Available on Patreon



  • 6 new species
  • 2 New uniques.
  • Some existing characters/species have a new type of global passive that can affect anything.
  • Active when character starts on the field. (works similar to teambonuses/essences)
  • Insect special trait to count them for certain effects/bonuses.
  • Some new skills.

Dating rework:

  • Changed most things about dating.
  • Generally simplified stats and more controlled access to events/increased porn density.
  • Removed stances and seperate deck types.
  • Card upgrades are a lot more impactful.
  • Starter cards can only be upgraded once, encouraging adding new random cards for variety in run.
  • New utility card type that can be played for free, but not two in a row.
  • casual/lewd skillpoints converted to utility for more control over your deck
  • category requirements only require either target or used part to be of the category
  • Also added many new events.
  • Some recruited unique characters can appear as random events in certain locations.
  • Also acts as more solid foundation to add more events in the future.


  • Party can have lasting effects.
  • Visiting your first portal each day and camping gives well rested buff, temporarily removing movement stamina cost.
  • Can use workforce to hire scouts for bonus vision.
  • Can spend morale to increase movement speed for a while.
  • Some tiles (deepforest etc.) don’t fully reveal until standing next to them. (still count for exploration)
  • Enemy parties now have a chance to ambush you when moving away, while adjacent.
  • Otherwise they won’t engage when moving.
  • Chance mainly based on power difference and battles won in the portal.
  • New common events based on native species of a portal. (incompltete)
  • Rescue and ambush events have some more variety.
  • Anomalies prioritize unexplored tiles.


  • Gallery now has tooltips for passives/skills.
  • New achievement for mushroom starting trait.
  • Some basic arena battles have species requirement but higher rewards.
  • Careful with voltblades! (they can hit any other character now)
  • Many bugfixes/other small changes.