Just to add to this. Another way could be to find a specific construction. If you could for example find an algorithm that given any even integer returns two primes that add up to it and you showed this algorithm always works. Then that would be a proof of the Goldbach conjecture.
Linux Mint is pretty good, it has a Windows 7 kind of feel to it. Fedora is also nice, it great for tablet, also with touch. Both work pretty well and consistently out of the box.
I understand the Bitwarden not hosted yourself. I’m somewhat of a noob myself and wouldn’t trust myself for it. But Nextcloud seems to me like it’s not too big of an issue if it’s down for a day or two. Do you often work with remote files? I am planing on just using Nextcloud for syncing which can wait.
To me it sounds like that will mean most of them, they just don’t want to commit to saying all because there will always be another distro they missed.
Yeah. “Calories in calories out” is correct in theory but it is an oversimplification. Most people burn a vastly majority of their calories “at rest” by just maintaining their body temperature.