gee here is a novel idea, dont let children have access to social media. that would solve a lot of other problems also
gee here is a novel idea, dont let children have access to social media. that would solve a lot of other problems also
as someone that struggles with mental health, i am always on the the lookout for new tools to add to my collection. this one, lomg pause, this one hit really hard and very deep.
ive heard the forgiveness strategy put many different ways. this is simple and to the point. thank you
i set a couple alarms at different times. they are labeled self check-in, did you eat, & take a shower. each of those sometimes only takes 30 seconds, some 30 minutes or more. each time it is an act of mindfulness
someone asked me a few months ago about my audible collection. i currently have 361 titles that i have collected since 2016. which isnt to alarming. then they asked how many are unread. i counted at least 72 titles that i have started and never finished.
then there is the physical book collection with, i dont know how many i have started and not finished
getting Dark Tower by Stephen King vibes. the world has moved on
goblin.tools it doesnt have an app but you can create a shortcut on your homepage. it can break down tasks to the most simple or keep it general
this is a great idea for mark rober
this probably happened upon entering or exiting pit lane. he probably missed judge the timing
that is one of those things that i never forgot from elementary math. right term is a greater than or less than symbol. as i was taught, pacman always eats the bigger number
indiana, usa
the almost cultish consumption of coca cola. in northern indiana we have a fair amount of “authentic” and “american” mexican restaurants. almost all of them serve coca cola in a glass bottle from mexico. it tastes so much better than the plastic bottle/can american coca cola
this is something random my wife would say to me to see my very logical brain explode
my first smartphone was an lg optimus s. that thing saw more toilet time than my butt. i lost track of how many times i dropped it in the toilet. it went in a lake a few times, also. it was a beast
thank you for the help. i will check them out
i recently heard a story about parents that ran over their kid. they did a bunch of petitions to mandate backup cameras. i couldnt quickly find anything to back this up though
depending on you weather preferences Radar Now is a great weather radar app. ive used it for years
im so new to lemme im not sure how to do that. ive been exploring trying to find communities to join so i havent gone through the whole “welcome refugees” post yet
the hold in your hand clicky clack math rocks
sorry about that. changed it, will do better in the future
my first thought was laser eyes. i pop in to see the comments and this is a way better answer