If so, what could you feel? Fullness from the amount of cum? Pulsing of their cock? Are you usually able to feel when your partners finishes?

  • Ahornygirl
    104 months ago

    I can feel throbbing, especially if I contract my muscles around it and he’s not fucking me too fast. I can’t always feel when they finish - it depends on if I’m close to orgasm or if we cum at the same time… if we do I definitely won’t feel it, I’ll just feel mine.

  • @RBWellsV23
    94 months ago

    If I am clear headed enough, yes I can feel it throbbing, the pulsing. I don’t literally feel the cum but think the cervix does, there is a feeling but it doesn’t feel to me like something gushing (husband is not a heavy load guy though, ex was but I don’t remember feeling it just the cleanup, and in between casual guys we use condoms).

    If we get off at the same time, like if me cumming sets him off or vise versa, I cannot feel it at all, it’s overshadowed by the orgasm.

  • @ExhibiCat
    34 months ago

    Good question, I’ve always wondered this too.

    Especially with condom use.

  • @pinkpint
    34 months ago

    I can often feel them swelling just before they cum and the throbbing, but less so with condoms. Without condoms, I can almost always feel the cum, and if I’m not already also cumming it usually pushes me over the edge.