• Neato
    945 months ago

    “Jesus told us to steal from the poor.”

    Almost makes me wish heresy was still a thing. =/

    It’s certainly misrepresentation of a business.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      Don’t worry, this guy admitted to everything, seeing how “God told me to” isn’t a legal defense. God really told you to spend “thousands on home renovations”? Super cool bro

  • @[email protected]
    565 months ago

    Oh! OH! The clouds are parting. A beam of light shining down on me. AH! A voice. It calls out to me! It says… It says you all owe me 200 bucks.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        It depends on if you recognize the voice as your own thoughts that you control. If your thoughts hit your inner monologue before they hit your concious thoughts, the voices can quite litterally sound as if someone is speaking to you in the same room.

        Normal people experience it extremely rarely, usually when absent mindedly distracted with memories and thoughts or while waking up. Normal people will also rapidly recognize it was a stray thought and there’s not actually someone there. Daydream type stuff.

        Everyone loves to pretend the differences between “crazy” and “normal” are vast, but all it takes is the tiniest detail of your thought process to be wrong, and suddenly you have A LOT of evidence there’s someone or something else talking to you. All it takes is not being very smart beyond that, and suddenly God or your imaginary best friend is telling you to embezzle and you totally believe it.

        Probably why ye’ olde people merc’d people for heressy. Even amongst the religous who are far more likely to believe with thin evidence, it works to weed out literal crazy.

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              If I told you that I believe that humanity was created as an experiment by an alien race of clouds who communicate with us through the rain, and they tell me who to vote for and who to hate, you’d think it I was batshit to blame it on the rain.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                Depends. If I also suffer such delusions, like MANY people do with religion because we’re all human and have similar profound experiences… then yes, I might actually be inclined to believe you if I didn’t have a critical mind able to parse through all your claims.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  I’d say that because we are human, we have the capacity to distinguish fiction from reality… well, most of us who have critical minds can.

        • Black Skinned Jew
          5 months ago

          I almost totally agree about what you say, unless you are being mindcontrolled, if that’s the case you can clearly hear another person voice into your own head. But if you’re not, then you are just nuts and you should be locked into a mental hospital.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            Mind control isn’t real, so if you’re experiencing that, you also need to talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Probably both.

            • Black Skinned Jew
              5 months ago

              Who told you mindcontrol isn’t real? Google “Stargate project” first and if you have some questions later contact me.

              Spoiler: secret services have decades using that shit, or do you believe the fall of the Soviet Union just happened cos communism it’s predestined to fail?

  • @[email protected]
    465 months ago

    Religious people are delusional, and time after time it gets proven. When is enough?

    Religion has no place in the world. Churches are tax and pedophile safe havens, fuck that.

    • modifier
      215 months ago

      I used to find this position deeply annoying, even long after I had left behind the Christianity I was raised on.

      My feeling was, ‘we get it, you’re an atheist, calm down about it’.

      Now, I feel these comments and others like them are vital. Religions have been a net harm to society over the course of history, but they present a clear and present danger to civilized society right now.

      Not just Christianity, and not just in the USA, but very pressingly with Christianity and very pressingly in the USA.

      • @[email protected]
        125 months ago

        Absolutely. I get into arguments all the time, especially with people who are like: “just let people believe what they want man!”

        This sounds “nice”, but the reality is that beliefs do not exist in a vacuum, they directly affect actions people take that affect you and me.

        If every religious person just kept their shit to themselves I probably wouldn’t have a problem with it, but they don’t. They infect politics, education, and indoctrinate children who have no choice as they are subjected to the bullshit.

        So yea there is no good way to be religious, only less harmful ways, but at the end of the day, believing things without a good reason makes you susceptible to be manipulated and deceived.

  • @[email protected]
    315 months ago

    “We took God at his word and sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit,” Regalado in his video address Friday.

    Bahaha. Not only did god tell them to do it, but he might have misled them a little bit about the profitability of the venture. Bad god, bad.

  • Carighan Maconar
    295 months ago

    Once again proving that the only problem crypto truly solves is that it was too difficult to efficiently scam people before. 😂

  • kubica
    105 months ago

    I didn’t know it was a valid excuse, BRB.

  • @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    My gods tell me to do a lot of stuff. But y’all still got all your blood, don’t ya?

    Sometimes they’re not commandments, just suggestions.

    Bad suggestions.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    So are people just going to be duped by crypto scams for the rest of eternity? How many times does this have to happen before people just stop buying random crypto created by shady people?

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Because someone wins. They all know the game is rigged, but the point is to fly as close to the sun without melting your wings. They know that the white paper holders are planning to scam the rubes, you just need to duck out before the rug pull. Can’t believe the leopard ate their face

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        No one wins in crypto scams. Except the people that create them. That’s why they’re scams and not just “bad investments”.