I installed Gemcraft (the newest one) again after completing it ages ago. Having a blast 🙂 Sucks that FPS is limited to 30 though. I have since bought a 144hz monitor
I installed Gemcraft (the newest one) again after completing it ages ago. Having a blast 🙂 Sucks that FPS is limited to 30 though. I have since bought a 144hz monitor
Yes absolutely
Horizon Zero Dawn. The sequel is likely even more beautiful but I haven’t played it yet
Thanks will try that when I come back to it. BG3 should take a while though I’m afraid :)
I quit my xcom2-lwotc run. I guess I didn’t play optimized enough. Enemies keep getting stronger and stronger and my science is too slow to keep up. It got to the point where I could only finish missions with massive save-scumming and now I benched it. In my next attempt I’m gonna be quicker about everything and build up multiple teams right from the start but for now …
I am playing BG3 :D
Master of Orion 3 Played 1 and 2 all the time as a kid with my brother and my father. We were SO hyped that there was going to be a MOO3 and we bought it blind because that’s what you did back then. We were in for a massive disappointment. They had some good intentions to reduce Mikromanagement but we never understood how to really play it. We tried it again after a while but came to the same conclusion
What defined Ego shooters for me wasn’t doom but unreal tournament. Played a lot of it when I was younger. I liked to just mentally check out and play this game on high speed which put me in flow-mode. There wasn’t too much strategy to it. Just know the map, run around and kill stuff with fast reflexes. I was really good at it. Beat all my friends on LAN-parties.
There was ammo but no reloading and that was absolutely fine. Made for some amazing mmmonster-Kills to not have to reload.
My favorite weapon was the flak-Canon with it’s shotgun-style primary attack that suited my jump-around-and-be-on-the-move-constantly Playstyle. The secondary attack was like a grenade and very handy for AOE or when people were following you.
Nowadays I don’t really want to play egoshooters anymore after having worked 8 hours+ on the computer. Stresses me out. Especially multiplayer where I would have to train to be able to keep up.
The exploit in question: You disconnect and transfer non-seasonal items to a seasonal character.
Sounds like a ban worthy exploit to me
That doesn’t make sense to me. Sure, the probability in 3D is gonna get really low. Never 0 though since there is a chance the previously taken steps will be done in reverse. And since we talk about infinity here … the drunk bird should also find home.
I remember giving out bounties and the heroes sometimes ignoring them :D
Thanks for the evaluation gonna check it out :)
Wow haven’t heard about that game in quite some time. Awesome game but can be frustrating as well when heroes don’t do what you want them to.
Edit Oh wow didn’t know there is a sequel to the original :) is it good?
XCOM 2: long war of the chosen (lwotc). Have heard about long war every now and again and finally decided to try it out. Gotta say it’s pretty hard but I am starting to get the hang of it
Gemcraft Frostborn wrath. It’s a very well done tower defense with a huge amount of levels and nice meta progression system.