(gun and eagle noises) 🦅🇺🇲
Above: how Chinese propaganda sees America
Below: how Americans see America
Fun fact: you can convert from miles to kilometers using the Fibonacci sequence:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 35
- 5 miles = 8 kilometers
- 21 miles = 35 kilometers
- 10 miles (2 + 8) = 16 kilometers (3 + 13)
So this means 1 mile = 1 kilometer.
Fun Fact: you can choose not to use miles
Well I’m trying to get the the kilofoot to catch on
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But I love Miles Morales
Someone call someone, I think I had a stroke.
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It works because the ration between miles and kilometers (~1.609) is surprisingly close to the Golden Ratio (~1.618), and https://letstalkscience.ca/educational-resources/backgrounders/fibonacci-and-golden-ratio
“Americans doing anything to not use the metric system” today: the Fibonacci sequence.
But why i should have to if I am not 'murican
Ps thank you.
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Just wanted to give a meme-y answer since we are in a meme side of the lemmy. I even thanked the person even though I think I will never travel outside my country given my circumstances.
In airspace, feet and miles are used very often
Pilots, maybe, they’re “special” like that. Engineers do not.
Yeah, but those are nautical miles, not murican miles.
Yes, nautical miles still have some logic behind, as they are based on degrees of latitude.
Still it’s funny to me that they are still called miles.
I appreciate this practical answer even though I just learned that only pilots uses this particular American measure system Americans call mile.
And where do i know which part of the fib sequence to use?
The headline implies that the trade deal went through.
What do you think big macs are made of?
The FBI set up a sting while looking for people who want to trade babies for Big Macs. It’s a bigger problem than you think.
“Babies for Big Macs” sounds like some weird non-profit charity.
they will train that baby to become a ideal worker
The big Mac’s are nice!
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Especially because it wasn’t even his baby. Free big macs!
So basically the world sees us like we see Florida.
Yeah from my experience the US is the Florida of the world.
We all know you guys aren’t all crazy, but there is enough of them to be part of the final picture in our mind.
That’s probably fair
I think there are states in the US where its easier to make a baby than a living wage.
In those states, that’s often how people MAKE a living wage.
Welfare queens are a myth.
Please tell me this is not a term bandied about in the US.
The term is still whispered in the dimly lit, smoky rooms of Republican get-togethers.
It was big time, but not so much anymore. You still hear it from the dinosaurs in office.
How the left sees welfare: corps pay too little so people need to be subsidized by the government to afford food, or you fell on bad times/have mental disorders and can’t work so we help you afford the bare minimum.
How the right sees welfare: black women are getting knocked up constantly so they can collect even more money doing absolutely nothing but being a drain on society.
Pretty gross stuff…
The US will never be cured of the extreme capitalist model that impoverishes the poor and increases the wealth of the rich when they accept these terms. They are designed to do nothing more than segregate the population into manageable lumps. People need to jump on derogatory terms that are only meant to belittle people who cannot defend themselves. The racism in the US is nothing more than a political agenda to do exactly the same thing. You really have to call this out when you see it.
You’d think, but I’ve got about 3 of them in the immediate vicinity of my house haha!
Anyone who actually types out “haha!” is a lying shitheel boomer.
And if you legitimately have 3 “welfare queens” in the immediate vicinity of your house, you likely live in a trailer park that ignorantly went all in for Trump.
Tl;dr: imho the people most likely to abuse the welfare system are poor white folk who unironically vote against their best interests by putting GOP goons into office. They complain that they can’t get out of their trailer park, but they consistently vote for the people who will do everything possible to keep them there.
shitheel boomer
Lol. My bad for using something besides the lol or lmao that literally everyone else uses. Are we actually arguing about this? What a dumb fucking point to make. I used language to convey a message that dictates that I am not laughing for comedic effect, I am laughing to breeze off the fact that what you said is blatantly full of shit, something that lol probably wouldn’t be appropriate for. You wouldn’t know that though, it is clear you don’t get much human interaction at all considering the fact you though welfare queens were not a real thing.
Good on you to assume the races of someone gaming the welfare system! I already know which of the nearly identical parties you worship are! FYI, One is black, two are white. I live in a city, a blue one, one that has been blue for about, idk, 70 years? What happened to “welfare queens don’t exist”? You sure seem to not know jack shit about how the world works considering just how confidently incorrect you were!
Also, I don’t appreciate you assuming I’d do something so grossly absentminded as supporting any bipartisan effort you dumb fucking disgusting fascist piece of shit.
Supporting democratic or republican efforts is supporting the death of the US in the name of money, moneymoneymoneymoneymoney, but thanks for bringing politics into dankmemes! You clearly have nothing better to back your claim, so you fell back on politics, just like everyone else with no life!
Go back to /pol/ incel chud
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Yet, the picture is about the United States. lol
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We don’t think this… Other countries just think we think this. I’m not kidding, that’s actually the case lol.
It’s shocking for us in the states to learn about other countries knowing which states are which. We don’t even know that!
This is weird. I constantly see posts about how America is bad from Europeans. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one the other way around. Who is thinking about who all the time?
Mostly Europeans amuse themselves about how Americans think they’re living in a first world country while having absolute basic developed-world-shit just flat out fail. I.e. health care, consumer regulation, public transit, education, clean water. Sure the US is not uniform but it’s a single country. Even Europe has it’s own problems but most countries have this stuff figured out more or less.
The reason Europeans mock Americans is because Americans always ALWAYS complain about how they’re getting fucked. And Europeans are just like “lol that shit ain’t an issue here”. Which a) contributes to Europeans thinking the US is a shithole and b) making Americans seem kinda whiny.So many Americans are desperately trying to survive. I’m glad that our suffering is entertaining, though.
It’s nice to laugh at people who are dying because we don’t have health insurance. What a gas! /s
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Y’all still waving your FATCA cock all over the world so excuse us for having some schadenfreude.
oh don’t let me interrupt your laughing at people starving and dying while you blame organizations that I have nothing to do with. I’ve never even heard of that.
I’m just a normal person trying to not die.
Ah yes the eternal American victim complex. I’ve heard about this.
seems like a human rights one to me, but you have fun with the edgy teen phase. good luck.
I read this in weskers voice and i laughed hard, lol.
I mean to some countries, we are that shit going on.
This and school shootings
Would they adopt metric if it was killermeters?
Their army is already using kilometres, so uh close enough I guess.
We did adopt metric! For our military. Because there’s a certain efficiency in killing when it’s done in metric.
That, and being dependent on your automobile.
True, within some big American cities, a mostly) carfree life is possible if you live in a condo near a metro station.
But walkable neighborhoods are a rarity, while they are the default in the rest of the world.
To be fair, it’s a really big country.
Yes, it is, which is why it is baffling that they don’t have good high speed rail infrastructure like China, Japan, France or Germany.
And yes, cars make sense for the rural people, but densely populated urban centers in the USA are just badly designed due to bad zoning laws.
As an American, definitely see America as the bottom picture.
what the fuck is a kilometer
A meter used to measure how many TERRORISTS we killed today B-)
Kilometer? I hardly know her
16 pounds of baby
16 pounds of big mac
America is a really big and diverse place. Really it’s both and neither depending on where you are
No you’re on the internet, America is like the meme only no nuance
Whenever someone points out absolutely anything negative about America.
“murica big, we not all like that!” 🤡
Yeah, that’s how most people respond to ignorant stereotypes about their country.
I mean. Yeah. Generally that’s how it works with areas the size of Europe. It’d be weird if all Americans were the same.
What are you talking about? Germans are literally identical to the French, they even use the same language!
Well, they tried a few times.
You can tell how old this is - a baby’s only worth 6 Big Macs anymore.
Wrong use of anymore.
Babies are still only worth 6 Big Mac’s. This was just greedflation.
In merica we got Kill-o-meters, and they go up to big numbers.
Spoken like a true non American
Jokes on all of you, I know what a kilometer is because it’s the maximum distance I would walk to trade a baby for 15 Big Macs.
I don’t believe you. Obviously not the baby part, but the walking part.
Damn, I was that obvious?
Yeah he’s an idiot but why is there only 1 mugshot, who’s the dude that bought the baby?
If a man ofered me a baby for 15 big macs, i would accept the deal, take the baby and go to the police.
So you lose the baby AND 15 Big Macs!? Terrible negotiation skills. You got played.