, redis, php, and apache and it’s been solid for years now.
I used it with mariadb before, converting to postgres gave a performanceboost. Don’t ask me why but it ran faster
If you are intrested, than here is a guide 😊
I’m interested, it’s on the list but pretty far down. pgsql is better hands down imho but I followed nextcloud recommendations at the time I set things up and just never switched. Thanks for the guide!!
I just don’t see how docker can fuck something like this up honestly, the only thing that can be screwy is permissions when dealing with filesystem mounts - but once you’ve got that working it should be pretty static.
Maybe it is permissions or the image won’t start correctly. Maybe it tries to read from the database which is jot up at the moment or something similar 🤔
Been running multiple Nextcloud instances for years on bog standard debian + apache + php-fpm install, as documented in the official docs which do not even mention docker. Upgrades were never a problem. Some apps may suffer some bugs from time to time, but Nextcloud itself works flawlessly. Wrote an ansible role to install, manage and update it. The only thing that deviates from the “recommended” setup is Postgres instead of MariaDB. People need to start following the actual documented/well-supported installation options and not try to stick containers everywhere…
The docs are very good and you have a lot of tutorials for nextcloud, bit mostly they scratch only on the surface. They show you how to install and if you are lucky you see how to setup HTTPS…
But then? Start nextcloud and go to system overview and everything is red and you get warnings about region, php opcache… 😁 Most tutorials end there. It is a pity
I tried to run it on Debian and on each update it was always complaining the php version too old. Maybe on a distro that doesn’t come with ancient packages can be ok…
Maybe try https://github.com/kd2org/karadav if you want to continue using the NC apps for photo backups.
Is it measurably better? From a quick look, it’s PHP again (and if your NC runs slow, there’s a fair chance it’s not properly set-up/tuned), and SQLite (so, rather small scale).
That’s really cool. I’m giving Immich a try now but I saved your comment.
In my experience, Immich is way better for Photos.
Giving this a shot, importing everything through the CLI now
I love Immich. Such an amazing system it still shocks me that it’s foss
Maybe Immich might be a fit fit
I’m giving this a try now - it’s true it still saves the files on disk somewhere right? AFAIK at least so, this fits my requirements.
Yes it does, you can back up the files externally and everything if needed. You can also import external directories of existing photos.
The installation instructions talk about the yaml amd env file to dowmload and edit, in one of those you specify explicit path of where your files go
Would be interesting to hear a little more about your setup. I had some issues when I had Nextcloud installed directly on Debian (though nothing this major), have since switched to running it on Docker and it’s been very solid.
It’s the LSIO image hooked up to seperate (but also docker) postgres db that’s also used for other apps. The data and config directories are bind mounts to the local filesystem. It connects to a samba share via the external storage plugin. It is exposed to the internet through a caddy reverse proxy though (the database isn’t)
Nextcloud is an overkill. Its just too much. I’d say better split down the needed services. Baikal/radicale etc for contacts/calendar. Photoprism/librephotos etc for photos. A webdav server for storage. And so on.
use immich for photos.
owncloud ocis works but is very young. is literally just file hosting with something to open office files online.
those are my configs. you have both immich and owncloud.
I’ve been running two NC instances for over five years (linuxserver docker images)—one has been issue-free, and the other had sporadic issues like OP is describing… but not for the last year or so, so I assumed the issue had been fixed in an update. Or maybe the problem was the network configuration instead of NC.