I feel like most people who have been playing video games since childhood have one or more of a select few games that they go back and replay every few years.
For me I’ve been replaying Pokémon Emerald Version recently. Nothing like nostalgia and being able to better enjoy aspects of a game you didn’t understand as a kid. ☺️
Knights of the Old Republic II. Every time I play through it, I always run into little things that I’ve never found before, and it’s always fun tinkering with different character builds. It’s possible to make a “gun jedi” that specializes in blasters, and it actually kicks ass.
Even though the ending was rushed, and KOTOR 1 was more polished, I’ve always found 2’s story, themes, and characters to be deeply interesting and engaging.
Pokemon Emerald is a great choice. I’ve done it a couple of times as well.
Another of mine is Super Mario Sunshine. Loooove that game.
Also shout-out to Dark Souls Remastered. Always nice to go back to that.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 for PS1. I still love chasing high scores in the Hangar.
Here’s a vid of the best run I’ve recorded at ~3.1 million. Not my best run (highest ever was 4.1 million) but this is the best on I have on capture.
Final Fantasy VIII
Some other favorites:
Jade Cocoon
Final Fantasy X
Halo CE
Spyro Trilogy
Since I can beat each of the classic Genesis Sonic games in under an hour, they’re go-to games for a quick play session every once in a while. I also scratch the itch to play the N64 Zelda games (OoT and Majora’s Mask) every few years on whatever console Nintendo’s offering them on. The “original” GBA Fire Emblem (FE7, Blazing Blade for those more familiar with the series) also gets a lot of replays from me.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
One I go back to all the time is Kinetica, a racing game on the PS2 made by SantaMonicaStudios. That game needs more love 😭
For a old game fallout new Vegas but right now darkest dungeon it’s a good way to chill out if I’m not in mood for anything big
Any of the Dark Souls games. I frequently revisit them. I also seem to go back to Roller Coaster Tycoon and the Team Silent Silent Hill games.
For me Suikoden 2. I replay that game almost every year
Super Metroid, probably started it at least forty times and finished it a dozen or more. Link to the Past was one I had started several times but never beat until I met my now wife, who had played it through often. Now it’s one of my go to games. I’ve played through Doom 1+2 quite a few time and Quake occasionally SOMA since it came out has been my go to Halloween game.
Dirt Rally and Dirt Rally 2.0 are much more recent but unparalleled rally racing games.
The Civilization series has consumed more hours of my life than I care to admit. I’m also fond of going back to Age of Mythology and the old Sierra game Pharaoh every few years.
I don’t normally replay story focussed games, I think the only one I’ve completed twice is Final Fantasy 7.
Which one is your favorite? I started with 2 on PSX and played it to death, followed by IV and the rest of them.
I’m leaning towards IV being my favorite after all.
5 is the only one I play these days, I remember really enjoying 4 as well though. Never got round to trying 6.
My first Civ was the original on floppy disk when I was a kid and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. iirc it had an anti piracy feature where every so often it would ask you a question from the manual but I didn’t have the manual so I was shit out of luck. Sometimes I’d make it to one of the little cutscenes where the palace gets bigger and I’d be buzzing, that was really all I played for.
+1 for Emerald! The sprites are so vibrant even by today’s standards, truly an ageless gem.
Personally lately I only sneak a couple rounds of Downwell or Slay the Spire at work.
Noita. Beats my ass on the reg, even tho’ I have close to 2000 hours in it. Maybe I just like pain?
Lmao. I relate to this hard.
It is gamecube games for me. I was bad about finishing games as a kid, but within the past year, I have finished Metroid Prime twice and Wind Waker. With the remastered versions, it just made me play them again. Might have to go back and finish Super Mario Sunshine next.