• @[email protected]
    3811 months ago

    Unfortunately we all know what happens when you tell hackers that something’s going to be very hard to break into.

    I understand that they were excited about the idea and wanted to share it with gamers, but if they actually wanted to give the system the best chance of success, they should’ve kept their mouth shut.

    • Neato
      2511 months ago

      Yeah but also free advertising.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      at least it probably saves you from the worst fate: that nobody cares about the game enough to try to discover the things

      (I’m fairly sure that datamining is not that common outside highly popular games, well assuming the data isn’t neatly in plaintext)

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Considering it’s being published and promoted by a huge YouTube video game channel it’d never be likely to stay under the radar.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      It was a really interesting food for though, especially since both cybersecurity and game development are my main areas of focus (I work part time in offensive security, and part time as game dev). I has actually motivated me to start considering that I might give data-mining this game a try, because I’m really interested in how he wants to solve the many issues present.

      I’m betting it would probably be mostly leaning into “security by obscurity”, but if that’s the case, throwing a gauntlet like this wasn’t a good idea. Because every technically sound solution I came up with was a nightmare from game design standpoint, and I couldn’t came up with any puzzles or secrets that wouldn’t be extremely complex, mostly because you just require a really large problem and input space for it to not be brute-forcable at any of the reverse-engineerable stages.

      Also, I have a soft spot for clever marketing tactics, and this one is amazing.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          I was always aiming towards just being a gamedev, but since there weren’t many Bachelors degrees at the time focused on that, I went for Software Engineering, and then Masters in gamedev. However, experience working for alongside school in QA for a bigger gamedev company has kind of made me realize that corporate and AAA gamedev isn’t really art, and you’re basically the same code-monkey as you would be anywhere else, just for a lot less money. And since at the time I just played Watch Dogs 2 and was running a Shadowrun campaign, I was pretty into hacking at the time, solving CTFs and generally researching into it, which was prompted by one optional class on pentesting.

          So I decided that since working in gamedev will probably leave me burnt out and with lot less money, I just applied for part-time cybersecurity job so I could finance my hobby gamedev career that’s not limited by the fact that it’s my livelyhood and I have to make money - and that makes every kind of art so much better. I still went for Masters in Gamedev, though. And after several years, the cybersec company started to turn more and more corporate, and I was offered a job at a small indie studio made of mostly friends, so I switched from full to part-time, and took another part-time for a lot less money but with an amazing work environment.

          Besides that, Red Teaming is basically just LARPing Shadowrun, it sounded like the perfect job, just trying to talk and hack you way into banks and corporations, I couldn’t say no to that :D

  • @[email protected]
    1811 months ago

    Basso is at least confident that data miners can’t brute force their way to discovering his encrypted secrets. He’s using industry-standard AES encryption. ”It’s pretty secure, unless we get quantum computers or there’s some giant vulnerability,” he said.

    It’s a fun idea, I guess, but I don’t know how happy anti-virus kinda services are with having loads of very encrypted and obscured blocks of data.

    It’s a bit of a “trust me bro” situation where he claims he’s just hiding secret levels and stuff - and isn’t also secretly side-loading malware or something like that

    • @[email protected]
      2011 months ago

      Anti viruses won’t care as it won’t be injecting executable code. But the whole idea won’t work. To decrypt AES you need some sort of a secret key or certificate. So the game will have to have it bundled. Thus anyone with enough skill will be able to extract such key or certificate and decode resources themselves. Encryption will not provide any protection.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        Stuff like this isn’t there to stop people with lots of resources. It’s to stop people who are lazy, will see encryption and go, eh, I guess I’m not doing that after all.

        It’s the baseline, make it annoying enough that most people won’t even bother wasting their time.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          I bet you that the whole thing will be decrypted and sent to torrents during the first hour of the game’s release just to teach its developer a lesson.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Anti viruses won’t care as it won’t be injecting executable code.

        How do you know parts of the encrypted stuff isn’t executable code? Like is he has secret levels with secret functionalities then part of whats encrypted might get executed, or interpreted and executed or something like that.

        If he’s going out of his way to hide and encrypt secrets, I wouldn’t be surprised if parts of his gameloop are obfuscated as well. And if Anti viruses detect high levels of obfuscation, that just raises flags as probabilistic malware

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Modern CPUs and operating systems have distinction between data and code in memory. Usually only privileged processes have the right to make data executable. If you load some random stuff into memory and tell your CPU to execute it as a code, you’ll get nuked by OS.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Usually only privileged processes have the right to make data executable.

            Not true. Only kernel can mark memory page as executable, but any process can request to kernel to do so. This is why JIT compilers work.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        It sort of looked like you’d construct the key by input. Like an old school password entry screen or something. I wonder if you could correct horse battery stapler it enough to have a respectable key length.

      • Pennomi
        211 months ago

        The only way is to hold that secret key on your server until the day of content release. But that is basically a lite version of always online DRM.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Anti viruses won’t care as it won’t be injecting executable code.

        When I first started working on malware for my offensive cybersec job, I felt pretty at loss about how the fuck are you supposed to execute anything, if you simply have to 1) allocate memory with READ_WRITE_EXECUTE, and then 2) execute the memory.

        I thought that’s something that legit programs don’t have any reason to do - why would you ever need to allocate RWX memory? I’ve never done that in my entire programming career, and every bit of your code is already loaded into memory once you start the program - at a special, protected part of memory. There’s no reason to ever allocate anything manually. And I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to deal with this issue when writing malware, since I kind of expected that once you try to allocate RWX memory manually, and god-forbid execute it the AV will simply not allow it and flag it as highly suspicious.

        Well. It turned out that actually almost everything I’ve ever written does use this call. A lot. That’s when I learned what “JIT compilation” means, and that I’ve really misunderstood the basic concepts of C#.

        So, surprisingly, most of programs you run (that are in C#) actually inject executable code at runtime. Although, I’m not sure if Unity actually doesn’t compile into something that’s not JIT C#. I guess only if you use ILL2CPP?

      • @pantyhosewimp
        111 months ago

        the key to unlock them will not also be buried in the code.

        “You have to sort of input it through playing the game, to the credits and some later sections,” he said.

        With luck, that means no one will crack it until someone plays to the point of figuring it all out.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        To decrypt AES you need some sort of a secret key or certificate. So the game will have to have it bundled.

        If the Dev were to take, for example the x,y position of the player and convert that to a key, then there would not be any bundled key. This could allow specific conditions to be met without specifying the key or solution. Truthfully though, I don’t know much about AES to know if that’s possible.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          You still need

          1. Trigger not at exact coordinates, but in some proximity.
          2. Test condition in near-realtime
    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      It’s a bit of a “trust me bro” situation

      i mean, the same could be said of literally any closed source software.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Not really - “Everything is open-source if you know Assembly” - Look at Ghidra for example.

        If code isn’t obfuscated you can do an analysis what kinda stuff closed source software does. In C# (so if his game is written in Unity) you can even get very close to the original source code (IL code reversed back to C#).

        That’s why I mentioned anti-virus isn’t going to be happy about it. You can easily google examples: examples[1] example[2] example[3] - that obfuscating is a red flag to a lot of anti-virus

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          All your examples are obfuscating executables. None of which is happening here. Every software that connects to the Internet handles encrypted data and there is nothing suspicious about it.

          If code isn’t obfuscated you can do an analysis what kinda stuff closed source software does.

          And what does that change in it being a “trust me bro” situation? Nobody does that. Are you reverse engineering all software you use, don’t use any software that has an ability to update, and compile all software you use yourself? Because otherwise you are trusting the developers.

          We are talking about a video game. The vast majority of games on PC are released through launchers like Steam which keep updating them. You’d have to spend months reverse engineering a game to know for sure it doesn’t do anything you don’t like, and disable updates. Nobody does that.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I don’t know how happy anti-virus kinda services are with having loads of very encrypted and obscured blocks of data

      As happy as with any other file. Would be pretty silly if preloading a game on Steam pre-release would trigger AVs.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    I can’t really imagine how would this work in practice. While “I’m using industry standart AES encryption” may mean the cypher and the key itself will not be breakable, the bigger issue is how to get the 256b key from the player. Does he expect them to actually figure out and manually input 265b of data? That would be a pretty hefty game design challenge to make something like that possible.

    I’m betting there’s probably something that generates the key from a vastly smaller player input, i.e what gameobjects you interacted with, in what order, or what did you press/place somwhere. But that also means that the entropy is probably in the bruteforcable range, and once you find the function that decrypts the secrets, it should be pretty easy to find the function that generates the key, and the inputs it takes.

    The only A solution to keeping data from data-miners I can imagine would require just storing the key on the server - which could generally also be bypassed, since then you probably need a way to request the key, which could be data-mined and faked, so you’re back at step one - how to validate requests for the key.

    Or just make the secret puzzles so difficult, that they can’t be brute-forced and the result really is 256b or more of data. Thinking about it, having specified 256 inputs you either have to make or are red-herrings that shouldn’t be interacted with isn’t really that much, but then the data-miner can just check the location of each one and filter out the inaccessible, and bruteforce the rest. And if all are accessible, it would make for a really difficult secret to discover properly.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      I’m betting there’s probably something that generates the key from a vastly smaller player input, i.e what gameobjects you interacted with, in what order, or what did you press/place somwhere. But that also means that the entropy is probably in the bruteforcable range, and once you find the function that decrypts the secrets, it should be pretty easy to find the function that generates the key, and the inputs it takes.

      When handling passwords, it is standard practice to use an intentionally costly (in CPU, memory, or both) algorithm to derive the encryption key from the password. Maybe the dev can reuse this? The resulting delay could easily be masked with some animation.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Most of the costly algortihms I know of are still reasonably fast, i.e you can try thousands of checks per second, so it would definitely help, but you would then still have to design a puzzle that has a large number od possible answers or combinations - which I still think really limits what you can create with it.

        He could design a check/hash that would take a lot longer than common algs like bcrypt, but then theres a risk of someone reverse engineering it and simplyfiing it, or even finding a vulnerabilty that makes guessing the key easier. Because its suprisingly really difficult to make a hash that is matematically ok and doesnt have side-effects. Especially since crypto is dealling with some obscure advanced math, and some of the vulnerabilities in existing algorithms are pretty mind-blowing - especially since the more math you stack up, the more chances are there of you unknowingly using some kind of obscure math laws that can be used to simlplyfi or predict the results of your algorithm.

        For a really bad and simple example (that kind of illustrates the point) from the top of my head, if i was just multipliing the input by 2 to get the key, and i did it 1000 times, it would mean that 1) the attacker could make it faster by multiplying it just once by 2^1000, and 2) the result would always be even, so now he knows he only has to bruteforce half of the keys, since it cannot be any odd key.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Ultimately you can configure these however you want. On my 5600X, I easily got one full execution of scrypt to last 34.6 seconds (--logN 27 -r 1 -p 1 in the example CLI), and one full execution of bcrypt to last 47.5 seconds (rounds=20 and the bcrypt Python library).

          This kind of configuration (ok, not this long, but definitely around 1 second per execution) is very common in things like password managers or full disk encryption.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I am guessing it will just be sharded and hidden throughout the code in areas that get triggered as you play though the game.

      The only real question is if it is quicker to find it in the code or to play though the game. IMO that is all a bit pointless as once it is cracked it will be cracked. All this does is maybe buy a few hours after launch (assuming the game files are not predownloaded before then) at best before all the info is available online. And now they have announced this quite a few will take it as a challenge and I doubt it will really slow anyone down.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    I hope people respect this until parts of the game have been found.

    This is a better reason to encrypt parts of a game than any anti-piracy measure

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Dude is effectively open challenging data-miners. Regardless of how people feel about them, this is going to motivate them to try.

      Even if this one game limits them until things are found, the techniques likely won’t work again as the data miners will then look at how they could have discovered the keys given knowledge of how to find them.

      This is what is meant by it being an arms race.