Yeah their lawyer would have a fuckin stroke if they saw just that one sentence now federated out for posterity.
Yeah their lawyer would have a fuckin stroke if they saw just that one sentence now federated out for posterity.
Then you don’t understand copyright case history. Safe harbor doesn’t protect you near as much as you think when it’s a clear pattern on the server especially when it’s majority use case.
You’re likely on the hook for several million in copyright lawsuit from rights holders and there’s no warning step they just come down on you one day when the prime function of your service is to infringe. They are not required to go through the dmca process if you’re the target of the suit. Why do you think contentid and similar systems exist? If you aren’t actually trying to keep your service clean of infringing content then you’re going to get curb stomped if you can’t show significant and majority noninfringing use case and that’s not counting the long drawn expensive out legal fight you’d have to make to even try that. Go ask a competent lawyer in the field and they’re not going to give you a rosy picture.
What about this is a bannable offense? The demands for content seem warnable but overall this seems like some serious power abuse.
None of the above justified a purge of all their posts/comments.
Well one side presented evidence, the other side banned them, deleted it, and said it was bad form, then made a post about their commitment to some transparency.
If you think cloudflare wouldnt drop them in a heartbeat over content violations then welcome to the internet I guess?
Regardless, I’m not doing this here nor elaborating further. I will delete your bot account as that is what you have expressed.
Transparency. Lol.
It takes all of 2 seconds without any Google search to identify where a public facing service is. This is just embarrassing.
deleted by creator
It’s absolutely trivial to determine who is hosting you. This is pretty bad as far as justifications go.
I think all the people that want questionable content legally hosted to do it their damn selves and learn the consequences of that choice or shut the hell up.
If clients can’t handle this seamlessly then the federated concept as a whole is dead on arrival anyway.
This is overkill, just don’t host anything you aren’t comfortable with, and let people go make their own for anything you aren’t. That’s the entire point of defederated design. Ignore the idiots who think this is reddit and are screaming about censorship and let them go deal with the headaches involved by making their own places. Signed a fellow sys admin of many years who actually knows what this is like.
there is no reason to feel pressure to host a community you don’t want to. That’s the entire point of defederation. They’re free to go host their own somewhere else, and you’re preventing a lot of issues with the current federation states by not lowering your own bar of obscenity / legal / censor risk past where you’re comfortable.
except this isn’t reddit. thats the entire point of defederated design, they can go make one and not cause a lot of problems for this one, not to mention that the admin doesn’t want to deal with it.
let me say it again, this is not reddit, there is no reason to force a fed to host something they don’t want to just go host it elsewhere.
To be explicit about it: this is how you lose the obscenity test and tank the entire community.
That’s the law on the production side. It just shows they’ve got someone knowledgeable from running a porn site, but not an untrusted content host. Try not to be harsh on that it’s an easy mistake to make.