Clearly he went into a blind rage upon seeing that no one replaced the TP and destroyed the toilet in his anger
This is a valid reaction
Now, is failing to replace the TP worse than putting it in an up-from-under configuration or just as bad?
Or he ate it like a fruit roll up
I just realized I have absolutely no idea how strong turtles are.
Stronger then YOUR FACE
…no I don’t know what that means but I’m sticking with it.
I second this
I second your face
What ever that means, I agree!
I have an easy way to test that
“um actually thats a tortoise” is what i almost said, before remembering tortoises are in a group that counts as part of the bigger turtle group
It’s turtles all the way down
Don’t forget the elephants
Turtle strength: 10/10
I say banana, you say 🚫🍌, let’s call the whole thing on.
Behold, a dog
“no toilet paper? Fuck it, I’ll just shit on the floor and destroy the bathroom while I’m at it”
Praise the dog
That is a BIG load that someone dropped there!
Like 85 Courics
Hot shit
Damn, Mitch McConnell looks pissed.
Did it burst out of the sewers? Fecking ninjas.
Not cool James
The singular version of James is Jame.
Classic sulcata assholery.
Poor guy was in an environment too small for them.
Not an asshole! Just an idiot.
But most reptiles are idiots. Love 'em!
Tbf most people are idiots too
Absolutely! But also tbf, as a self-proclaimed idiot, I’ve never knocked over a toilet before.
I’m too stupid to do that tbh
Sulcatas have been known to ‘accidentally’ bust through interior walls, at least in the US, where almost everything is sheetrock.
Yes! Burrowing through drywall is another… “endearing” trait of the Sulcata!