I like lemmings but it might be a bit derogatory. Even with that I still think it’s better than ‘redditors’, which always sounded/looked goofy to me.
Any ideas? What do we call Lemmy users?
My current vote is for lemmings. I think it’s cute.
This is the way
I think Lemmings is great because it’s not something any PR team would approve of. It feels completely unincorporated.
The suicidal overtone is a huge turnoff for me.
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This is the way
If it makes you feel better, lemmings don’t actually commit suicide like you’re imagining and Disney made it all up. They basically threw lemmings off a cliff to get the footage they wanted.
I saw someone suggest lemons lol
Given the rodent theming, lemmings is appropriate. It’s also slightly self-deprecating, which is a plus when it comes to community monikers.
Most of the people migrating from Reddit wouldn’t have much of a problem with self-depreciation.
That’s maybe right haha
More poetic themes via Wikipedia “Lemmings also appear in Arthur C. Clarke’s 1953 short story “The Possessed”, where their suicidal urges are attributed to the lingering consciousness of an alien group mind, which had inhabited the species in the prehistoric past.”
The past mascot was an alien
Huh. and i thought it was named after the guy from motorhead
I agree with everyone here on this, Lemmings is appropriate. Especially since most of the community likes it, I think choosing something that the community vibes with is important.
My gosh, I hate “lemmings” because of the connotation that we’re just here because everyone else is.
But you’re right. A term that folks can generally vibe with is really important.
Hear me out: *points to username*
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be beetlejuicing here all week. *bows to the audience*
@fomo_erotic @Atemu Even through @miv403 decided to downvote your Lemmy comment - I do agree with that version. It sounds so soft 😊
The Lemon Party. 😉
As Lemmings was one of my favourite games growing up, that’s also gets my vote.
lemmites like how the users of luddy were called luddites
Lemmings of course. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Yes, if we’re lemmings surely we should be running on the wheel.
Don’t know why but I actually like “Lemons”
Not a fan of lemmings, since everything we know about them in popular culture is incorrect - they don’t commit mass suicide - and is suicide really the image we want for ourselves? @Lemminary has the right idea.
I didn’t think that about lemmings
It’s a myth popularized by Walt Disney in a documentary where they made the claim and dumped a bunch of lemmings off a cliff into the sea to prove they did just that.