Palestine can be anywhere. It doesn’t have to be on top of the Byzantine Empire territory. The land clearly belongs to Italy.
Palestine can be anywhere. It doesn’t have to be on top of the Byzantine Empire territory. The land clearly belongs to Italy.
It’s really funny. All those power phrases and one-upmanship games played by Trumpetts are like people who roll coal or drive loud muscle cars - people waving around their tiny-dick-insecurity energy for everyone to see, somehow convinced they’re hiding anything.
Or all those conservatives obsessed with which consenting adult another consenting adult is sleeping with. Though there I’m pretty sure it’s just repressed jealousy because I can’t imagine giving that much of a fuck about an issue that I wasn’t deeply personally invested in.
People say this all the time, but I search prolifically and have literally never had to do this to get a relevant result top 4.
What are you guys doing, using full sentences with puffery like you’re talking to the Enterprise or something?
As an elected government, it’s a synonym for “most of Palestine”. AFAIK it’s direct representation with no gerrymandering fuckery like the states to make it only questionably true.
Arguable. The stories have him talk about the right price and your rights with slaves, and as commonly understood “not one jot or tittle” would directly conflict with “let he who…”, unless the second is an edict (“hey, you, sinless one, go chuck a rock at them and bludgeon then go death”).
Where the bible isn’t monstrous, it’s at best inconsistent.
Definitely betting one life vs. maybe betting several. It’s a version of the trolley problem. There isn’t a right answer, unfortunately - though I personally would move the kid to professional full time psychiatric care in a “hope for the best, plan for the worst” sort of thing. Especially since I don’t think kids are inherently more valuable than adults.
I’m almost there.
I also live in the Bay Area. My rent is locally cheap but nationally very high. My wife has a chronic illness and an unrelated acute issue that recently required surgery. She can barely work. Until this most recent surgery I was keeping ahead, but expenses are up and income is down and that’s not true anymore.
I have good health insurance but there’s a lot more to medical costs than just doctors, and to partially manage her daily quality of life it’s not weird to cook her three different dinners and she can only stomach one. This explodes our meal budget.
We’re childfree but one of our dogs recently also got diagnosed with chronic illness. They are our kids, full stop.
Shit happens. Don’t be a dick about it.