I heard something new that realy makes you wander. If the earth is rotating as they say than how airplanes can go in straight line? If earth is moving under them they should land way off the desired destinacion… 😮 They are not connected to the earth so rotacion shouldnt apply to them, it applyes only to cars and runing animals but not on airplains and bierds… Also when you jump from baloon that is wery high up, you shouldnt fall straight down, if the earth is rotating it should move under you and you could newer fall on the same spot that you jumped over… 🫢

I cant beleave this newer came to my mind for entire life… 😵

  • @vastard
    23 days ago

    Two concepts: gravity and momentum.

    Gravity pulls mass towards the centre of the earth whether they are physically touching the ground or not. This is the reason when you jump you come back down and don’t just float off into the sky. This also is important for things like planetary atmosphere so the air around the planet doesn’t just diffuse into space.

    Though you are jumping straight up and down from your perspective, relative to the planet your jump matches the constant rotation speed of the earth. Momentum states that objects in motion prefer to stay in motion unless met with an opposing force. So you land with the same rotation as you started. You can test this by tossing a small object in a moving car as you brake: it will continue forward as you decelerate.

    Disclaimer: not a physicist, I just love Bill Nye and other science video presenters.