Sideloading mods is still available for the Bedrock Edition, but this will bring add-ons to everyone.
Yeahh this is just community-made DLC. It’s got paid content and everything has to be vetted by Microsoft. Really not comparable to traditional mods and the complete freedom they offer.
Thanks for mentioning this. i would have believed its basically the same had you not pointed this out.
It’s some Bedrock stuff with only official approved addons, so a nothing burger.
On Tuesday, Mojang Studios announced a feature that Minecraft players have been requesting for years: official mod support for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on all platforms.
None wants that?
The only true Minecraft is the Java version, and the only thing we might have wanted for years is official modding API.This whole article feels like AI written shill for Bedrock version (I get that different platforms can’t really host the Java version but stop pushing it as better thing on platforms where we had Java for years). damn it’s over ten years old by now …
I guess, if all the mods for the Java edition became suddenly available for the Bedrock edition, then this would be what people want. But well, guess what, that’s not possible, due to the lack of that modding API. 🙃
“First free add-ons”? What about MCPEDL and similar sites? When I played Bedrock Edition (I play Java now) I usually got free add-ons, texture packs, etc. from there.
(also bedrock edition isn’t exactly on all platforms, at least officially. afaik i can’t run it under linux without using a third party solution)
Bedrock modding has existed for ages, and it looks nothing like what’s available on Java. Even if everyone suddenly decided to port to Bedrock, it’s way less powerful since you’re restricted to the APIs Mojang provides
Just play real Minecraft. Bedrock edition is just off brand
It was shit when Bethesda did it and it’ll to be shit when the people who bought Bethesda do it, too.
It’s shit compared to Java. But it’s something compared to Bedrock, which only got monetized decorations DLCs.