Its not a conflation, but a direct line. I watched it happen. What was /r/TheDonald became the foundation of truth social and all these other white nationalist reddit style mediums. It normalized the kind of populism which Trumps base embraced, particularly for young white males, who have since, taken it much further. I’m very convinced it got tilted in the way that it did by a disinformation campaign by a state actor.
I just shitposted into one and got countered surprisingly witty. Yeah. A lot of those are Satire communities, at least atm.
Pretty sure r/TheDonald started as a satire community and it evolved into one of the largest white nationalist movements the world has ever seen.
I joined Reddit during the digg exodus. Before digg I was into fark and before fark, something awful.
It’s good that things die. it’s where new mediums come from. It also keeps the power with the user. It’s an important part of the internet life cycle.
Such a weird concept to think of when it comes to something like Twitter.
I don’t think twitters value was ever reflected in a share price. It’s value was always to move and away opinions, which is far more difficult to put a value on. I know there is plenty of whining happening on Twitter, but as far as I can tell, there hasn’t been a truly mass exodus. As long as users are using the platform it’s value remains unchanged.
The saudis didn’t buy it because they think Elon is reapply smart. they bought it because in some way they think it gives them the ability to leverage or move public opinion. As long as we give it out eyes, it stays valuable.
Huh. and i thought it was named after the guy from motorhead
Wow that is excellent.