Well…i Believe in reincarnation now. Because Donald Trump is definitely reincarnated Hitler. It’s actually EERY how we are literally repeating the rise of the third Reich, but in modern day and obviously in a different country
Autistic Activist | Wishlist
Keyoxide proof: $argon2id$v=19$m=512,t=256,p=1$UY9q72ElTUWbuOul0W+V8w$BilsaitX/9Xo8FeLJ5Mtil15Pmfi/vb8Fa3IDlVPtD8
Well…i Believe in reincarnation now. Because Donald Trump is definitely reincarnated Hitler. It’s actually EERY how we are literally repeating the rise of the third Reich, but in modern day and obviously in a different country
Russia and human rights. Haha good joke
Threads is just Mastodon, but your data is owned by Facebook.
Mastodon is the best option because it’s decentralized, cannot be owned by a billionaire or a corporation, and if you want you can setup and run your own server (instead of using one of the already existing ones)
take your pick: startpage or brave search
I’d much rather have people looking at harmless fake fictional content (for example, AI-generated content) than looking at content of actual real kid’s being abused. Also, resources (and time) are finite, it’s much better to spend the limited time/resources protecting actual real kids instead of “protecting” fictional characters that don’t even exist
Well that’s disappointing. I was about to spring to their defense about how MAPs/Pedophiles having a sense of community is actually a good thing (see: https://www.thestranger.com/articles/2018/07/20/29453977/online-support-groups-can-keep-pedophiles-from-offending-but-they-keep-getting-shut-down), but I’m not going to spring to their defense if they allow pro-contact views. I only support anti-contact (ie knowing that adult-child sex is wrong). maps
For to do list app I like Todoist
For a Google Keep notes replacement I like Notesnook
yup. 👍 I wanted to include that but I can never remember how to spell it (annoying!)
Why are you calling a child sex abuse prevention organization a “pro-pedophile organization”. Sounds like you don’t give a shit about actually doing something to prevent child sex abuse, you just want to performatively virtue signal (like basically everyone else).
It’s so exhausting that people like you would rather wait until AFTER abuse has occurred and then feel outraged about it, instead of the decent thing of actually preventing abuse before it actually fucking happens.
are you aware you can be sued for defamation for calling people pedos that aren’t pedos? Anyway, 1. not a pedo. 2. I literally don’t support the abuse of children.
deleted by creator
THIS. I don’t care/I don’t mind companies like Apple or Google using this scanning technology for cloud-based storage services like icloud or google cloud or whatever. But I do not want this creepy surveillance shit on my personal device. Because sure, one day they say that it is used for CSAM. It’s not long before it gets expanded to other stuff like climate crisis protesters/activists or LGBTQ+ content (which need I remind you is illegal in some countries!) or other subjects that the government isn’t a fan of.
did you just make an assumption about what I consume? Damn, that makes you look pretty dumb. I don’t drink coffee, btw. I love the smell, never had it or tasted it. The only way caffeine gets into my body is through pop (Dr Pepper, preferably) and I guess chocolate since chocolate has caffeine. But definitely not the absurd levels of caffeine that energy drinks have
good for poland. I have a nickname for “Energy drinks”: Heart attacks in a can. If you want/need caffeine get a coffee or a pop like a normal person.
right? People like to claim to be anti-rape, but then make prison rape jokes. If you make prison rape jokes (or rape jokes in general) you’re not actually anti-rape. Then again, neurotypicals love to claim a lot of things performatively because they only care about making themselves feel good. Nothing else matters to them.
Same. I used to be on ting because it was only $18 a month. No esim support though. I recently switched to tello because now I only have to pay $10/month. Oh and they have esim support. (Also ting’s mobile app appears to be no longer available which was a red flag for me that made me feel like maybe they were getting ready to shut down so I jumped ship
No problem!
stupid apple sheep are gonna be stupid apple sheep, unfortunately.
i’m sorry to tell you but you have swallowed the propaganda from anti-porn/anti-sex work organizations like Exodus Cry and Morality in Media (who now go by the name NCOSE).
Thank God for dns-based ad blocking!