• cobysev
    493 months ago

    I don’t know about 9D, but I once saw Avengers: Age of Ultron in 4D in a theater in Seoul, South Korea. It was a 3D film with moving seats, smells, and air that would blast in your face.

    During a car chase, you could smell burning rubber, or close-ups of women would have a whiff of perfume or flowers. During a shootout, you’d get fine blasts of air on either side of your face, like bullets barely missing your head. If someone took a hit, the seats would jolt violently. It also poked you in the back if someone was hit from behind. Not to mention, flying in any aircraft felt like you were on a rollercoaster; the seats would raise and lower and tilt in all directions. It was pretty intense. Like being on one of those Universal Studios rides at their theme park, except for an entire film.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      That sounds awful to experience as a customers, but also sounds like an awesome challenge to pull out convincingly for whoever created it.

    • Baŝto
      33 months ago

      you could smell burning rubber, or close-ups of women would have a whiff of perfume

      That sounds horrible

    • Flying SquidOPM
      63 months ago

      There were Dippin’ Dots vending machines in the mall… Like 4 of them. Do people really like Dippin’ Dots that much?

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        I mean, it is “the ice cream of the future”. From some 30-odd years ago. May want to check the expiration date on that.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          43 months ago

          They’re basically ice cream styrofoam. They probably last forever. And putting them in vending machines actually makes more sense than having a person handing out specific-size cups of the same 4 flavors in a mall kiosk.

          That said, in the attached convention center, they had a Dippin’ Dots kiosk with a person handing out specific-size cups of the same 4 flavors. 🤷

  • @[email protected]
    243 months ago

    I once went to the booth operator of the nearby “4D” theatre, and asked what the fourth dimension was.

    Near as we could figure. It was water. The theatre sprayed you with water (probably a mist or something) as the “4th dimension”.

    I did not buy a ticket to the show.

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      Ive been in a couple of these and usually 4d means 3d movie with a combination of added physical effects in the room, common are

      • spray mist
      • blow wind
      • moving/shaking chairs

      Most fancy ive seen was the roof fake collapsing

      As a novelty attraction in an amusement there quite fun but i cant see it worth much of a premium over already overpriced movie tickets.

  • @[email protected]
    193 months ago

    Are you… sure you want to know?

    Like at some point, after your standard 5 (vision, sound, touch, taste, & smell), those dimensions gotta start wrapping back around to where they started. And at that point they must have to go THROUGH your tissues to do it.

    I am saying that one of them surely is an electrified butt-plug. So that’s six, and after that… that’s where shit REALLY starts to get freaky!


    • Flying SquidOPM
      3 months ago

      I’m not sure you know what dimensions are… but then neither did whoever made this mall attraction.

      Also, come on, you show Pinhead but it isn’t Doug Bradley?

      • @[email protected]
        53 months ago

        Let’s not even go into whoever they dropped in after he left the tattered franchise. Oddly enough, the Hulu reboot/continuation(?) wasn’t that bad. Further note, it’s weirdly connected to an upcoming tenforward post I’m slapping together.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          43 months ago

          If you want another connection between Hellraiser and Star Trek, Doug Bradley’s name was on the tip of my tongue and it just wasn’t coming to me, so I looked up Pinhead on Wikipedia.

          Pinhead was voiced by Fred Tatasciore- Lower Decks’ own Shaxs- in 2011’s Hellraiser: Revelations. He only did the voice, but there’s a link for you.

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            Yup, saw that one earlier when i discovered there were a couple more entries to the franchise prior to the Hulu one. New line needs to drop their attachment almost as bad as Sony to Spider-Man. Almost.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        These marketing gimmicks are fairly uh… “broadly inclusive” in their definitions of terms (whatever makes them the most money).

        But you are right, that choice was unforgivable. My image seems to have caused you… pain?


        Thus, mission failed spectacularly! :-)

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Believe it or not, in certain contexts, this is an appropriate use of dimension. Dimensions can be thought of as parameters, essentially. In 3d space, you have 3 parameters, length, width, and height. Add in time and you have 4d spacetime. From there, if you’re defining a system with more parameters, it’s a higher dimensional space. A movie with 3 spatial dimensions, then programmed smell releases, like someone else mentioned, would then be 4 dimensions: l,w,h,s. The reality is, it’s a bit silly and definitely a marketing gimmick to refer to your movie experience as “9d”, but it’s not entirely incorrect.

  • @[email protected]
    183 months ago

    Well you’ve got hight, width, depth of course. As for the other six, you’ve got: time, parallel, perpendicular, alternate, Disney, and fnord.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      You make a good point, all movies are three dimensions (height, width, time), while some have the illusion of a fourth (depth).

      All movies are 3D.

  • @[email protected]
    163 months ago

    This could be an SCP or something lol, like you go in and are subjected to 6 additional dimensions of reality and go insane

        • Flying SquidOPM
          43 months ago

          Not fun. Way too many people. Probably double from last year, which was too many. And the vendor floor was ridiculously huge. Also, celebrities now charge like $60 for an autograph. Back when I regularly went to cons, it was free. I didn’t even walk by their booths. Why even bother? I mean it would have been cool to walk up to Felicia Day and say I’m a big MST3K fan and loved her playing Kinga Forrester, but I’m not going to do it for $60.

          They had other stupidly expensive things too. Like they had a DeLorean done like the one from Back to the Future. If you wanted to take a phone picture with it- as in stand in front of it and have a picture of you taken with a phone- it cost $10.

          I only went because my daughter wanted to see all the cosplayers and had a cosplay costume to wear herself and even she found it way too exhausting. We didn’t even stay for the cosplay contest, which she was initially looking forward to.

          Pop Con is next month in the same location. I don’t think we’ll be going.

          Aside from the less unpleasant but still unpleasant experience at the same con last year, it’s been a good 15 years now since I’ve been to one, but I’ve done a lot of cons in my life. I’ve been a guest and a vendor and a performer and a guest at various times (no, I’m not famous, it’s more complicated than that). I’ve been to DragonCon. I’ve been to NASFiC, the official U.S. national convention. This was just not fun. And if this is what cons are like now, forget it. Honestly, the only part I really enjoyed was, because I know nothing about anime and not a gamer, asking my exasperated daughter what half the cosplayers were.