I used to use Linux, but Windows just has better support for most apps and drivers so currently Windows 10. I doubt I’ll ever switch to Windows 11. It seems pretty iffy with the lack of customization and ads appearing in the folder menus.
I use ArchLinux BTW, because
- It’s very minimal, no bloatware
3. I feel superior - It just works™*
Fedora! Have been super not a fan of Windows for years now so I avoid it hardcore when I can.
Linux in general is a lot easier to set up programming environments on, and also just generally it’s a lot more flexible when it comes to customization, which is definitely important when you’re a big picky bitchbaby like I am.
Fedora specifically I like because there’s something I just really like about RHEL-related distros (to the point that i use Rocky Linux on my server also). They feel really polished and dnf is probably my favourite package manager of all the ones I’ve tried so far. I do have a few issues with it, and I miss having access to the AUR when I used various Arch-baseds over the years, but all in all I’m very happy with it and I don’t see myself switching distros for desktop use any time soon.
Windows 10 because I can’t upgrade to 11 for some arbitrary reason. I tried Ubuntu years ago but it was so much work trying to get it to just work that it really put me off. So unless the Linux ecosystem improved and by a wide margin and it has decent support for the software I use, I don’t think I’m changing anytime soon.
In the last 2 years a lot has happened. I suggest you try PopOS or Fedora. I switched from Windows to PopOS 2 years ago on my main PC. There is a learning curve but if you want to know how something works a search of “how to do thing PopOS” or “how to do thing Ubuntu” gives quick results. PopOS is similar to Ubuntu in many ways but way nicer in others.
Ohh, PopOS is new to me. Thanks! I’ll take a look