Anyone who actually types out “haha!” is a lying shitheel boomer.
And if you legitimately have 3 “welfare queens” in the immediate vicinity of your house, you likely live in a trailer park that ignorantly went all in for Trump.
Tl;dr: imho the people most likely to abuse the welfare system are poor white folk who unironically vote against their best interests by putting GOP goons into office. They complain that they can’t get out of their trailer park, but they consistently vote for the people who will do everything possible to keep them there.
Lol. My bad for using something besides the lol or lmao that literally everyone else uses. Are we actually arguing about this? What a dumb fucking point to make. I used language to convey a message that dictates that I am not laughing for comedic effect, I am laughing to breeze off the fact that what you said is blatantly full of shit, something that lol probably wouldn’t be appropriate for. You wouldn’t know that though, it is clear you don’t get much human interaction at all considering the fact you though welfare queens were not a real thing.
Good on you to assume the races of someone gaming the welfare system! I already know which of the nearly identical parties you worship are! FYI, One is black, two are white. I live in a city, a blue one, one that has been blue for about, idk, 70 years? What happened to “welfare queens don’t exist”? You sure seem to not know jack shit about how the world works considering just how confidently incorrect you were!
Also, I don’t appreciate you assuming I’d do something so grossly absentminded as supporting any bipartisan effort you dumb fucking disgusting fascist piece of shit.
Supporting democratic or republican efforts is supporting the death of the US in the name of money, moneymoneymoneymoneymoney, but thanks for bringing politics into dankmemes! You clearly have nothing better to back your claim, so you fell back on politics, just like everyone else with no life!
Anyone who actually types out “haha!” is a lying shitheel boomer.
And if you legitimately have 3 “welfare queens” in the immediate vicinity of your house, you likely live in a trailer park that ignorantly went all in for Trump.
Tl;dr: imho the people most likely to abuse the welfare system are poor white folk who unironically vote against their best interests by putting GOP goons into office. They complain that they can’t get out of their trailer park, but they consistently vote for the people who will do everything possible to keep them there.
Lol. My bad for using something besides the lol or lmao that literally everyone else uses. Are we actually arguing about this? What a dumb fucking point to make. I used language to convey a message that dictates that I am not laughing for comedic effect, I am laughing to breeze off the fact that what you said is blatantly full of shit, something that lol probably wouldn’t be appropriate for. You wouldn’t know that though, it is clear you don’t get much human interaction at all considering the fact you though welfare queens were not a real thing.
Good on you to assume the races of someone gaming the welfare system! I already know which of the nearly identical parties you worship are! FYI, One is black, two are white. I live in a city, a blue one, one that has been blue for about, idk, 70 years? What happened to “welfare queens don’t exist”? You sure seem to not know jack shit about how the world works considering just how confidently incorrect you were!
Also, I don’t appreciate you assuming I’d do something so grossly absentminded as supporting any bipartisan effort you dumb fucking disgusting fascist piece of shit.
Supporting democratic or republican efforts is supporting the death of the US in the name of money, moneymoneymoneymoneymoney, but thanks for bringing politics into dankmemes! You clearly have nothing better to back your claim, so you fell back on politics, just like everyone else with no life!
Go back to /pol/ incel chud